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MORE! Chapter IX.

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Presentation on theme: "MORE! Chapter IX."— Presentation transcript:

1 MORE! Chapter IX

2 Emperor Justinian

3 Empress Theodora

4 Expansion of Byzantines
Former Territory Border Almost! Expansion of Byzantines

5 Until Islam shows up!

6 The Middle Ages

7 The Period of European History from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West (AD 476) to the fall of Constantinople in the East (AD 1453)

8 Roman Empire – AD 400

9 The Fall 476

10 Western Europe – AD 500 Byzantines (now)

11 With the Fall, What was GONE?

12 Civilization Out. Stupidity In
Civilization Out... Stupidity In! With the Fall of Rome, what do people do?

13 Anglo- Saxons! Angles & Saxons Invade England Early Invasions
Anglo- Saxons! Early Invasions After Rome

14 Charles Martel “The Hammer” Stops Islam A.D. 732 Islam

15 Middle Ages – AD 800 (Charlemagne)
Holy Roman Emperor & Holy Roman Empire


17 Early Viking Invasions

18 Viking Settlement

19 Something new happens: The Feudal System

20 Feudalism: The Re-Organization of Western Europe
Feudalism: The Re-Organization of Western Europe! A Land-Use System where Peasants (Serfs) are tied to the Land



23 King Lord, lord, lord Nobles/Nobility Vassal (Got Land
King Lord, lord, lord Nobles/Nobility Vassal (Got Land?) Fief (Land on Loan) Manor (Production)


25 Compare & Contrast European (Region 4) vs
Compare & Contrast European (Region 4) vs. Japanese Feudalism (Region 3)

26 Japanese Feudalism Emperor, Shogun, Samurai


28 Compare/Contrast

29 Code of Chivalry (The way of the Knights) Duty to Lord, lord, & lady Bravery, Purity, blah, blah, blah Code of Bushido (The way of the Samurais) Duty to Emperor Honor, Bravery, blah, blah, blah

30 Compare the Church’s Social Pyramid

31 Church Power Grows Priests(Clergy) hold local communities together Monastery: Monks & Nuns - Self-sufficient communities - Beginning of Medicine & Education - Advances in Farming techniques The Pope: Grows in power with Canon Law = Church Law

32 1095  - The First Crusade Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus requested help in defeating the Seljuk Turks. Pope Urban II called upon the Kings of Europe for an armed “pilgrimage” to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims. Among his goals was the strengthening of the Pope’s power by bringing the Greek Orthodox Church under papal authority. (Crusaders would get a “Sin Wash”)

33 Godfrey of Bouillon would lead the 1st Crusade & later founded the Knights Templar

34 7, 8, 12 More Crusades? Saladin (Muslim General)re-captures Jerusalem from Crusaders Richard the Lionheart (English King) tries to re-re-capture Jerusalem… gets a truce with Saladin: Christians can safely visit the Holy Land

35 Children’s Crusade (x 2?) One gathered thousands and marched to the sea – that would be parted… Another got a letter from Jesus, gathered thousands and marched to the sea to sail to Holy Land: sold as slaves

36 Legacy of the Crusades: Popes gain & Lose Power No real Winners… only Losers Lingering tension between Muslims & Christians

37 Heavily influenced by Byzantines
Culture, Alphabet, & Religion

38 Middle Ages – AD 1500

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