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Why conservation matters

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1 promoting collaborative research on biodiversity conservation and its impacts

2 Why conservation matters
Addressing climate change Maintaining human & animal health Ensuring food production & security Forests contain 50% of the world’s terrestrial carbon stocks One-third of humanity’s food crops depend on natural pollination Why conservation matters 80% of US prescription drugs are based on natural sources Fuel wood provides the primary energy for 2.6 billion people Nature inspires art, music, literature and spiritual experience in all human societies Shaping culture and society Most of the world’s poor depend on natural ecosystems for their livelihoods Delivering energy Alleviating poverty


4 What makes Cambridge conservation special?
The University is a globally recognised leader in research and teaching - conservation is one of its Strategic Research Initiatives. The city is home to the largest conservation cluster in the world. A unique collaboration across disciplines and organisations. Cambridge’s convening power and influence on government, business & civil society.

5 UCCRI works across all six of the academic schools at the University of Cambridge

6 “There are few things more important in the world today than what you are doing here”
Sir David Attenborough

7 Vision & Mission: To create an interdisciplinary environment for research on biodiversity conservation and the social context within which humans engage with nature

8 To improve understanding of natural and human systems
To foster research collaboration To create future leaders in conservation To provide a high quality research environment To help research to have impact

9 https://www. youtube. com/playlist

10 Arts and Humanities – communicating and raising awareness
Both scientists and artist work with a common aim – to be heard and understood. Whether it is data or a painting, a GIS map or a poem, they are there because they are the result of someone wishing to communicate. Leverhulme Artist in Residence: Toby Smith

11 Knowledge and Expertise
Conservation Evidence; how science and policy interface; (big) data and their uses; diverse knowledge traditions Conservation across protected and productive landscapes Feeding the planet without costing the Earth; Integrated Landscape Management for the delivery of multiple services to humanity Biodiversity’s Role in the Future Earth The history and future of conservation in a rapidly changing planet The Values of Nature Reflecting what nature gives us for free in better decisions for people and the planet; redefining prosperity and wealth to include nature

12 1. Improve Understanding 2. Foster Collaboration
REF Outputs and Income REF Environment REF Impact 1. Improve Understanding 2. Foster Collaboration 3. Create Future Leaders 4. High quality environment 5. Pathways to Impact Strategic priorities Academic capacity - lectureships Developmental Fellowships Infrastructure and support Impact and engagement Thematic Residency Programme Programmes and Activities Doctoral Training Research Funding Masters Training Leadership and Administration Governance


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