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Spreadsheet revision.

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Presentation on theme: "Spreadsheet revision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spreadsheet revision

2 Changing defaults and preferences
By default (i.e. unless you tell it otherwise) Excel saves your documents in a folder called My Documents. Click the Office button, and then click Excel Options. The saving preferences are located on the Save tab.

3 Here you can change the default folder for opening and saving files.

4 Getting help To search the Microsoft Office Excel Help, click on the question mark button at the top right of the screen.

5 Inserting rows/columns
Right click on the row header and choose the insert option or locate the insert option from the Home tab of the ribbon.

6 Brackets, multiply/divide, add/subtract
Using formulae Follows similar BODMAS rules that you use in maths: Brackets, multiply/divide, add/subtract () * / + -

7 Selecting cells Click on single cells to select them.
Click and drag to select a range of cells or hold the shift key while you select the last cell in the block. Click a row or column header to select either a row or a column. Click the intersection of the rows/columns to select all cells in the worksheet. Select non-adjacent cells by holding down the Ctrl key.

8 Formatting cell contents
Bold Italic Underline Double Underline

9 Inserting a border Select the cells that you want to add a border to.
Click the arrow to the right of the border tool and select the type of border you want. Click the right hand side of the Border button again and select More Borders to change the line colour and select which borders you want.

10 Entering formulae Always start with an equals sign (=)
This tells Excel that you are about to enter a formula. When you enter a formula it will appear in the formula bar. Remember by using formulae, if the numbers change the totals will be recalculated automatically.

11 Standard error values and correction actions
If you try to make Excel do a formula it cannot calculate, for example, using a non-numeric value, the error #VALUE! will appear. Another error will occur if you if you try and divide a number by zero - #DIV/0! When you divide anything by zero it is infinity so Excel shows the error. Use the undo/redo buttons on the quick access toolbar to undo or redo an action.

12 Tip: A space is text (non-numeric) even though it is invisible
Tip: A space is text (non-numeric) even though it is invisible! Tip: Some other standard error values: ##### This indicates that the cell contents cannot be displayed because the column is too narrow. #NAME? This is displayed if Excel does not recognise the text in a formula. #NUM! This is displayed if invalid numeric values are used in a formula. #REF! This is displayed if a cell referred to in a formula has been deleted.

13 Formatting numbers Text in a cell is left-justified.
Numeric data is right-justified. Numbers can be formatted in several ways. An example is to include a comma to indicate thousands. Right click the cell selection and choose Format Cells to open the dialogue box.

14 These buttons can also be used for the same functions
Choose the Number tab and make sure that Number has been selected from the category list. Click the checkbox Use 1000 Separator (,). Click OK Try entering a value greater than 1000 to see how it is displayed. The number group on the Home ribbon will allow you to do the same. These buttons can also be used for the same functions

15 Formatting decimals You may be asked to format decimal places. For example, values entered as 3.0 could be shortened to 3 or lengthened to 3.00. Use the Increase Decimal button to display two decimal places (Decrease Decimal will have the opposite effect).

16 Summing columns of numbers
Click cell below the column of numbers to make it the active cell (or at the end of a row of numbers you want to add together). Click on the AutoSum button Excel will guess what you want to add up. Always check that the numbers to be added together are the ones that are selected. You can also type directly into the cell =SUM()

17 Selecting and renaming worksheets
Select the different worksheets by clicking the worksheet tabs. Right-click Sheet 1. Select Rename and type the name that you want. Delete a sheet by right-clicking and selecting Delete. To insert a new worksheet, click the insert worksheet tab.

18 The same functions can be performed using the Cells group on the home tab.
Try these out for yourself.

19 Moving and copying a worksheet
Drag and drop. To copy a sheet, press the Ctrl key as you drag. A + sign will appear with the pointer to show that you are copying the sheet. Try these out. The Format option in the Cells group on the Home ribbon will give you the same options.

20 Wrap text Wrapping text means you want your text to appear on multiple lines, rather than one long line of text. This allows you to keep the column width to a manageable size and consistent throughout your spreadsheet.  You will use the Home ribbon and Wrap Text in the Alignment group.

