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First Due: A Tactical- Decision Game By Richard Llewellyn.

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Presentation on theme: "First Due: A Tactical- Decision Game By Richard Llewellyn."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Due: A Tactical- Decision Game By Richard Llewellyn

2 First Due: A Tactical-Decision Game
A Computer Simulation Game Players Develop Critical Decision Making Skills The Game Uses Readily Available Technology Screen Shot Using Google Maps

3 Instructional Objectives and Alignment
Game Element The student will recognize and categorize the major problems of a fire scene The realistic 3D building models and fire behavior will allow the student to visually identify these elements. The student will identify and implement an appropriate strategic mode for a scenario The visual elements and the after action review portion will allow the student to develop a situational awareness and discuss the significance of those findings with an experienced facilitator. The student will identify when more resources are needed and track assigned resources Students will initially be dispatched with agency specific numbers and types of resources. The must match the numbers of resources with the necessary tactical objectives and identify when more resources are necessary. Students will use agency specific incident management tools to track resources. The student will rapidly and effectively communicate tactical assignments Students will speak to the facilitator over the radio and will have the opportunity to communicate engage in two-way communication. The student will gain familiarity with local buildings and develop an understanding of potential fire behavior in those buildings This simulation program utilizes building model that are specific to the local jurisdiction in combination with a software physics engine that incorporates accurate fire behavior modeling.

4 Different Levels of Learners
The Simulation is Scalable Challenges for learners of any level

5 Learning Environment Simulation will occur under the control of a trained facilitator Uses PC computers and VOIP technology to simulate radio traffic.

6 Object of Simulation Identify Problems Mitigate Problems
After Action Review to stimulate metacognition

7 Design Details Uses readily available fire modeling software
3D modeling of actual buildings Google Maps Street Level viewer

8 Competing Products Fire Studio 4.1 Command Sim Fire

9 References Books & Journals
Gredler, M. E. (2003). Games and simulations and their relationship to learning. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (pp ). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Klein, G. (1999). Sources of power: How people make decisions. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control. (1973). America burning: The report of the National Commission on Fire Commission and Control. Washington, DC: Author. Electronic

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