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suicide prevention initiatives

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1 suicide prevention initiatives
regional suicide prevention initiatives HIGHLIGHT SLIDES

2 regional suicide prevention initiative region I highlights
October 2015-September 2016 Conference held in September to Promote Suicide Awareness Month BREAKING TABOO: Speaking from Experience and Research on Suicide There was a presentation by Dr. Thomas Joiner, an American academic psychologist and leading expert on suicide. He is the author of Why People Die by Suicide, Myths about Suicide, and other books on the subject. The second presentation was by Dese’Rae Stage who shared her story and how it led to her documentary project, Live Through This.  *180 attendees* ASIST T4T – 3 Staff Trained ASIST – 147 participants Adult MHFA T4T – 1 Staff Trained Adult MHFA – 405 participants Youth MHFA T4T – 1 Staff Trained Youth MHFA – 108 participants safeTALK T4T – 7 Staff Trained safeTALK – 163 participants Lock and Talk Campaign 110 Retailers and Ranges reached to date collaborating with two regional CIT task force groups to assist in covering the retailers. 90% of all Gun Shops approached in the region agreed to display the Means Safety Poster Total Trigger Locks distributed to date – 7,688 Total Medication Lock Boxes distributed to date – 1,115

3 regional suicide prevention initiative region II highlights
October 2015-September 2016 ASIST – 25 participants Adult MHFA – 1,148 participants Youth MHFA – 923 participants CIT – 783 participants SPAN Advisory Board has grown to 28 members including: CSBs, schools, non-profit and private mental health organizations, local leaders and elected officials, youth, public safety, and concerned citizens. PRS Crisis Link Textline Promoted & Utilized Regionally Youth-led Suicide Prevention Mini Grants to engage and impact young people; promote mental health, raise awareness, and reduce stigma. 20,000+ students reached KOGNITO web-based training expanded to include Friend2Friend module for middle and high school students.

4 regional suicide prevention initiative region IIIE highlights
October 2015-September 2016 Suicide Prevention Council of Roanoke Valley (SPCRV) established. NRV Suicide Prevention Collaborative continues to meet to address local needs. Night of Hope Community event in Danville-Pittsylvania. Billboards promoting September Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in Piedmont. Alleghany Highlands hosted Kevin Hines: Cracked but Not Broken Program Regional Suicide Prevention Message based on the #askingsaves campaign. Regional website under construction ASIST – 101 participants Adult MHFA – 239 participants Youth MHFA – 304 participants CIT – 311 participants safeTALK – 132 participants Standardized Youth Survey Questions addressing suicide ideation and suicide deaths across region.

5 regional suicide prevention initiative region IIIW highlights
October 2015-September 2016 96.34 % of participants felt they were more prepared to help someone who may be having thoughts of suicide as a result of participating in a suicide prevention initiative offered in the region. Social Media Campaign ASIST – 34 participants MHFA (Youth & Adult Combined) 408 participants suicideTALK – 38 participants safeTALK – 6 participants “Just Checking” Program The JCP is part of a community continuum-of-care to prevent suicide by providing follow-up to community members seeking support. Region IIIW has developed a training manual for the program in collaboration with Bristol Crisis Center.

6 regional suicide prevention initiative region IV highlights
October 2015-September 2016 ASIST – 85 participants Youth MHFA – 456 participants Adult MHFA – 480 participants CIT – 260 participants safeTALK – 115 participants Social Media Strategy: platform to distribute information, resources, and promote upcoming events. Crossroads local coalition COPES hosted a “meet & greet” for community members to get involved in local suicide prevention initiatives. Henrico (with i-Heart Radio) hosted a Hip Hop Wellness Poetry Slam that focused on substance use and suicide prevention. Goochland has organized a Goochland County Schools Teen Mental Health Taskforce. D19 has been able to offer scholarships to local school districts and community human services organizations to participate in MHFA. Richmond has provided leadership to two major events (Transformation Expo & Stone Soul Music Festival) giving them the opportunity to distribute Suicide Prevention Resources. 326,400 impressions each month for three (3) of the major Radio-One media outlets Approximately 75,000 page views Close to 21,000 “unique visitors” 18,000+ mobile visits (reported from one radio station in area)

7 regional suicide prevention initiative region V highlights
October 2015-September 2016 HPRV Suicide Prevention Taskforce has 50 members who represent 29 difference agencies that work together to increase public awareness, share resources, and implement trainings to reduce suicide rates in HPRV. *173 conference attendees *Exposure of message to 30,000 via Twitter wall ASIST – 304 participants Youth MHFA – 561 participants Adult MHFA – 1,689 participants CIT – 100 participants QPR – 78 participants safeTALK – 16 participants Signs of Suicide – 250 participants Evaluation of the MHFA Program showed that the Youth & Adult program are effective in improving knowledge about mental health issues and thereby could decrease stigma and increase more positive responses to mental health emergencies.

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