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Ottawa Volleyball League

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1 Ottawa Volleyball League

2 Ottawa Volleyball LEAGUE Captains’ Meeting
AUG 29, 2017

3 Indoor 2017-2018 Who We Are What’s New Financials Deadlines Scheduling
Rules Gym Details General Q&A

4 Who We Are The ex-Nortel Volleyball League, renamed “Ottawa Volleyball League (OVL)” Non-profit Organization Run entirely by volunteers who give of our free time so that you can enjoy some volleyball. The emphasis is on a fun and friendly atmosphere.

5 Who We Are JALAL ADELI (President, Treasurer, web master, ref coordinator & Scheduler for Thursdays) Cell phone Tetsuro ide (Gym Coordinator, Equipment Manager) Matthew Lefebvre (ref coordinator & Scheduler for SUNDAYS)

6 What’s New Contact with the net (2015/2016 Rule)
Contact with the net by a player is a fault. Players may touch the post, ropes, or any other object outside the antennae, including the net itself, provided that it does not interfere with play. When the ball is driven into the net and causes it to touch an opponent, no fault is committed.

7 Financials (2016-2017) Revenues Expenses 2014/2015 Balance: $7 872.48
Div B: 9 * $1 300 = $11 700 Div C: 8 * $1 000 = $8 000 Free Registration(Volunteers): -$384 Total: $ Insurance: $896.40 U of O (Gym Rental): $ Heatherington (Gym Rental): $ Extra (Gym Rental): $2 500 Lamoureux (Gym Rental): $0.00 Referees: $ Prizes: $ Volunteers: $500.00 Legal: $1200 Bank fees: $100 Total: $

8 Financials (2017-2018) Revenues Expenses 2017/2018 Balance: $3,130.00
Div B: 8 * $1 600 = $12,800 Div C: 8 * $1 400 = $11,200 Total: $27,130.00 Insurance: $830.00 U of O (Gym Rental): $10, (estimated) Albion-Heatheringon: $4, (not confirmed – looking for a cheaper gym) Longfields (Gym Rental): $2, (Non Profit Rate) Referees: $6,400.00 Discounts: $2,232.00 Bank fees: $100 Total: $26,647.00 Left over for next year: $483.00

9 Deadlines Fees due Sept 15th, 2017 by 5:00 PM
Indemnity Forms due with Team payment before first game. Division B: Sun Sept 24th, 2015 (TBC) Division C: THU Sept 28st , 2015 (TBC)

10 Scheduling Division Gym Night Capacity Registered B Ottawa University
Sundays 8 6 C Albion-Heatherington, Longfields Thursdays

11 Scheduling – Division B & C
one tiers Per Division. Div. B: 7:00pm–8:30pm & 8:30pm–10:00PM Div. Longfields 8:00PM-10:00Pm Albion-Heatheringon 8:00pm-9:30pm or 9:30pm-11:00 PM

12 Scheduling (Games) Regular season schedules published on the website. Top 8 teams in each division make the playoffs (single elimination). Scores should be reported via the website, typically by the winning team. There is a box to check if the referee was missing.

13 University of Ottawa Details
University of Ottawa staff will take care of equipment. No bags, coats etc. in U of O gym* Please do not bring valuables to the gym. U of O has free lockers in front of the reception desk if you would like to store your valuables. Follow instructions from U of O staff, do not argue! Contact the league if you have concerns.

14 Other Gyms We are responsible to install the equipment and take it down after. Please put equipment where it was found. No bags, coats etc. in U of O gym* Follow instructions from staff, do not argue! Contact the league if you have concerns.

15 A word of caution… Playoff eligibility Aggressive behaviour
Only players on the roster (will be locked down in January) Aggressive behaviour Threatening gym staff. Intimidating players. Abuse of referees. We are volunteers. We do not want to spend more of our free time dealing with misconduct.

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