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Revelation 13: 1-10 The Sea Beast

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1 Revelation 13: 1-10 The Sea Beast
 The beast described v. 1-3a Welcomed by the dragon standing at the shoreline Introduction: Daniel 2:41-43, 7:8, 11:36-45 Ten horns and seven heads and ten diadems Rev. 12:3 Heads had blasphemous names (scarlet beast) Rev. 17:3 Like a leopard—Greece—swift military capacity Like a bear—feet—location—Medo-Persian Like a lion—mouth—Babylon speaks again Head, as if slain, but restored, a nation—restored Head, as if slain, but restored, a false resurrection Rev. 13:12-15; 14:2; 17:8, 11; 2 Thess. 2:9

2 False worship v. 3b-5 The whole world was amazed and followed the beast Resurrected kingdom, a false Christ/king To the dragon—worship For the authority and power and throne given to the beast To the beast—whole earth was in amazement and followed him For his power—‘Who can wage war against him? Authority to act for 42 months Actions of the beast/”antichrist” v. 6-8 Speaking arrogantly with blasphemies against GOD and His name His Tabernacle in heaven (those who dwell there)

3 Authority to make war against the saints and overcoming them
Authority over nations, peoples, tongues, tribes All who are on the earth will worship him 2 Thess. 2:10-12 EXCEPT those written in the Lamb’s book of life Warning for the church/saints v. 9-10 Message to the churches Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22 Your faith and perseverance will be tested War will be waged against you, place your trust in God Captivity for some Death by the sword for those that use the sword Rev. 15:2-4

4 Revelation 13: 11-18 THE EARTH BEAST
Another beast described v Out of the earth (not the sea or abyss) Daniel 7:17 Two horns like a lamb Some power but not having the power of the sea beast (10 horns) Mild, meek like a lamb 2 Cor.11:14-15 Spoke as a dragon Possesses the dragon’s mouth Jer. 23:16 Speaking winsome praise for the Antichrist (falsely prophesying) Functioning with the same authority of Antichrist in his presence

5 False trinity now in place
Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet He makes people to worship Antichrist Will be given power to do miracles to authenticate his message Bringing down fire ‘repeatedly’ from the heavens (like Elijah) (like the two witnesses) 2 Thess. 2:9 Instructing people to make an image of Antichrist and to worship the image—promoting blatant idolatry False Prophets’ Actions v Gives breath to the image of the beast and the image then speaks The image causes those that don’t worship Antichrist and his image to be killed Daniel 3:6

6 Right hand or forehead (his name or number)
The False prophet will force everyone (from all stations of life) to take the ‘mark’ of the Antichrist Right hand or forehead (his name or number) Revelation 7:1-8; 14:9-11 Act of worship, identity and loyalty Protection from the wrath of Satan The practical application Required mark to buy and sell goods Here’s wisdom v Daniel 2:21 A person with understanding can calculate the number of the Antichrist (Sea Beast) The number is that of a man The number is six hundred and sixty six

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