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Welcome to the Reception Curriculum Meeting 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Reception Curriculum Meeting 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Reception Curriculum Meeting 2017
The purpose of tonight’s meeting: What does your child do all day? How do the children learn? What do the children learn? How can you support your child at home?

2 How the school Day Starts
Coats, hats, gloves Bags –take out letters, fruit, etc. Water bottles Fruit Self registration

3 Adult Directed Activities
Monday-Thursday Literacy Mathematics Topic Friday PE, Music, RE, ICT, PSED/Circle time Everyday children have: Phonics, Guided Reading and outdoor learning.

4 Child Initiated learning
Play – Choosing – Free-choice Continuous provision – writing area, role play, malleable area, sand, water, quiet area, making area, construction area, small world area, investigation area, ICT area. Enhancements – added to support children’s interests, develop and extend learning, consolidate skills.

5 The children work in 3 learning zones:
The 3 Learning Zones The children work in 3 learning zones: The yellow zone is literacy based – Mrs Bamber’s class base The green zone is mathematics based – Miss Buxton’s class base The blue zone is topic based – Mrs Smith’s class base

6 The 7 Areas of learning The 3 Prime Areas:
Communication and Language (Listening & attention, understanding, speaking) Personal Social and Emotional Development (Relationships, confidence, feelings) Physical Development (Co-ordination & movement, gross & fine motor skills, health care) The 4 Specific Areas: Literacy (Reading, writing) Mathematics (number, shape, space & measures) Understanding the World (People & communities, past and present, similarities & differences, observations of plants & animals and changes they see) Expressive Arts and Design (singing, music, dance, imagination, using materials & tools to create)

7 Shape, space and measure
Mathematics Number Use numbers to 20 Understand more/less than Add and subtract using single digit numbers Solve problems by doubling, halving and sharing Shape, space and measure Use everyday language related to size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money Compare objects Recognise, describe and create patterns Talk about 2D and 3D shapes

8 Phonics Phonics taught daily
Learn letter names and letter sounds - taught with actions Letter formation Segmenting and blending words Learn ‘tricky’ and ‘high frequency’ words What you can do to help: Use the actions to practice the sounds (purple booklet) Sing nursery rhymes. Create rhyming strings Make up silly sentences (alliteration) Play sound spotting games Support homework and practise sounds

9 Click above to be directed to Youtube video
Phonics Click above to be directed to Youtube video

10 44 Sounds b d f g h j k l m n ng p r s t v w y z th ch sh a e i o u ai
ee igh oa oo ar ur or er ow oi air ear ure

11 Reading All children have been given a take home book –phonics, key words, wordless Story elements and understanding Language comprehension Phonics What you can do to help: Read to your child Help with key words Segment/blend simple words Discuss the story/characters

12 Writing What can you do to help: Encourage correct pencil grip
Children are at different stages Guided Writing – the children write with an adult for different purposes. We encourage them to attempt words by themselves and use correct letter formation. We praise all attempts. At home – please encourage children to write. Be a good role model – let them see you writing – explain what you are doing. Free writing – we encourage mark making in as many of our structured play activities as possible, for example, making a tally of farm animals in the small world area, drawing designs in the construction area and making notes in the doctors surgery, etc. Handwriting – pre-cursive (see purple phonics booklet) What can you do to help: Encourage correct pencil grip Model writing (shopping lists etc.) Practise name writing

13 Positive behaviour management
At Trinity we always……follow instructions show respect for everyone show respect for property are ready to learn Stickers, golden tickets, star of the week, Head teacher award, sun – star – cloud. Yellow and red sheets

14 “Children learn best through play”
“Adults who help children to play are adults who help children to learn.”

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