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Fingrid ELVIS project Overview Project Scope, Primary Settings, Relay Setting Process © 2016 IPS GmbH.

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Presentation on theme: "Fingrid ELVIS project Overview Project Scope, Primary Settings, Relay Setting Process © 2016 IPS GmbH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fingrid ELVIS project Overview Project Scope, Primary Settings, Relay Setting Process
© 2016 IPS GmbH

2 Today we will speak about Elvis
Full name: Elvis Aaron Presley Born: , Tupelo, Mississippi, US Died: Occupation as: Singer Musician Actor Life and Career Artistry Discography Public image: Sex symbol Lifestyle To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter

3 How many socks do you have?
Overview – Fingrid ELVIS project ELVIS ELectricity Verkko Information System How many socks do you have? ELVIS Project Scope Primary Setting Management Relay Setting Management To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter

4 Relay Management & Relay Setting MNG
ELVIS Project Scope IPS Role in ELVIS Electron CAPE Relay simulation Oracle Primavera Project Portfolio & Management IPS-EPIS™ Relay Management & Relay Setting MNG Primavera adapter SAP Work Manager Mobile Siemens PSS®E Grid calculation IBM Maximo Asset Management Siemens PSS®ODMS Grid modeling Maximo Spatial To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter OSIsoft PI AF & ProcessBook Asset health OSIsoft PI Real-time & data storage ESRI ArcGIS GIS SCADA

5 ELVIS Project Scope High-Level Functional Scope
Delivery of the Relay Management part of the overall solution by planning, design and implementation of IPS-SYSTEMS™. IPS activities related to the integration with Maximo. IPS used standard IPS-Bridge interface, meeting required Maximo functionalities. Integration is based on WebService communication over the WebSphere ESB. IPS activities related to the integration with Siemens PTI PSS®ODMS. Common interface format was agreed to between PSS®ODMS and IPS based on CIM-XML (CIM16 - ENTSO-E CIM Model Exchange Profile, 2nd Edition). IPS activities related to the integration with CAPE. To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter

6 Relay Management & Relay Setting MNG
ELVIS Project Scope IPS Role in ELVIS - Interfaces IPS/MAXIMO – Web Services Classifications - Manual……………………. MX -> IPS Manufacturers……………………………… IPS <-> MX Location Hierarchy …………...……………. MX -> IPS Relay Assets ………………………….……. IPS -> MX CT, VT Assets ……………………….……. IPS <-> MX Service Provider - Manual ………………… IPS -> MX Action Templates - Manual………………… IPS -> MX Work Order………………………………….. MX -> IPS Work Order Completion Status…………… IPS -> MX Siemens PSS®ODMS – CIM XML Node-Breaker Model……………………. ODMS -> IPS IPS/CAPE – Extended CIM XML CIM model enriched with CT, VT and REL data………….……….. IPS <-> CAPE Electron CAPE Relay simulation IPS-EPIS™ Relay Management & Relay Setting MNG IBM Maximo Asset Management Siemens PSS®ODMS Grid modeling To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter

7 Relay Management & Relay Setting MNG
ELVIS Project Scope Data Migration from Legacy ELNET System Asset Locations Asset Location Types CT and VT Asset Types CT and VT Asset Objects Relay Models and Relay Asset Types Relay Asset Instances Digital Relay Settings Hint Texts at relay parameter pattern level Connection between Relay and CT Cores Connection between Relay and VT Windings Device-Configuration Management Protection Function Management Work Center Action Templates Nominal Secondary Settings Primary Functional Settings Primary Functional Hint Text Primary to Secondary Formulas Secondary to Primary Formulas Safe Load Calculation (SLC) Formulas ELNET centralized management and maintenance of technical data since 1989 IPS-EPIS™ Relay Management & Relay Setting MNG To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter

8 centralized management and maintenance of technical data
ELVIS Project Scope Data Migration from Legacy ELNET System - Challenges ELNET was organized by Protection Function and not as Relay Asset – data migration challenge Customer specific logic in ELNET defined some new functionalities also in IPS (e.g. Primary Setting Management, Device Configuration Management, …) Fingrid obtained calculation logic from Primary Functional Values to Secondary Relay Setting in parallel to CAPE Reports ELNET centralized management and maintenance of technical data since 1989 IPS-EPIS™ A21 7SA611.1 A49 7SA611.2 A79 7SA611.3 Axx 7SA611.n 7SA611 V4.61 To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter

9 Primary Settings Management
Overview Role of Primary Settings Large database of Primary Data available from old ELNET system Part of business process related to: Future grid model from ODMS Protection Data from IPS Calculation in CAPE S.11 Overview Why Primary Settings in ELVIS project are so important is because of the two major reasons: Fingrid already had primary setting data and formulas kept in the old ELNET system and they wanted to keep using it. Primary Settings are part of the business process related to: the retrieval of a future grid model from ODMS, This is then combined with the protection data from IPS and Everything is then available to be transferred to CAPE.