21 What is a function? A function pre-defined formula used in a calculation. Excel provides over 300 but you will only be using a few of them. You will need to know these functions (home ribbon, Editing group):

22 The AVERAGE function Click the cell at the end of the range you wish to find the average of, then click the arrow to the right of the AutoSum button (Editing group on the Home tab). Select Average from the list. Excel will try to guess what cells you want to use but this is wrong! Make sure that the cell range is correct! You can also type directly into the cell =AVERAGE().

23 The MAX and MIN functions
Click the cell at the end of the range you wish to find the maximum of (highest value), then click the arrow to the right of the AutoSum button (Editing group on the Home tab). Select Max from the list. You can use the Min function to find the minimum value (lowest value) of a range of cells in the same way. You can also type directly into the cell =MAX() or =MIN().

24 The COUNT function Click the cell at the end of the range you wish to count, then click the arrow to the right of the AutoSum button (Editing group on the Home tab). Select Count Numbers from the list. Excel will only count the cells that contain a number. The function =COUNTA() will count the number of cells that are not empty (useful for counting cells containint non-numeric characters).

25 The ROUND function The ROUND function rounds the value of the cell for you. The function will begin =ROUND. Example =ROUND(A1,0). This means that the value has been rounded to a whole number (0 decimal places).

26 Copying data between sheets
Select the cells you want to copy. Click Copy in the clipboard. Click the worksheet tab that you want to copy to. Click the cell first cell of the range that you want to copy to to make it the active cell. Paste the data into this cell and widen the columns so that the data is clear.

27 Freezing row and column titles
When you are working on a large spreadsheet, it is useful to be able to ‘freeze’ row or column titles so that wherever you scroll, you can see them.

28 Freezing row and column titles
When you are working on a large spreadsheet, it is useful to be able to ‘freeze’ row or column titles so that wherever you scroll, you can see them. Let’s assume that we are going to freeze row 1 to 3 and columns A and B. Click on cell C4. On the View ribbon, select Freeze Panes in the Window group. When you scroll across or down the titles and names do not move.

29 Switching between open workbooks
If you have two or more workbooks open, you can switch between them by selecting the View ribbon and Switch Windows in the Window group (you can also use the taskbar buttons at the bottom of the desktop).

30 Saving as a different file type
The Excel default saves a workbook as a .xlsx file Saving in text format makes it easier to import into other spreadsheet applications, databases or operating systems. You can also save in formats used by earlier versions of Excel. Saving as a template lets you create a file that will keep the consistency of design or layout.

31 How to save in a different format
Click the Office button and select Save As. In the Save as type section, click the arrow to the right of the pane and select which format you want to save your worksheet as.

32 Sorting data Select the range of cells you want to sort (or click on the column you want to sort) Click the Sort A to Z button in the Sort & Filter group on the Data ribbon. The rows can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Deselect the cells by clicking anywhere on the worksheet.

33 Drawing a bar chart You may be asked to create a vertical bar chart to show this data. Excel calls this type of chart a Column chart. Highlight the range of cells containing the data for the chart. Click the Column button in the Charts group on the Insert ribbon to display a gallery of options. Click the Clustered Column option in the 2-D Column group (the first option).

34 Adding a chart title Make sure the chart is selected. When you do this, the Chart Tools Layout ribbon appears. Click the Layout tab. Click the Chart title button in the Labels group and chose Above Chart from the menu. Enter and appropriate title.

35 Moving, sizing and deleting a chart
Click the edge of the chart and move it so that the data can be seen. Hold the Shift key when re-sizing so that it doesn’t distort.

36 Moving a chart to another sheet
By clicking the move chart button, you can change its location.

37 Adding axis titles Select the chart.
Click the Chart Tools Layout ribbon tab. Click the Axis Titles button in the Labels group. Choose Primary Vertical Axis from the menu that appears, then choose Rotated Title from the sub-menu. Type an appropriate axis title. Add a title to the horizontal axis in the same way.

