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Barry County MiPHY Results

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1 Barry County MiPHY Results 2010-2012-2014-2016
Joseph Sutton Kathleen Zimmerman-Oster, Ph.D University of Detroit Mercy TEST, Incorporated

2 Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY)
The Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY) was completed by 7, 9, and 11th grade students in Barry County and in several other counties across the state of Michigan. The results in this report reflect student survey responses from schools that voluntarily participated in Barry County and may not be representative of all middle and high schools in the county. Students completed an online, anonymous questionnaire. Survey procedures were designed to protect the privacy of students by allowing for anonymous and voluntary participation. Local parental notification procedures were followed before survey administration. Additional data can be accessed at This representation of MiPHY data only represents Barry County

3 Measurement Concerns Despite the support and redesign of the MiPHY provided by the Michigan Department of Education, the survey has a few issues that indicate coalitions should interpret their results with caution because of the following concerns: “Respondent confusion” - especially for 7th grade students who may not have heard of some of the drugs mentioned. “Respondent fatigue” – a lot of personal questions are asked in a short period of time. Poor wording – some of the survey items list multiple drugs in one question, posing a variety of possible errors in interpretation by the students. Changes in the 2014 tool create a less than perfect comparison to the waves collected in 2010 and 2012. Additional Recommendation: Listening Sessions should be conducted to better understand student perceptions about the MiPHY questions and about drug related attitudes and behavior.

4 Information Gathered Participant Demographics Protective Factors
Perception of Risk of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD) Perception of Availability of ATOD Perception of Peer Attitudes toward ATOD Student Use of ATOD Student Suicidal Risk Factors These are the main topics that data was collected for

5 Demographics - Gender 2016 49% 51% N=1,431 N=1,873 N= 1,823 N= 1,757
Male N= 709 Female N= 662 Male N= 943 Female N= 930 Male N= 929 Female N= 894 Males N= 876 Female N= 881

6 Demographics - Race N=1,323 N=1,795 White N= 1206 Asian N= 5
Hispanic/Latino N= Black N= 13 Arab/Chaldean= N/A American Indian N= 30 White N= 1, Asian N= 12 Hispanic/Latino N= Black N= 12 Arab/Chaldean N= 10 American Indian N= 19

7 Demographic Race Cont. N=1,661 N= 1,823 White N=1,437
White N= 1, Asian N= Hispanic/Latino N= Black N= 17 Arab/Chaldean N= 10 American Indian N= 50 White N=1,437 Hispanic/Latino N=160 Black N=15 Asian N= 6 Arab/ Chaldean N=13 American Indian N=30

8 Demographics - Grade N=1,373 N=1,882 N= 1, 830 N= 1,756 7th N= 498

9 Tobacco

10 7th N= 165 9th N= 245 11th N= 297 County N= 542
% of students who reported sort of easy or very easy to get cigarettes. Desired direction – we want a lower percentage of youth to think it is easy to get cigarettes. Percentage is steadily decreasing County data is a combination of 9th and 11th grade data 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 542 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 720 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 566 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 542

11 7th N= 501 9th N= 546 11th N= 435 County N= 981
% of students who reported regular cigarette use to be a moderate or great risk. Undesired direction in 7th graders, desired direction in 9th graders. 11th graders nearly stayed the same as pervious year. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 721 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 1,107 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 981 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 970

12 7th N= 591 9th N= 485 11th N= 332 County N= 817
% of students who reported cigarette use by peers to be wrong or very wrong. Desired direction for 7th. undesired for 9th and 11th graders – we want youth to think peer use is wrong. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 614 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 931 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 817 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 843

13 7th N= 629 9th N= 603 11th N= 472 County N= 1,075
% of students who reported their parents felt cigarette use to be wrong or very wrong. Kids know their parents think its wrong. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 803 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 1,160 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 1,075 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 1091

14 % Of Youth Who Been Exposed to Secondhand Smoke In the Past 7 Days
N/A N/A N/A N/A 7th N= N/A th N=N/A th= N/A County N=N/A th N= th N= th N= County N= 615 7th N= th N= th= County N= th N= th N= th N= County N=487

15 % of Students Exposed to Secondhand Smoke Daily During the Past 7 Days
N/A N/A N/A N/A 7th N=N/A th N= N/A th N= N/A County N= N/A 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 161 7th N= th N= th N= County N= th N= th N= th N= County N= 118

16 % of students who ever smoked a whole cigarette (lifetime).
Desired direction for 7th and 9th graders. Undesired direction in 11th graders. – we want number of less students smoking whole cigarettes (life time) 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 229 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 229 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 257 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 241

17 7th N= 19 9th N= 47 11th N= 48 County N= 95
% of students who have smoked cigarettes in the past the 30 days (recent) Desired direction for 7th and 9th graders. Undesired direction by 11th graders.-we want to lower the number of students whom smoked a cigarette in the last 30 days. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 124 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N=124 2016 7th N= th N= th= County N=102 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 95

18 7th N= 0 9th N= 9 11th N= 19 County N= 28
% of students who smoked cigarettes on 20 or more days of the past 30 days (frequent) Desired direction. –we want casual cigarette usage in a monthly time period to decrease. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 56 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 56 2016 7th N=3 9th N= th N= County N= 26 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 28

19 % of students who used an electronic vapor product during the past 30 days (frequent)
2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 183

20 Summary - Tobacco Results between 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016:
Tobacco is less easy for 7th graders to get from Past 30 Day Use of cigarettes has decreased in 7th and 9th graders Frequent use (20 out of the past 30 days) of tobacco has decreased in 9th and 11th graders. Lifetime Use of tobacco (ever smoked) has decreased in 7th and 9th graders. Tobacco use is less acceptable.