10 Primary Setting Process in ELVIS project
Primary Settings in IPS System Primary Settings refer to Electrical Power System data associated to Substation Bays Primary Settings associated to: Local Zone of Protection (LZOP) Relay S.12 Usage in IPS System KLIK: If I now focus to IPS System only, the term Primary Settings in IPS-ENERGY refers to electrical power system data associated to power system substation bays or feeders which are related to bay protection. KLIK: Since the primary settings are always protection related IPS-ENERGY allows definition of primary settings associated to either LZOP (local zone of protection) or to the relay.

11 Primary Setting Process in ELVIS project
Usage in IPS System Primary Settings Common Information Model (CIM) Nominal Relay Settings Network Model CAPE Settings S.13 Usage in IPS System Primary settings are used on many levels. They are used on Topology level, taking infromation from CIM model and keeping the settings in the Network model. They are used in Power System Data that is on Asset and Location Management level. They are used in Calculation Studio. They are used for CAPE Settings calculation. And they are used for Nominal Relay Setting Calculation. Network Model and Primary Settings It all starts in the Network Model… Power System Data (PSD) Calculation Studio

12 DEFINITION Primary Settings‘ in IPS-ENERGY
Primary Settings on Topology Level Network Model and Primary Settings - Definition Primary Settings‘ DEFINITION in IPS-ENERGY S.14 Network Model and Primary Settings - Definition I will now go more into details how Primary Setting is defined in IPS-ENERGY and this is done on the network model.

13 Primary Function (Overcurrent) Primary Function (Distance)
Primary Settings on Topology Level Network Model and Primary Settings - Definition Primary settings are a list of data organized in groups named Primary Functions. What is a Primary Function? Entity used in Power System Industry Represents the type of Protection (Distance, Differential, Overcurrent etc.). IPS implements templates of the Primary Functions. Primary Settings Primary Function (Overcurrent) Primary Function (Distance) Primary Function (…) S.15 Network Model and Primary Settings - Definition KLIK The primary settings are list of data organized in groups named primary functions. KLIK The primary function is an entity widely used in power system industry and it represents the type of protection. KLIK In order to simplify the management and complexity of the various scenarios, IPS implements so called templates of the primary functions.

14 Primary Settings on Topology Level
Primary Function Templates Definition & Primary Data Definition Primary Function Templates  group of primary data without actual values Primary Data Definitions  added to Primary Function Templates + actual values Primary Settings Primary Function (Overcurrent) Primary Function (Distance) Primary Function (…) Primary Function Template Primary Function Template Primary Function Template S.16 Primary Function Templates Definition & Primary Data Definition The IPS-ENERGY primary function template represents the implementation of primary functions. The primary function templates by definition is a group of primary data without actual values. The primary data definition entity is the IPS-ENERGY representation of data templates. They must be added to primary function templates and they are added on Primary Data Definition list under each Primary Function Template. Primary Data Definition Primary Data Definition Primary Data Definition Primary Data Definition Primary Data Definition Primary Data Definition Primary Data Definition Primary Data Definition Primary Data Definition

15 Primary Settings on Topology Level
Primary Function Templates Definition & Primary Data Definition S.17 Primary Function Templates Definition & Primary Data Definition These are managed under Topology Manager module - Network Topology Configuration service module in the Primary Function Template page.

16 Primary Settings on Topology Level
Primary Function Templates Definition & Primary Data Definition Using external data source to define the primary data S.18 Primary Function Templates Definition & Primary Data Definition If the primary data definition entities are imported or synchronized with external system and that external systems behaves as a source, then this field contains the unique reference id for corresponding entity in the external system. IPS-ENERGY enables you to reference value using formula from Calculation Studio. It also enables to add external reference directly from CIM model. As an external source could also be used CAPE. Last option is to reference Nominal Relay Setting.

17 Primary Settings on Topology Level
Primary Data Definition – External Source External reference using formula from Calculation Studio S.19 Primary Data Definition – External Source First option is to reference value using formula from Calculation Studio. After clicking button Formula dialog is open and you can select the formula from Calculation Studio.

18 Primary Settings on Topology Level
Primary Data Definition – External Source External reference value from CIM S.20 Primary Data Definition – External Source Other option is to reference value directly from CIM model. Fingrid has mostly used formulas and direct referencing to CIM.