38 Formatting Right-click the y-axis label to display the formatting toolbar. You can use these buttons to change the font size, text colour and other attributes.

39 Changing colours Background colour: Right-click the plot area.
Choose Format Plot Area. Choose a suitable colour.

40 Changing colours Data series: Right-click the data series.
Choose Format Data Series. You can reset the colour by clicking on the Fill option.

41 Select the range of cells containing the data for the pie chart.
Click the Pie button in the Charts group on the Insert ribbon (could be referred to as the Chart Wizard). Click the 2-D Pie option. Add an appropriate title.

42 Adding labels With the chart selected, click anywhere in the circle.
Right-click and select Add Data Labels... Right-click the circle again and select Format Data Labels... Select Label Options Deselect Value and Show Leader Lines and select Category Name and Percentage. You can now delete the Legend.

43 Changing the chart type
You can easily change the chart type, even after you have created it. Right-click the Chart Area and select Change Chart Type. This should appear: All you need to do is select another type of chart. Change it to a Line chart with markers. Does the data make sense in the chart you have chosen?

44 Types of cell referencing
There are two different ways of referencing a particular cell in a formula: relative and absolute. Relative cell referencing: This is the default setting in Excel. In this example, =A1 has been entered into cell B4. When it is copied to cell C4 the formula becomes =B1, because B1 is the cell 3 above and 1 to the left of cell C4!

45 Absolute cell referencing
This is used when you always want to refer to the same cell. What has happened in this example?

46 What happened?

47 Excel has automatically used relative cell referencing.
We need to use an absolute cell reference as the formula need to always refer to cell B2, where the exchange rate is. B2 must be made an absolute cell reference. The formula needs to be changed to =C6/$B$2 and copied down to cell D12. This will now always refer to the value in B2. This is how it works:

48 For absolute cell referencing, all you need to do is add a $ symbol in front of the column letter AND row number. You can put the symbol in front of the column only, but this will mean that when you copy a formula, only the column part of the formula will be kept constant. This is called mixed cell referencing.

49 Tip: If you want to check for formula errors, click the error checking button in the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas ribbon.

50 Calculating a percentage
Select the range of cells you want to display as a percentage and click the Percent Style button in the Number group on the Home ribbon.

51 The currency format Monetary values look better if the prices were displayed with currency symbols. Select the range of cells that needs to be displayed as currency then right-click to bring up the shortcut menu. Select Format cells... Select the Number tab and Currency from the Category: list. Set the decimal places as required.

52 Excel should choose the £ symbol by default.
To change to other symbols, click the down arrow and choose the required symbol.

53 Merge and centre cell contents
Select the cells to be merged. Click the Merge & Center button. Adding a date field A quick way to enter today’s date is to press Ctrl+; together. Alternatively, you can type a date (separated with either hyphens or forward slashes) Right-click in the date field and select Format Cells...

54 Excel has already guessed that you want the Date category
Excel has already guessed that you want the Date category. Pick a Type: from the right-hand list. You may need to widen the column to display the whole date. Make sure that this displays English (United Kingdom) as some countries express dates in different formats.

55 Wrapping cell content Select the cell and click the Wrap Text button in the Alignment group on the Home ribbon. You may need to resize the column so that it is too small to fit all of the words on one line. If the row height does not automatically adjust, increase it by clicking and dragging between the row headers.

56 Finding a cell that contains a particular word or value
Click Find & Select in the Editing group on the Home tab. Select Find... and type the word or value in the Find what... box. Click the Find Next button. Excel will indicate the cells which contain what you have typed.

57 Replacing a word or value
If you have spelt a name wrongly or wish to change it, it is useful to find and replace each instance of the word in one go. Click Find & Select in the Editing group on the Home tab. Select the Replace... option on the menu to display the Find and Replace dialogue box on the Replace tab.

58 Check that what you are finding is still showing in the Find what: box, and type what you are replacing it with in the Replace with: box. Click the Replace All button. Click OK. You will notice that Excel tells you how many replacements it has made.