21 Summary - Tobacco CHALLENGES Between 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016:
At middle and high schools in Barry County, students in higher grades report: It is easier to obtain cigarettes. Cigarettes smoking by peers to be less wrong or risky. Higher lifetime use and recent use. Regular cigarette use is perceived as less risky by 7th and 11th graders.

22 Alcohol

23 % of students who reported sort of easy or very easy to get alcohol.
Desired direction in 7th and 9th graders. Undesired direction in 11th graders.-we want less students to report easy or very easy to get alcohol. 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 770 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 542 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 698 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 663

24 7th N= 421 9th N= 457 11th N= 343 County N= 800
% of students who reported regular alcohol use to be a moderate or great risk. Undesired direction in 7th Grade and 11th grade. Desired direction in 9th grade.- We want more students to report reg alcohol use to be a moderate or great risk Percentages very similar across all grade levels 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 584 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 924 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 820 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 800

25 7th N= 348 9th N= 467 11th N= 328 County N= 795
% of students who reported alcohol use by peers to be wrong or very wrong. Desired direction. – We want more students to report alcohol use by peers to be wrong or very wrong 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 509 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 832 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 826 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 795

26 7th N= 614 9th N= 581 11th N= 453 County N= 1,034
% of students who reported their parents felt regular alcohol use to be wrong or very wrong. Desired direction.- We want more students to report that their parents believed reg alcohol use was wrong or very wrong. 2012 7th N= th N= th N= 516 County N= 1,093 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 731 2016 7th N= th N= th N= Country N= 1,069 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 1,034

27 % of students who have ever drank alcohol (lifetime).
Undesired direction for 11th graders.-We want less students to have ever drank alcohol. Over 55% of 11th graders have drank alcohol at least once in their lifetime N/A 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 369 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 524 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 504 2016 7th N= N/A 9th N= th N= Country N= 520

28 7th N= 27 9th N= 87 11th N= 110 County N= 197
% of students who had at least one drink of alcohol during the past 30 days (recent) Undesired direction. –We want less students drinking less casually in a 30 day time period. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 176 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 261 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 233 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 197

29 % of students who have ever been drunk (lifetime).
Desired direction for 11th, undesired for 7th and 9th graders.- We want less students whom have ever been drunk (lifetime). 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 251 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 352 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N=346 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 327

30 7th N= 11 9th N= 41 11th N= 66 County N= 107
% of students who had 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple hours, during the past 30 days (binge) Undesired for 9th and 11th graders. We want to decrease number of students whom binge drink in a 30 day period. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= 69 County N= 111 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 157 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 133 2014 7th N= th N= th N= 66 County N= 107

31 Summary - Alcohol SUCCESSES Between 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016:
Alcohol is less easily assessable to 7th and 9th graders. Lifetime Use of alcohol (ever drank) has decreased for 7th and 11th graders. Alcohol use is less acceptable for 9th and 11th graders.

32 Summary - Alcohol CHALLENGES Between 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016:
At middle and high schools in Barry County, students in higher grades report: It is easier to obtain alcohol. Higher lifetime use, recent use, and binge drinking. Alcohol is perceived as less risky across all grades. Lifetime Use of alcohol (ever drank) has increased for 9th graders in 2010 and 2014. Alcohol has become more acceptable in 7th graders.

33 Marijuana and Rx Drug

34 % of students who reported sort of easy or very easy to get marijuana.
Desired direction for 7th Graders. Undesired for 9th and 11th graders.- We want less students to report its easy or very easy to get marijuana. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 391 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 567 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 449 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 515

35 7th N= 399 9th N= 365 11th N= 215 County N= 580
% of students who reported regular marijuana use to be a moderate or great risk. Desired direction in 7th graders. Undesired in 9th and 11th graders.- We want more students to report regular marijuana use to be a moderate or great risk. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 586 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 837 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 580 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 518

36 % of students who ever tried marijuana (lifetime)
Desired direction in 7th graders. Undesired in 9th and 11th graders. –We want to decrease the number of students whom has ever tried marijuana.(lifetime). 2010 7th N= 9 9th N= th N= County N=223 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 333 2016 7th N=4 9th N= th N= County N= 323 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 265

