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Hackettstown Public Schools Strategic Plan Update

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1 Hackettstown Public Schools Strategic Plan Update
December 17, 2014 David C. Mango, Superintendent Nadia M. Inskeep, director of Curriculum and Instruction

2 Grade 8 and 9 articulation is ongoing to ensure curricular alignment in all districts.
Hackettstown Middle School has formed a technology committee. Honors level ILA in grade 8 will be evaluated this spring. Implementation of new math series and further development of benchmark assessments is ongoing. GOAL 1 Provide opportunities for all learners, through a variety of all programs as supported by technology and measured through the administration of benchmark assessments.

3 School security update- personnel, job descriptions, surveillance technology and infrastructure
Camera project implementation is complete at HHS, HMS and WG, HH will be completed in 2015. Blended learning lab at HMS The elementary schools are looking to incorporate a similar model. Shared services Goal 2 Maximize resources of the district to ensure safe, secure, technologically advanced schools.

4 Bilingual notifications and the translation of the standards based report card into Spanish have been completed. HHS held principal forum for Spanish speaking parents in order to spearhead the efforts to implement a parent advisory committee for our ELL population. Technology roll-over Principal blogs Goal 3 Embrace, expand and utilize all technological advancements of our global societal shift as a means of communication from school to home and community.

5 Goal 4 Research on HHS alumni forum is underway.
Elementary schools partnered with NORWESCAP for a “Family Fun Night.” Willow Grove has started a school level culture and climate committee. Hatchery Hill and Willow Grove will host a series of parent involvement nights to discuss the new math resources, HIB and helping parents understand the Common Core. Goal 4 Develop a multi-cultural climate where all participants of our home and school community are actively and positively engaged.

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