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Background Knowledge: Influence of Water

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1 Background Knowledge: Influence of Water
Tuck Everlasting Background Knowledge: Influence of Water

2 Water and Folktales Folktales are stories that focus on elements that are basic to human life. Folktales involving disputes over water date back as far as ancient Mesopotamia. The elements of life are: Air, Fire & Water

3 Water and Folktales In some folktales there is too much of an element which can cause floods, destroy crops and other problems. In other folktales there is not enough of an element which can cause droughts or death among a community.

4 Water and Folktales The Sorcerer’s Apprentice is about a boy who uses his master’s magic charms to teach a broom to carry water. His inability to control the magic ends up causing a flood.

5 Water and Folktales In some folktales, such as the tale of the Ancient Mariner, men are surrounded by the sea, but have no drinking water.

6 Legends about the magical powers of water are common around the world.
The Power of Water Legends about the magical powers of water are common around the world. In 1513, Juan Ponce de Leon discovered Florida while searching for a rumored fountain of youth. Drinking this water would make its drinkers young again.

7 The Power of Water Indians from Puerto Rico as well as Native Americans honor scared springs and believe water can cure illnesses.

8 The Power of Water In Europe, people visit spas where the waters from certain springs also cure diseases or improve health.

9 The Power of Water The use of holy water in some Christian faiths stems from Roman beliefs that water can be transformed by spells and rituals to protect people from harm or bring the dead back to life.

10 Predict & Analyze After reading the first couple chapters…
How does water change your understanding of life? How does this new understanding about the spring water change the behavior of the characters?

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