19 Primary Settings on Topology Level
Primary Data Definition – External Source External reference value from CAPE S.21 Primary Data Definition – External Source Third option is to reference value or settings parameter from CAPE.

20 Primary Settings on Topology Level
Primary Data Definition – External Source External reference value from Nominal Relay Setting S.22 Primary Data Definition – External Source Fourth option is to reference value or setting parameter from Nom. Rel. Setting. This is all about the definition…

21 Primary Settings on Topology Level
Network Model and Primary Settings Primary Settings are Primary Data with values for particular place in the network Primary Data independent from CIM model LZOP Relay S.23 Network Model and Primary Settings When we are talking about primary settings generally we are considering primary data with values for particular place in the network (in particular bay in particular station). As I already said in IPS-ENERGY the primary settings must be based on primary templates and they can be added either to LZOP or a particular relay. All functions related to selected LZOP or relay are listed under Primary Functions tab and all corresponding primary data is stored under each Primary function. From here also could be seen which functions are active or not. Primary data/values related to this function is set and stored in column Data Value. Primary values calculated from external source are visible in Referenced Value column. The value from external reference is updated to separate field Reference Value field if certain Primary setting has Blocked value checked. If field Blocked is false/unchecked then the value from external source is updated to Data Value as well. KLIK It is possible to add each individual primary function with correcponding primary data or they could be imported in mass using standard template. KLIK What is important is that when new CIM model is imported, primary data remains unchanged.

22 Primary Settings Process in ELVIS project
Usage in IPS System Primary Settings Common Information Model (CIM) Nominal Relay Settings Network Model CAPE Settings S.24 Usage in IPS System In this step we can already see an interaction with other external sources or settings. Usage in IPS System I will now continue with how primary settings are used through Power System Data. Power System Data (PSD) Calculation Studio

23 PSD Primary Settings Process in ELVIS project
Power system data (PSD) and Primary Settings PSD Primary Settings Secondary Settings Actual Relay Setting Nominal Relay Settings CAPE Settings S.25 Power system data (PSD) and Primary Settings The general idea behind the integration of power system data and primary setting values is the necessity to bring primary values to secondary relay setting parameter level which is possible for power system data. Power system data in IPS-ENERGY is located on Asset and on Location in Asset Management module. The solution is done in a way to extend the power system data formula concept with possibility to define additional sources for power system data values.

24 Primary Settings Process in ELVIS project
Power system data (PSD) and Primary Settings In Power System Data Value Type dialog two additional references CIM Reference Calculation Studio Formula S.26 Power system data (PSD) and Primary Settings New ways how to enter Power system data values are two: In Power System Data Value Type dialog there are two additional buttons as shown below: CIM References Calculation Studio Formula First way is to use Power system data source – primary function plus primary data power system data is calculated contextually depending where the power system data is assigned t.i. to feeder or to a relay… and by CIM or Asset Management mapping logic the appropriate LZOP is reached and the appropriate primary data value is taken. Reference code to primary function must always be specified in following form. <Element Code of Primary Function>.<Primary Data Tag>

25 Primary Settings Process in ELVIS project
Power system data (PSD) and Primary Settings S.27 Power system data (PSD) and Primary Settings The other way is that the power system data source is the result of calculation studio formula. Calculation Studio dialog is open where suitable formula is selected. Using both ways the value source is set up.

26 Primary Settings Process in ELVIS project
Power system data (PSD) and Primary Settings S.28 Power system data (PSD) and Primary Settings In both way the refreshing power system data value is overwriting any other values (manual entry or other formula). However, the just added power system data values are not refreshed by default. KLIK By pressing the „Refresh from CIM“ button all CIM related references are refreshed. After successful update the values are updated and the changes are stored to database. The confirmation message about what was changed with some statistics is given in the form of message box.

27 Primary Settings Process in ELVIS project
Usage in IPS System Primary Settings Common Information Model (CIM) Nominal Relay Settings Network Model CAPE Settings S.29 Usage in IPS System Now we can see another interaction with other external sources or other settings. So from Primary side through CIM model and through Calculation Studio and from secondary side to CAPE, actual or nominal relay settings all through PSD. Usage in IPS System Last but not least, I will talk about what improvements have been done from Calculation Studio perspective. Power System Data (PSD) Calculation Studio

28 Common Information Model (CIM)
Primary Setting Process in ELVIS project Calculation Studio and Primary Settings Common Information Model (CIM) Calculation Studio Network Model Asset Management Secondary Settings Power System Data (PSD) S.30 Calculation Studio and Primary Settings KLIK The main motivation to use CIM data in Calculation Studio is to “connect” the asset management system and the network model together. KLIK Having CIM data in asset management level enables referencing them in all part of the IPS-ENERGY application where Calculation Studio is used.