59 Adding headers and footers
Open the Page Setup dialogue box. Select the Header/Footer tab. Click Custom Header or footer.

60 Adding headers and footers
Type a header into the required section.

61 Adding headers and footers
If you need to format the text, select the text and click the Format Text button.

62 In the header/footer you can add a variety of other things:
You will need to add spaces, commas and the word ‘of’ as shown in the example.

An IF statement is defined as a function which “checks whether a condition is met, returns one value if True and another value if False”. In plain simple English an IF function is an instruction that checks any condition, if the condition is found to be TRUE then it returns a predefined value however if the condition is False, it returns a different predefined value. Example: We want “Pass” or “Fail” in cell D2 depending on whether Brian’s mark in cell C2 is greater than or equal to 75. LOGICAL TEST TRUE VALUE FALSE VALUE =IF(C2>=75,"Pass","Fail")

64 Creating an IF statement
IF statements can be typed directly into a cell or you can use the Insert Function button. Click on the Insert Function to the left of the formula bar.

65 The Insert Function dialogue box is displayed
The Insert Function dialogue box is displayed. Select IF from the Select a function: list. If you cannot see it in the list, change the category to Logical. Click OK.

66 The Function Arguments dialogue box is displayed
The Function Arguments dialogue box is displayed. Each of the three IF fields must be completed: Click OK

67 Changing the background fill colour:
Select the cell(s), click the down-arrow on the Fill Color button in the Font group on the Home ribbon, select a colour.

68 Aligning cell content You can set where the text appears in a cell – left, right, top, bottom or centre. Use the Align Right, Align Left and Centre buttons and the Top, Middle and Bottom buttons in the Alignment group on the Home ribbon. You can also use the Format Cells dialogue box, which allows more options (e.g. slanting).

69 Cell content orientation
Right-click the cell and select Format Cells… from the shortcut menu. Select the Alignment tab on the Format Cell dialogue box. Change the orientation of the text by dragging the red dot on the Orientation dial. Click OK.

70 Printing Click the Office button and select Print.
Will only print the cells that are selected Number of copies Will print all the sheets in a workbook Will print the active sheet

71 To print only a chart on a worksheet:
Select the chart you want to print. Open the Print dialogue box. The Selected chart option in the Print what section is automatically selected. Click OK.

72 Printing row and column headings
Expand the Page Setup to display the Page Setup dialogue box. Select Row and column headings from the Print section

73 Printing title rows and columns
If you have a very large worksheet that spans several pages, it is useful to have the title printed on all the pages. Open the Page Setup dialogue box. Click the Sheet tab. In the Print area type A1:K80, or you can select the cells by clicking on the icon to the right of the Print area: . The dialogue box will collapse to allow you to drag out the area that you want to print. When the print area has been chosen, expand the box again. In the Rows to repeat at the top in the Print titles section, select Row 1 by using the collapse/expand button (or type $1:$1 into the box).

74 Fitting contents onto a specific number of pages
It is sometimes convenient to try and fit all of the data onto one page or a specific number of pages for printing purposes. Open the Page Setup dialogue box. Click the Page tab. Click the Fit to: option in the Scaling section and set the other options as 1 page wide by 1 page tall. Check the Print Preview to see how the page will look when printed.

75 Hiding/unhiding gridlines on printouts
Excel automatically prints without gridlines, but sometimes it can be useful to see them on paper. Open the Page Setup dialogue box. Click the Sheet tab. Click the Gridlines box in the Print section (it can be deselected in the same way). Check the Print Preview to see how the page will look when printed.

76 Paper orientation and size
Orientation and Paper size can be selected from the Page Setup dialogue box or from the Page Setup group on the Page Layout ribbon. Open the Page Setup dialogue box. Click the Page tab. Choose the required orientation the Orientation: section. Choose the required paper size from the Paper Size: section.

77 Changing the margins Open the Page Setup dialogue box.
Click the Margins tab. Select the margin arrangement you want from the lists displayed on the menu. This section also allows you to Center on page Horizontally and/or Vertically.

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