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Updated Design of Detector Hall

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1 Updated Design of Detector Hall
3 November, 2015 LCWS2015 Whistler

2 Contents Detector Hall Current Design Features
Structural Features Cost & Schedule Facilities between the ground and the underground Issues LCWS2015 Whistler

3 Detector Hall (D/H) Current Design
Shaft Access Detectors will be assembled on the ground Two access way (elevator, and vehicle via Access Tun.) D/H Connection Tun. D/H Access Tun. Utility Shaft Main Shaft DR Access Tun. H7.5m W8.0m - Access to D/R and D/H - D/R machine installation - D/H vehicle access D/R Access Tun. LCWS2015 Whistler

4 Features (structural features)
42 m 25m SiD side ILD side Main shaft locates IR position. D/H length is reduced to 108m from TDR design (142m). Utility lines are in UT shaft Personnel access is in UT shaft by using elevator. Access tunnels connect at the both end of DH 25m Upper and lower tunnel are designed for the personnel access. 108m LCWS2015 Whistler

5 Features (cost and schedule)
Civil Mechanical Architectural Handling LCWS2015 Whistler

6 Features (cost and schedule)
CFS Construction Schedule MDI Assembling Schedule LCWS2015 Whistler

7 Facilities Architectural Facilities Mechanical Facilities
Spec Unit Qt A/T D/R-A/T Evacuation H2.5 x W2.0m M 1,020 D/R-A/T Doors 4.5 m2 Pcs 20 Utility Shaft Elevator 17 psn 150m/min Set 1 Evacuation Stair 120m Evacuation Doors 55 Assembly Hall  M2 180 x 25 =4,500m2  Mechanical Facilities Handling Equipment Mechanical Spec Unit Qt LCW φ750mm 2way M 260 ChW φ200mm 2way Pipes for supply φ100mm SUS 130 Pipes for return φ200mm SUS Ducts 2.6m × 2.0m 2way Items Specifications Unit Qt D/H Main Crane 40t 25m h35m pcs 2 Alcove Hoist Crane 2.5t 25m h25m 4 Assembly Hall 250t 25m h35m 250t 25m h130m 80t 25m h35m LCWS2015 Whistler

8 Facilities for the access
Main shaft & Utility Shaft Air Ducts might be moved to the main shaft Elevator Stair Water pipes Air Ducts Utility shaft D=10m Utility lines Pipes, ducts, cables Personnel access to D/H Elevator and stair Main shaft D=18m Center of DH Detectors Installation LCWS2015 Whistler

9 A sample of noise reduction
Issues Verification of geological condition at the point of the Main Shaft Sufficient sound rock coverage above the D/H Clarification of the necessary ground space Relationship between assembling and construction Facilities layout Environment impact Noise reduction during construction/operation Land restriction and required license Forest, agriculture, environment law /assessment A sample of noise reduction LCWS2015 Whistler

10 Backup LCWS2015 Whistler

11 Current Design of Detector Hall
42 m DH height is determined considering crane space specified the crane rule in JIS Current design is based on 250 ton crane If crane capacity is 40 ton, Cavern height will can be reduced. 2 – 3m Code Number JIS B 8820:2004 Title Rated capacity, rated speeds and slewing radius of cranes Scope of Application Overhead traveling crane Bridge crane including unloader Jib cranes including unloader

12 Over head traveling crane space
Red values are specified by crane regulation Other values can be set by individual design B B Crane Span Minimum Clearance line >400mm A >1800mm Trolley Sample design 250t 5.4m 40t 2.9m End Truck >600mm Wall >400mm Pillar Cabin Main Girder E Cabin side spacing <300mm Main Girder C Auxiliary hook D Main hook

13 Shaft Construction Area
Assembly Hall Design 17.0m (15.0m) Construction Side 17.0m (15.0m) 20.0m (20.0m) 20.0m (20.0m) Shaft Construction Area Assembly Area Assembly Area Platform 25.0m Main Shaft Platform 12.5m 27.0 (25.0)m 37.0m 52.5m Common 64.0 (62.0m)m 50.0m 67.0 (65.0)m SiD ILD 181.0m Assembling Side Two Garages for each Detector Two Large Entrances for SiD Two Large Entrances for ILD All Large Entrances are at the same side Outer space ILD: L67.0m x w27.0m SiD: L64.0m x w27.0m

14 Necessary Space for Shaft Construction
Shaft Diameter : 18m Soil treatment and slurry wall construction : 20m (each 10m) Offset distance : 10m (each 5m) 5m Offset distance Slurry wall machine L10m W6m 10m Base treatment space 9m Shaft radius 10m 6m 37m 74 m Shaft construction space 40m 77 m Assembly hall construction space Assembly hall construction space

15 Trailer access around Assembly hall
ILD End Side Entrance access ILD Platform Side Entrance access SiD Platform Side Entrance access SiD End Side Entrance access

16 Assumed specifications of semi-trailer
Maximum Load Capacity : 60 tons Type : semi-trailer Rear rigid axle

17 Largest Transported package
Trailer locus 25m space will be necessary for trailer to turn to garage space Largest Transported package D8.8m H3.0m Assembly Hall Tractor Head Trailer Tractor Head Trailer Length 5.635m 13.240m Width 2,500m 3,200m

18 Multi–steered trailer
Multi–steered trailer can reduce the turning space more. Load capacity 60t Width 2,990mm Pallet height 925mm Trailer length 12,900mm

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