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Dr. Glenn Hastedt, Chair Daisy Breneman, Academic Advisor

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1 Dr. Glenn Hastedt, Chair Daisy Breneman, Academic Advisor
JUSTICE STUDIES Dr. Glenn Hastedt, Chair Daisy Breneman, Academic Advisor

2 What is justice? JUSTICE is a concept that encompasses the principles of fairness, equity, and right action. Justice is necessary for sustaining and promoting the growth and development of individuals and communities politically, economically, and socially.

3 What we Are Liberal Arts program Social sciences and the humanities
Learning how to learn Interdisciplinary Looking at “puzzles” Rigorous analysis and critical thinking Policy focused Students develop a personal definition of justice

4 What We Are Not A Criminal Justice Major Pre Law School Major
Criminal Justice Minor at JMU, pre-professional focus CRJU programs : applied problems to be solved; focus on the criminal justice system (police, courts, corrections) JUST views justice issues as a general class of social and political problems to be understood; looks at puzzles that have multiple answers depending on perspective Pre Law School Major JMU offers Pre-law as a pre-professional program; students select major from a wide range of fields

Core Requirements: Intro to Justice Studies Foundation courses Two in Track, One Out of Track Proseminar Comparative course Research Methods Senior Seminar Track Requirements Track A: Crime and Criminology Track B: Global Justice and Policy Track C: Social Justice

6 Pathway through the Major
First semester: JUST 200 Second Semester: Track Foundation Course(s) Third Semester and Beyond: Upper Level Track Courses Last Two Semesters: Research Methods and Senior Seminar

7 Justice Studies Concepts
Fairness Standards Rights Responsibilities Do not have a dept definition of justice; we want you to develop your own

8 TRACK A: Crime and Criminology
Focuses on nature, causes and solutions for crime, primarily focused on U.S. at the national level Explores questions of justice in the context of criminal behavior Theoretical traditions in the Social Sciences Emphasis on thoughtful examination of the responses to crime, with a concentration on effective policy initiatives Example courses: Death Penalty, Media and Justice, Restorative Justice, Domestic Violence

9 TRACK B: Global Justice and Policy
Explores issues of justice in global context; questions of security, equity and equality Diverse topics, including international law, national security, war & peace, cross cultural relations, democratization, environmental protection, conflict resolution and human rights Example courses: Building Democracy, Genocide, Peace Studies, Human Rights, Globalization and Justice

10 TRACK C: Social Justice
Designed to investigate what is fair, equitable and just Emphasizing the oppression and liberation of vulnerable, exploited and marginalized populations Promotes sustainable and just solutions to social, political and economic problems (such as poverty, discrimination, environmental destruction) Example Courses: Gender and Justice, Disability and Justice, Environmental Justice* *Some courses are cross-track

11 PROGRAMS of INTEREST Washington Semester JMU housing
Fall for Track A or C; Spring for B or C Internships Detailed information on the Justice Studies website Most do them in the summer Optional, but encouraged Study Abroad See Office of International Programs The Washington Semester is every spring. Students do an internship and course work. Students can do one internship for credit. We expect students to have a good background in the subject matter before doing an internship. Most do it during the summer

12 ENGAGEMENT Students are encouraged to participate in civic and community engagement opportunities, particularly ones that connect in-class and out-of-class learning Nelson Institute Seminar JMU opportunities and resources (examples): Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence Community Service-Learning Office Student Organizations Learn more on the Justice Studies website:

Track A: local, state, federal law enforcement (police, Homeland Security, Secret Service, FBI,); law; corrections; academic/research, policy making Track B: federal law enforcement, peace corps, international aid agencies, NGOs, diplomatic corps Track C: mediation organizations, human services, overseas development organizations, nonprofits, advocacy *But these aren’t the only possibilities

14 A Note on Careers Liberal Arts degree program--not applied/preparing for a specific job JMU: preparing students to be educated and enlightened citizens who lead productive and meaningful lives Knowledge & habits of mind Learning (how) to learn Critical thinking, communication, problem-solving skills Important in the rapidly-changing career world Important for civic lives Do not get caught in trap of thinking I need this major; this course What will stick with you after you leave is going to be a learning experience

15 CHOICES Think about academic and career goals, and what you want your college experience to be Explore, learn more, use resources Where and what feels right Take time to explore Make an informed decision What am I going to give back? Engaged University No one school is right No one major is right Take responsibility Take time to explore


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