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Ionic Compounds.

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1 Ionic Compounds

2 Ionic bond: bond formed by attraction between + and - ions
Ionic Bonding Electrons are transferred from one atom to another so that each has 8 valence electrons - called the octet rule + Cation - Anion Ionic Compound Ionic bond: bond formed by attraction between + and - ions 2

3 Ionic Bonding Ionic bonds occur between metals and non-metals H He Li
F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Uun Uuu Uub Uut Metals Metalloids Non-metals

4 The “magic number” is 8! 4

5 Binary Ionic Compounds Formula to Name

6 The Language of Chemistry
Chemistry has a language all of its own Chemistry English Element Symbols Letters Chemical Formulas Words Chemical Equations Sentences Each element symbol starts with a capital letter

7 Binary Ionic: Formula to Name
These compounds have: 2 elements (“binary”) A metal & a non-metal (“ionic”) To name: Name of the metal (the cation) Name of the non-metal (the anion) with the suffix “-ide” The subscripts in the formula do not matter when naming this type

8 Example CaBr2

9 Example K2O

10 Write the name for the following compounds
Let’s Practice CaF2 Na3P NaI SrBr2 Example: Write the name for the following compounds

11 Write the name for the following compounds
Let’s Practice CaF2 Na3P NaCl SrBr2 Calcium fluoride Sodium phosphide Sodium chloride Strontium bromide Example: Write the name for the following compounds

12 Binary Ionic Compounds Name to Formula

13 Binary Ionic: Name to Formula
These compounds: End in “-ide” (except “hydroxide and cyanide”) Do NOT contain covalent prefixes To write: Draw Lewis dot diagrams of each element and transfer electrons. Use subscripts to show how many of each type of ion you have.

14 Example Sodium fluoride

15 Write the following chemical formulas
Let’s Practice Cesium chloride Potassium oxide Calcium sulfide Lithium nitride Example: Write the following chemical formulas

16 Write the following chemical formulas
Let’s Practice Cesium chloride Potassium oxide Calcium sulfide Lithium nitride CsCl K2O CaS Li3N Example: Write the following chemical formulas

17 Multivalent Ionic Compounds Formula to Name

18 Multivalent (Transition) Metals
Multivalent Metal: a metal that has more than one possibility for cationic (positive) charge The Appendix of your book (Page A-2) has the following chart Common multivalent metals and their charges Cobalt Co Co+3 Copper Cu Cu+2 Iron Fe Fe+3 Lead Pb Pb+4 Manganese Mn+2 Mn+3 Mercury Hg2+2 Hg+2 Tin Sn Sn+4 18

19 Multivalent Metals: Formula to Name
To identify: Have a transition metal To name: Name of the metal cation Name of the anion Determine total negative charge in the compound Total negative charge must = total positive charge Determine the charge on each metal atom Write the charge in roman numerals in parenthesis after the metal’s name 19

20 Total negative charge in compound Total positive charge in compound
Example Anion Total negative charge in compound Total positive charge in compound Cation Name CuCl2 20

21 Total negative charge in compound Total positive charge in compound
Example Anion Total negative charge in compound Total positive charge in compound Cation Name Fe2O3 21

22 Write the name for the following compounds
Let’s Practice PbCl2 PbCl4 MnO Mn2O7 Example: Write the name for the following compounds 22

23 Write the name for the following compounds
Let’s Practice PbCl2 PbCl4 MnO Mn2O3 Lead (II) chloride Lead (IV) chloride Manganese (II) oxide Manganese (VII) oxide Example: Write the name for the following compounds 23

24 Multivalent Ionic Compounds Name to Formula

25 Multivalent Metals: Name to Formula
To identify: Will have roman numerals To write: Same as binary! Roman numerals tell the charge of the metal cation 25

26 Example Iron (III) oxide 26

27 Example Copper (I) nitride 27

28 Write the following chemical formulas
Let’s Practice Iron (II) nitride Copper (I) chloride Lead (IV) sulfide Tin (II) oxide Example: Write the following chemical formulas 28

29 Write the following chemical formulas
Let’s Practice Iron (II) nitride Copper (I) chloride Lead (IV) sulfide Tin (II) oxide Fe3N2 CuCl PbS2 SnO Example: Write the following chemical formulas 29

30 Polyatomic Ionic Compounds

31 Polyatomic Ions Polyatomic Ion: a group of atoms that has lost or gained electrons. Therefore, it has a charge! Polyatomic Ionic Compound: compound containing at least one polyatomic ion - Polyatomic Anion Polyatomic Ionic Compound + Cation 31

32 Identifying Polyatomic Ions
Only one cation: NH4+ All others are anions (second part of formula) Subscripts must match exactly as it appears on your list If there are parenthesis, the polyatomic ion is inside 32

33 Practice Identifying Polyatomic Ions
NaNO3 NH4Cl Ca(OH)2 (NH4)3PO4 K2CO3 Example: Identify and name the polyatomic ion in each compound 33

34 Practice Identifying Polyatomic Ions
NaNO3 NH4Cl Ca(OH)2 (NH4)3PO4 K2CO3 Nitrate Ammonium Hydroxide Ammonium & phosphate Carbonate Example: Identify and name the polyatomic ion in each compound 34

35 Polyatomic Ionic Compounds Name to Formula

36 Polyatomic Ionic: Name to Formula
To identify: Do not end with “-ide” (except hydroxide & cyanide) Do not use covalent prefixes To write these formulas: Write the symbol & charge of the cation & anion Add additional cations or anions to have a neutral compound Use subscripts to show the number of ions - When using subscripts with a polyatomic ion, you must put the polyatomic ion in parenthesis. 36

37 Example Sodium carbonate 37

38 Example Magnesium nitrate 38

39 Write the following chemical formulas
Let’s Practice Sodium nitrate Calcium chlorate Potassium sulfite Calcium hydroxide Example: Write the following chemical formulas 39

40 Write the following chemical formulas
Let’s Practice Sodium nitrate Calcium chlorate Potassium sulfite Calcium hydroxide NaNO3 Ca(ClO3)2 K2SO3 Ca(OH)2 Example: Write the following chemical formulas 40

41 Polyatomic Ionic Compounds Formula to Name

42 Polyatomic Ionic: Formula to Name
To identify: More than 2 capital letters (not starting with H) at least 1 metal & 1 non-metal To name: Name of the cation If the anion is a polyatomic ion, write the polyatomic ion’s name just as it is If the anion is a single non-metal element, use “-ide” 42

43 Example NaNO3 43

44 Example Fe(OH)2 44

45 Write the name for the following compounds
Let’s Practice Ca(NO3)2 Na3PO4 NH4ClO K2CO3 Example: Write the name for the following compounds 45

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