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After You Read Assignment Mrs. Kercher 6th Gifted

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1 After You Read Assignment Mrs. Kercher 6th Gifted
Miracles After You Read Assignment Mrs. Kercher 6th Gifted

2 Written response What is your favorite detail or image in the poem? Explain. What are five of the objects or moments that the speaker calls “miracles”? In his description of miracles, which of the five senses does Whitman appeal to? Give examples from the poem. What do the miracles in the poem have in common? What attitude toward nature and human life does this poem convey? Explain. What are some of the effects of the alliteration and repetition in this poem? Are these two elements used to create a particular musical sound? To reinforce ideas? Explain. What is the theme, or overall message, of “Miracles”? Explain.

3 Journal response What other miracles could Whitman have included in his poem? Write a journal entry that describes three objects or events you would add to Whitman’s list. Explain why each is special to you and support your opinions with descriptions.

4 Research Do a web search on Walt Whitman to find ten interesting facts about him. Create a piece of art illustrating your facts. Be sure to cite the source where your facts came from using the proper format.

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