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Poetry Notes.

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1 Poetry Notes

2 Poetry is one of three major styles of writing
Poetry is one of three major styles of writing. It contains stanzas, rhythm, and rhyme. It is also emotionally charged.

3 Alliteration is the repetition of beginning consonant sounds.
P. 137 “Thumbprint”

4 Allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art.

5 A ballad is a song like poem that tells a story, often dealing with adventure or romance.
P. 630 “The Highwayman”

6 Blank verse is poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.

7 Concrete poem is one in which the shape suggests the subject written about.
P. 588 “Seal”

8 Flashback is a section of literary work that interrupts the sequence of events to relate to another event from an earlier time.

9 Free verse is poetry not written in a regular rhythmical pattern, or meter.

10 Haiku is a three-lined Japanese poem about nature
Haiku is a three-lined Japanese poem about nature. The first and third lines have five syllables and the second line has seven. P. 596 “Three Haiku”

11 Limerick is a short, humorous poem in highly musical verse.

12 The meter of a poem is its rhythmical pattern that is determined by the number of stresses, or beats, in each line.

13 A narrative poem is a story told in verse.
P. 542 “The Cremation of Sam McGee”

14 Onomatopoeia is the use of words that imitate sound.

15 Refrain is a repeated line or group of lines in a poem.
P. 668 “Annabel Lee”

16 Rhyme is the repetition of sounds at the ends of words.

17 Rhyme scheme is a regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem, indicated by lower case letters.

18 Example of Rhyme Scheme
I have to live with myself and so I want to be fit for myself to know. I want to be able as days go by Always to look myself straight in the eye. I don’t want to stand with the setting sun And hate myself for the things I’ve done.

19 I have to live with myself and so a
I want to be fit for myself to know a I want to be able as days go by b Always to look myself straight in the eye b I don’t want to stand with the setting sun c And hate myself for the things I’ve done c aabbcc

20 Rhyme Scheme continued
Under a spreading chestnut tree, The village smithy stands. The smith a mighty man is he With large and sinewy hands.

21 Under a spreading chestnut tree, a The village smithy stands
Under a spreading chestnut tree, a The village smithy stands. b The smith a mighty man is he a With large and sinewy hands. b abab

22 Stanza is a formal division of lines in a poem, considered a unit.

23 Diamante is a diamond shaped poem containing seven lines
Diamante is a diamond shaped poem containing seven lines. It compares and contrasts between two things.

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