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The Middle Ages.

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1 The Middle Ages

2 Transition from Roman Empire
The Byzantine Empire Eastern half of the Roman Empire (while the West slowly crumbled, the East survived Tightly centralized rule and smaller Empire made it easier to maintain Combined Church and State (religious leader was the Emperor) Tensions between East and West Constantinople (Eastern capital)- Greek, combination of Church and State, believed Father and Son were separate and unequal in power Rome (Western capital)- Latin, separation of Church and State, Father and Son were equal and coeternal

3 Transition from Roman Empire
Tensions resulted in Schism of 1054 Religious leaders attempted to excommunicate each other Founding of the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Church Roman Catholic Church was the main church in Western Europe during the Middle Ages Church officials had authority over secular officials Religious officials such as Bishops and Archbishops sat on the King’s Council Byzantine Empire faced the threat of the growing Islamic State Competition for land and converts in the Middle East Drawn into the Crusades (in-between the two warring groups inevitably got them involved)

4 Feudalism Combination social structure and economic arrangement
King and Queen Ruled over all the land except for the Church Nobles/Lords Paid taxes to royals for favors and positions at court Power over local villages Knights and Vassals Served nobles in exchange for land Serfs Commoners Did not own the land they worked on Manor System was made up of Lords, Vassals, and Serfs Each provided a service for the others Largely self-sufficient


6 Rise of Islam Misconceptions-
Muhammad- considered to be a great prophet and founder of Islam The archangel Gabriel spoke to Muhammad who shared teaching from God/Allah These teachings were written down and are now known as the Qur’an 5 Pillars of Islam- 5 acts that all Muslims should do as a commitment to their faith Testimony Prayer Alms-giving Fasting Pilgrimage Misconceptions- Females have rights according to the Qur’an The Qur’an condones slavery There is no mention of 72 virgins in the Qur’an ISIS members are not Muslim

7 The Crusades Pope Urban II called on the Christian nations of Western Europe to fight the Muslims and take back the Holy Land Holy Land = Jerusalem Known as the First Crusade Muslims vowed to take back their land which led to numerous wars Crusades refers to a series of 9 different wars fought between the Christians and Muslims The Byzantine Empire eventually allied itself with the Europeans Promised to share conquered land and technology Europeans never made good on their promises Crusades slowly died out as Papal authority in the Church began to decline (we will see that at the end of this unit and throughout the next

8 Characteristics of Medieval Literature
Romance Tells of exploits of knights Often a super natural element involved Heroism Beowulf Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Moral lesson Loyalty to king Chivalry Sacrifice Christian message Concern with salvation Interest in spiritual change

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