29 Primary Setting Process in ELVIS project
Calculation Studio Formula Source Calculation Studio formula as a reference in: Primary Settings Data definition Power System Data source S.31 Calculation Studio Formula Source As I showed before, Calculation Studio formula could be used as a reference in: KLIK Primary Data definition KLIK Power System Data Value Type

30 Primary Setting Process in ELVIS project
Calculation Studio – CIM Calculation Studio Variables New variable type „Common Information Model (CIM)“ Calculation Studio variable could reference many other CIM data connected to the location where the actual formula is used Direct Primary Settings referencing: PF.<Element Code of Primary Function>.<Primary Data Tag> Primary Settings referencing via PSD Other general CIM data referenced: Name, R,X, R0,X0,… ACLineSegment.PropertyName Primary Value on LZOP level LZOP.PF.DIST.Z1 Name, CT Designation,… CT.PropertyName General ProtectedEquipment[0].ConductingEquipment.X S.32 Calculation Studio – CIM Calculation Studio Variables In order to enable network model data referencing but in the same time keeping the existing familiar logic of Calculation Studio variables the existing variable type “Reference Value” is extended to support CIM. The new reference type named Common Information Model (CIM) has been added. KLIK Unlike the power system data which are referencing only primary setting data, the Calculation studio variable could reference many other CIM data connected to the location where the actual formula is used. KLIK The primary settings must be referenced in the following format: PF.<Element Code of Primary Function>.<Primary Data Tag> KLIK Additional way to reference the primary data is to be done via power system data. For instance if you have power system data types referenced to primary settings data and they are used in location or asset level where the formulas will be added you could reference power system data in calculation studio variable. KLIK Other general CIM data could be referenced in calculation studio variables based on CIM connectivity model.

31 Primary Settings Process in ELVIS project
Usage in IPS System Primary Settings Common Information Model (CIM) Nominal Relay Settings Network Model CAPE Settings S.27 Usage in IPS System Again, via Calculation Studio all these sources and parts of application are in interaction. Power System Data (PSD) Calculation Studio

32 Primary Settings Process in ELVIS project
Conclusion Primary Settings and CIM in general provide necessary extension for Relay Management and Relay Setting Calculation Process in general Fulfill the requirements to connect and show data from many sources, not just one More reliable approach S.28 Conclusion The primary settings and CIM in general provide necessary extension for relay management and relay setting calculation process in general. We have fullfilled the requirements to been able to connect and show data from many sources which makes this process more reliable.

33 IPS Setting Calculation options
Relay Setting Management CIM Network Model Calculation Studio Formulas Network Model - LZOP (e.g. Outgoing Feeder, …) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx<_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) CAPE - CAPE CIM Network Model - Macros - CAPE Relay Secondary Settings Power System Data (PSD) - Physical Value Types (PVT) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) Nominal Relay Settings - Primary Nominal Settings = PSD PVT - Prim. -> Sec. Formula - Secondary Nominal Relay Settings Actual Relay Settings - Secondary Relay Settings - Sec. -> Prim. Relay Settings - Primary Settings Device Configuration Management - Device Configuration Group - Device Configuration Set - Device Configuration Parameters To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter Base Relay Settings - Base Parameter Template - Base Parameter Set

34 IPS Setting Calculation options
Relay Setting Management CIM Network Model Calculation Studio Formulas Network Model - LZOP (e.g. Outgoing Feeder, …) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx<_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) CAPE - CAPE CIM Network Model - Macros - CAPE Relay Secondary Settings Power System Data (PSD) - Physical Value Types (PVT) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) Nominal Relay Settings - Primary Nominal Settings = PSD PVT - Prim. -> Sec. Formula - Secondary Nominal Relay Settings Actual Relay Settings - Secondary Relay Settings - Sec. -> Prim. Relay Settings - Primary Settings Device Configuration Management - Device Configuration Group - Device Configuration Set - Device Configuration Parameters To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter

35 IPS Setting Calculation options
Relay Setting Management CIM Network Model Calculation Studio Formulas Network Model - LZOP (e.g. Outgoing Feeder, …) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx<_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) CAPE - CAPE CIM Network Model - Macros - CAPE Relay Secondary Settings Power System Data (PSD) - Physical Value Types (PVT) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) Nominal Relay Settings - Primary Nominal Settings = PSD PVT - Prim. -> Sec. Formula - Secondary Nominal Relay Settings Actual Relay Settings - Secondary Relay Settings - Sec. -> Prim. Relay Settings - Primary Settings Device Configuration Management - Device Configuration Group - Device Configuration Set - Device Configuration Parameters To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter Base Relay Settings - Base Parameter Template - Base Parameter Set

