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See: under Projects and Planning

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Presentation on theme: "See: under Projects and Planning"— Presentation transcript:

1 See: under Projects and Planning
CNS /01 Computing Plan Central Themes Leadership for University wide initiatives Support for information technology infrastructure Increasing access to applications and technology Providing excellent service See: under Projects and Planning

2 University-Wide Initiatives
CNS /01 Computing Plan University-Wide Initiatives Information Technology Strategic Plan Information Security standards and policies

3 Information Infrastructure
CNS /01 Computing Plan Information Infrastructure Increased capacity of link to Internet Web caching Glendon voice mail system Unix backup service enhancement Replacement of printer for high volume work Enterprise Novell server Linux Support Windows 2000 Novell Zenworks Upgrades to classroom technology Glade lab upgrade

4 Access to applications and on line services
CNS /01 Computing Plan Access to applications and on line services York web site as portal or “home base” Redesign of York web site CNS support for web development Web based TEL support (technology and human resources) Directory Services

5 CNS - 2000/01 Computing Plan Access to Technology
Planning for technology renewal New solutions for remote access Pilot of wireless access Planning for the “Computing Commons” Data in residences

6 Service Levels and Quality
CNS /01 Computing Plan Service Levels and Quality Expanded use of Service Level Agreements Activity reporting Quality of service

7 CNS - 2000/01 Computing Plan Key Success Factors
Collaboration and communication (for IT Strategy, TEL, ...) Introduction of new skills (staff development, new positions) Service delivery

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