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U.S. Declares War.

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1 U.S. Declares War

2 Early Years Americans want a strict policy of isolationism
THIS IS A EUROPEAN WAR Many Americans weren’t even sure with whom to fight Senator from Wisconsin wanted a declaration of war against allies

3 Then Things Get Messy….

4 German Submarine Warfare
U-Boat – Unterseeboot At first, Germans displayed proper Naval etiquette: U-Boat surfaces, warns vessel, allows sailors off, and then fires By 1915, Germans practicing unconditional submarine warfare Britain arms its merchant ships

5 Reasons for Sub Warfare
Subs used to disrupt British shipping End a British blockade of Germany Total naval stalemate in Atlantic Navies of Britain and Germany equally matched Battle of the Jutland

6 U.S. turns against Germany
Unconditional warfare deemed “barbaric” Britain cuts transatlantic cable connecting end communication between Germany and U.S. Now all news of war that reaches U.S. flowed from London: Pro-Allies The Lusitania German u-boats sink English liner, killing 1,200 passengers – 128 Americans Germans warned Americans to stay off English ships Lusitania carried small-arms and ammunition for British The Sussex Pledge French steamship sunk: 2 Americans killed Almost immediately violated


8 The Zimmerman Note Berlin, January 19, 1917
Intercepted by British Promised Mexico Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico for starting with the U.S. Berlin, January 19, 1917 On the first of February we intend to begin submarine warfare unrestricted. In spite of this, it is our intention to endeavor to keep neutral the United States of America. If this attempt is not successful, we propose an alliance on the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war together and together make peace. We shall give general financial support, and it is understood that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The details are left to you for settlement.... You are instructed to inform the President of Mexico of the above in the greatest confidence as soon as it is certain that there will be an outbreak of war with the United States and suggest that the President of Mexico, on his own initiative, should communicate with Japan suggesting adherence at once to this plan; at the same time, offer to mediate between Germany and Japan. Please call to the attention of the President of Mexico that the employment of ruthless submarine warfare now promises to compel England to make peace in a few months. Zimmerman (Secretary of State)

9 Russia out….US in Russia will lose several early battles badly against the Germans Paul Von Hindenburg and Eric Ludendorf Both will forge an unlikely friendship Hindenburg an old aristocrat and Ludendorf a non-noble who rose through the ranks These defeats convince many Russians they can’t win




13 Russia out….US in V.I. Lenin living in exile in Switzerland
Promises a Russian surrender if Germans get him back to Russia Ludendorf and Hindenburg oblige and Nov Bolshevik Revolution Treaty of Brest-Litovsk March 1917, Russian Revolution Czar Nicholas II removed Rasputin U.S. did not want to ally with an autocrat (monarch w/ absolute control)

14 U.S. declares War March 1917, Russian Revolution
Czar Nicholas II removed Rasputin U.S. did not want to ally with an autocrat (monarch w/ absolute control) German subs sink American vessels: Illinois, Memphis, and Vigilanicia April 2, Wilson declares war The world must be safe for democracy

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