36 IPS Setting Calculation options
Relay Setting Management CIM Network Model Calculation Studio Formulas Network Model - LZOP (e.g. Outgoing Feeder, …) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx<_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) CAPE - CAPE CIM Network Model - Macros - CAPE Relay Secondary Settings Power System Data (PSD) - Physical Value Types (PVT) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) Nominal Relay Settings - Primary Nominal Settings = PSD PVT - Prim. -> Sec. Formula - Secondary Nominal Relay Settings Actual Relay Settings - Secondary Relay Settings - Sec. -> Prim. Relay Settings - Primary Settings Device Configuration Management - Device Configuration Group - Device Configuration Set - Device Configuration Parameters To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter Base Relay Settings - Base Parameter Template - Base Parameter Set

37 IPS Setting Calculation options
Relay Setting Management CIM Network Model Calculation Studio Formulas Network Model - LZOP (e.g. Outgoing Feeder, …) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx<_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) CAPE - CAPE CIM Network Model - Macros - CAPE Relay Secondary Settings Power System Data (PSD) - Physical Value Types (PVT) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) Nominal Relay Settings - Primary Nominal Settings = PSD PVT - Prim. -> Sec. Formula - Secondary Nominal Relay Settings Actual Relay Settings - Secondary Relay Settings - Sec. -> Prim. Relay Settings - Primary Settings Device Configuration Management - Device Configuration Group - Device Configuration Set - Device Configuration Parameters To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter Creating new Relay Settings: 1. If CAPE Setting Exists – apply from CAPE. 2. If Base Settings exists – prompt user to apply. 3. If Nominal Setting Exists – prompt user to apply. 4. if Nominal and CAPE parameters overlap – Nominal wins. Base Relay Settings - Base Parameter Template - Base Parameter Set

38 IPS Setting Calculation options
Relay Setting Management CIM Network Model Calculation Studio Formulas Network Model - LZOP (e.g. Outgoing Feeder, …) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx<_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) CAPE - CAPE CIM Network Model - Macros - CAPE Relay Secondary Settings Power System Data (PSD) - Physical Value Types (PVT) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) Nominal Relay Settings - Primary Nominal Settings = PSD PVT - Prim. -> Sec. Formula - Secondary Nominal Relay Settings Actual Relay Settings - Secondary Relay Settings - Sec. -> Prim. Relay Settings - Primary Settings Device Configuration Management - Device Configuration Group - Device Configuration Set - Device Configuration Parameters To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter Creating new Relay Settings: 1. If CAPE Setting Exists – apply from CAPE. 2. If Base Settings exists – prompt user to apply. 3. If Nominal Setting Exists – prompt user to apply. 4. if Nominal and CAPE parameters overlap – Nominal wins. Base Relay Settings - Base Parameter Template - Base Parameter Set

39 IPS Setting Calculation options
Relay Setting Management CIM Network Model Calculation Studio Formulas Network Model - LZOP (e.g. Outgoing Feeder, …) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx<_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) CAPE - CAPE CIM Network Model - Macros - CAPE Relay Secondary Settings Power System Data (PSD) - Physical Value Types (PVT) - Primary Functions (e.g. 7SA6xx_Z, 7SA6xx_AR, …) - Primary Data (e.g. A1, A2, A3, t1, t2, t3, …) Nominal Relay Settings - Primary Nominal Settings = PSD PVT - Prim. -> Sec. Formula - Secondary Nominal Relay Settings Actual Relay Settings - Secondary Relay Settings - Sec. -> Prim. Relay Settings - Primary Settings Device Configuration Management - Device Configuration Group - Device Configuration Set - Device Configuration Parameters To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter Creating new Relay Settings: 1. If CAPE Setting Exists – apply from CAPE. 2. If Base Settings exists – prompt user to apply. 3. If Nominal Setting Exists – prompt user to apply. 4. if Nominal and CAPE parameters overlap – Nominal wins. Base Relay Settings - Base Parameter Template - Base Parameter Set

40 Conclusion ELVIS project was one of the most challenging ones, from functional and from data migration perspective. Project start: Completion date: Sept – ELVIS was introduced to public as the new platform for asset and operation management. IPS is proud to be a part of ELVIS To add our IPS-Software-Logo as a bullet please click in ribbon on: Bullets -> Bullets and Numbering... -> Picuture... -> (Select IPS-Software-Logo) -> Press Enter


42 Thank you very much for your attention
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