37 % of students who used marijuana during the past 30 days (recent)
Desired direction for 7th graders. Undesired direction for 9th and 11th graders.- We want to decrease the number of students whom used marijuana during the past 30 days. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= 67 County N= 109 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 172 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 161 2014 7th N= th N= th N= 87 County N= 135

38 7th N= 10 9th N= 20 11th N= 27 County N= 47
% of students who took a prescription drug such as Ritalin, Adderall, or Xanax without a doctor’s prescription during the past 30 days. Desired direction for 7th graders. Undesired direction for 9th and 11th graders. We want to decrease the number of students whom used prescription drugs in a 30 day period. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 53 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 73 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 47 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 67

39 7th N= 22 9th N= 30 11th N= 29 County N= 59
% of students who took painkillers such as Oxycontin, Codeine, Percocet, or Tylenol III without a doctor’s prescription during the past 30 days Undesired direction for 7th and 9th graders. Desired direction for 11th graders. – We want number of students whom taken painkillers in the past 30 days to decrease. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= 37 County N= 72 2012 7th N= th N= th N= 51 County N= 101 2014 7th N= th N= th N= 29 County N= 59 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 67

40 Summary – Marijuana and Rx Drugs
SUCCESSES Between 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016: Marijuana is not perceived as very easy to get compared to previous years. Student who have ever tried marijuana has decreased. Past 30 Day Use of Marijuana and Rx Drugs has decreased in 7th graders.

41 Summary – Marijuana and Rx Drugs
CHALLENGES Between 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016: Marijuana is perceived to be less risky for all grades. Decrease in 7th grade students whom have ever tried Marijuna.

42 Suicide

43 7th N= 85 9th N= 183 11th N= 156 County N= 339
% of students who felt so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that they stopped doing some usual activities during the past 12 months Undesired direction in all grades. We want students with frequent sad or hopeless attitudes to increase usual activities within a 12 month period. N/A 2010 7th N= N/A 9th N= th N= County N= 235 2012 7th N= 91 9th N= th N= County N= 332 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 339 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 372

44 7th N= 57 9th N= 127 11th N= 94 County N= 221
% of students who ever seriously considered attempting suicide during the past 12 months Undesired direction in all grades. – We want number of students whom have ever seriously considered attempting suicide during a 12 month period to decrease. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= 50 County N= 122 2012 7th N= th N= th N= 76 County N= 176 2014 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 221 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N=236

45 7th N= 45 9th N= 97 11th N= 77 County N= 174
% of students who ever made a plan about how they would attempt suicide during the past 12 months Undesired direction in all grades. _ We want number of students whoever made a plan about attempting suicide during a 12 month period to decrease. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= 31 County N= 77 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 142 2014 7th N= th N= th N= 77 County N= 174 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 181

46 7th N= 16 9th N= 42 11th N= 45 County N= 87
% of students who actually attempted suicide one or more times during the past 12 months Undesired direction for 7th and 9th graders. –We want number of students whom actually attempted suicide one or more times in a 12 month period to decrease. 2010 7th N= th N= th N= 22 County N= 50 2012 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 70 2014 7th N= th N= th N= 45 County N= 87 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 96

47 7th N= 5 9th N= 9 11th N= 11 County N= 20
% of students whose suicide attempt resulted in an injury, poisoning, or overdose that had to be treated by a doctor or nurse during the past 12 months Undesired direction in all grades.- We want number of students whom suicide attempt resulted in injury, poisoning, or overdose in the last 12 moths to decrease. 2010 7th N= N/A 9th N= th N= 10 County N= 23 2012 7th N= 8 9th N= th N= 26 County N= 40 2014 7th N= th N= th N= 11 County N= 20 2016 7th N= th N= th N= County N= 32

48 Summary - Suicide SUCCESSES Between 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016:
The number of suicide attempts in a 12 month period has decreased in 11th graders in 2016.

49 Summary - Suicide CHALLENGES Between 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016:
At middle and high schools in Barry County, students in higher grades report: More suicide attempts overall. Less plans on attempting suicide. Between 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016: The number of students with symptoms of depression has increased for all grades, but is similar across all grades. The number of students who have considered suicide has increased for all grades. The number of students who have made a plan to commit suicide has increased for all grades.

50 Overall Summary Middle and high school students in Barry County reported tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana are: Easier to obtain than other drugs. More accepted by peers. Less risky than other drugs. Between 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 students of middle and high schools in Barry County report tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana: To be less acceptable. Perceived as more risky. Middle and high schools students in Barry County, in higher grades, report: More suicide attempts. Less plans on attempting suicide.

51 Overall Recommendations
Despite the good news of improvement in the attitudes and behaviors related to alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana, these gateway drugs are still the drugs of choice for area teens. Thus, continued and sustained efforts addressing these drugs is needed. Because of the significant change in youth’s perceptions of the low risk of using marijuana and the Medical Marijuana laws in Michigan, a concerted effort to address youth attitudes and use is warranted. To get a more accurate understanding of youth perceptions and behaviors, “Listening Sessions” should be conducted at as many schools or community locations as possible.

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