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S. Felix Wu, UC Davis Background Interests w.r.t. QoE Perspectives

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Presentation on theme: "S. Felix Wu, UC Davis Background Interests w.r.t. QoE Perspectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 S. Felix Wu, UC Davis Background Interests w.r.t. QoE Perspectives
NM, BGP, Security, OSN  Social Sciences Interests w.r.t. QoE Communication Network versus Social Interference, reflection of QoE/QoL differenciation Impact, Social Interactions, Journalism/Communication models, Social Intelligence Perspectives Link the impacts (individual person and/or communities) to the service via the social layer Achieve/manage QoE within the social layer

2 Interference between Network and Social Layers a communication network QoE perspective
S. Felix Wu University of California, Davis, USA 8/8/16 SINCERE

3 Questions Was the worse/better QoE due to the network service provided or something else? Special events, social/cultural/behavioral, expectation and awareness Can we inform or influence the community better (and in real-time) regarding the expectation? Expectation, awareness, differentiation

4 Perspectives Link the impacts (individual person and/or communities) to the service via the social layer Achieve/manage QoE within the social layer

5 Syrian Internet Blackout
November 29, 2012 AS29386, AS29256 AS3491 AS6453 AS6762 AS29256 AS29386

6 { "timestamp": " T10:29:58", "type": "A", "attrs": { "source_id": " ", "path": [15605,12874,3303,1299,701,3491,29386,29386,29386,29386,29386,29386], "community": [], "target_prefix": " /18” } }, "timestamp": " T14:32:09", "type": "A", "source_id": " ", "path": [16735,3549,3491,29386,29386,29386,29386,29386,29386], "community": ["16735:3", "16735:6011"], "target_prefix": " /18”}

7 Interference between two Layers
Network vs. Social Layers What can we say about the “social impact” of the Syrian Internet outage in 2012?

8 Social Interactions 8/8/16 SINCERE 8

9 8/8/16 SINCERE

10 Psychological Linguistics
We cannot easily tell whether the emotion dynamics was due to the target service or something else (deeper and broader)?

11 107 millions of POSTs 1.9 billions of Comments
32 billions of Likes and Reactions 5.2 billions of User identifiers Primary and application scoped IDs

12 Syrian Internet Outage
User AF1, Damascus 10/1/2012~2/28/2013 Syrian Internet Outage Possible sleep time for AF1 # of comments by AF1 per day

13 Syrian Internet Outage
شبكة أخبار الثورة السورية في أحياء دمشق Page ID: Syrian Internet Outage Still crawling

14 Anomalous user ID sleeping



17 Timing Analysis Users being affected together at the network layer
Users/communities being affected indirectly from the social interaction layer Key participants missing due to the network layer services Alignment between BGP ASes and FB communities

18 10772 comments, 16567 likes from 5604 individual users
Duration or life time of a post? {"id” : " _ ", "from” : {"name” : "Fox News", "category” : "Media news publishing”, "id” : " "}, "message” : "Breaking News: The White House releases President Obama's long-form birth certificate. Obama to comment at 9:45a ET -- Watch live on Fox News Channel.", "actions” : [{"name” : "Comment", "link” : " "created_time” : " T13:07: ", "updated_time” : " T01:34: ", "likes” : {"data":[…],"count":2052}, "comments”: 10772 comments, likes from 5604 individual users 8/8/16 SINCERE

19 #Users #Comments/Messages 8/8/16 SINCERE

20 #Users #Comments/Messages 8/8/16 SINCERE

21 #Users #Comments/Messages 8/8/16 SINCERE

22 8/8/16 SINCERE 22

23 Example of Communication Theory Information Cascade
Decision Information Decisions from Observable Others earlier Cascade Ignoring local/private information and relying on the observable/public decisions (by others). Fragility of cascades on new (public) information 8/8/16 SINCERE

24 8/8/16 SINCERE

25 Up Cascade No Cascade Down Cascade 8/8/16 SINCERE

26 Cascade  Prediction 4th Comment – Transition Point (OWS) 8/8/16

27 Timing Analysis

28 8/8/16 SINCERE

29 8/8/16 SINCERE

30 8/8/16 SINCERE

31 8/8/16 SINCERE

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33 Syrian Internet Outage

34 Pay attention to connections inside groups.
Neutrals are not born to be on the “neutral” position. They are influenced by others as time goes on. Pay attention to connections inside groups. 3h after the topic is posted. 70 comments received. 8/8/16 SINCERE

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