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Introduction and Meeting Objectives

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1 Introduction and Meeting Objectives
Akira Yamamoto Presented at ILC-TOT 3-day Meeting at CERN 29 Feb. – 2 March, 2016

2 ILC Acc. Design Overview (in TDR)
Damping Ring e- Source e+ Main Liinac Physics Detectors Item Parameters C.M. Energy 500 GeV Length 31 km Luminosity 1.8 x1034 cm-2s-1 Repetition 5 Hz Beam Pulse Period 0.73 ms Beam Current 5.8 mA Beam size (y) at FF 5.9 nm SRF Cavity G. Q0 31.5 MV/m Q0 = 1x10 10 e+ Source e- Main Linac Key Technologies Nano-beam Technology SRF Accelerating Technology A. Yamamoto,

3 Technical Highlights after TDR (2013 ~)
SRF : R&D goal for CM Gradient, 31.5 MV/m E-XFEL: Completed 100 % of 800 cavity production, and 70 % of 100 cryomodule assembly and tests, Usable gradient nearly reaching 30 MV/m (Excellent !!) Fermilab-ASTA: reached Cryomodule (8-cavity string) av. gradient of > 31.5 MV/m KEK-STF2: CM1+2a (12 cavity string) reached av. Gradient of 31 MV/m Nano-beam : R&D goal for FF beam size at ATF, 37 nm ATF2 Collab.: reached 44 nm at the FF CFS Geological Survey & boring at a candidate IP region in progress in Tohoku Tunnel Optimization Tool (TOT) being developed by CERN/KEK-ARUP cooperation Accelerator Design and Integration (ADI) Post-TDR design update ( see The ILC Progress Report 2015) Common L* for both detectors of ILD and SiD Vertical access at Detector Hall at IR points Extension of ML tunnel length for optimizing e+e- collision timing and redundancy of ML SRF A. Yamamoto,

4 ILC Site Candidate Location in Japan: Kitakami
Preferred site selected by JHEP community, Endorsed by LCC, in 2013 High-way Oshu Express- Rail Ofunato Kesen-numa Sendai Ichinoseki IP Region A. Yamamoto,

5 ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN
T. Sanuki ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN

6 ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN

7 ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN

8 ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN

9 ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN

10 ILC Accelerator Layout in TDR
  Sanuki Report: 16/01/07 LC計画推進室からの報告

11 ILC Accelerator Layout, in TDR, and
Alternate Options still to be investigated

12 Consideration on ML Tunnel Access: A
North e+(e-) Access Hall ML cross section from South to North Good for installation South e-(e+) RF BT Good for maintenance ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN

13 ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN
Access Hall Latest Proposal Plan of the Entrance Hall Section A-A Entrance Hall - During Construction: Tunneling work passage - After completion: Air Duct, Smoke extraction path ← Access Tunnel Hoist Crane Entrance Hall Entrance Hall EH Cross-section Entrance Hall BT Section A-A ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN

14 Design Update Realized
Title Contents Decision CR-001 Add return dogleg to target by-pass Add additional lattice to bring BDS beamline on axis with main linac, to accommodate future >1 TeV beam energies. No CR-002 Adopt equal L* for both detectors Find solution for single L* value for BDS and both detectors Yes CR-003 Detector hall with vertical shaft access Consolidated solution for IR hall / layout which supports surface construction of the detectors. CR-004 Extension of the electron and positron Main Linac tunnels by ~ 1.5km Lengthen Main Linac tunnels by about 1.5km, to (i) fulfill the Global Timing constraint and (ii) add margin for total beam energy of 500GeV CME, w/ very reliable reach CR-005 Update top-level parameters Correct errors in reported luminosity for 500 GeV baseline and 1 TeV (b) parameters. CR-006 Add BPM downstream of QD0 Add a BPMs immediately downstream of the QD0s to facilitate beam capture and construction of a "virtual IP BPM". CR-007 Adoption of the Asian design as sole baseline Only the Asian version of the TDR designs will be the basis for further development; the baseline HLRF distribution scheme will be DKS, the CFS planning will be based on the mountainous topography design. CR-008 Formal release TDR-2015a lattice Complete set of matched lattices reflecting TDR design A. Yamamoto,

15 CR 3: Vertical shaft access to the detector hall at IP

16 CR 4: Adding ML tunnel lengths
for both e+e- timing and more reliable reaching 500 GeV

17 ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN
CFS Agenda towards ECWS2016 Subject Change Contents Review Items ML Tunnel Cross-section Shielding conditions: Central wall thickness /3.5m→1.5m RF service Gallery: RF Components layout Beam Tunnel: Cryomodule transport Connecting Passage (BT-RF) Arrangement of the supply lines(CFS) Access Hall (Entrance hall) Install method: - Underground facilities - Surface facilities Confirmation of Installation method -Access route, -Transport vehicle Access Hall Configuration -Underground Cavern, Shielding Door equipment Cryogenics Cavern Components Layout: Main components -Cold Box (4K?), -Compressor, -He & N2 Tank Facility scale & Location -Dimension: Underground Cavern, Building -Supply Facilities: Cable, LCW, CHW, Ventilation BDS Tunnel Cross-section Beamline Configuration: -Win tunnel ? or Single tunnel ? Equipment layout and critical function -Beam source, -Beam delivery system, -Beam damp system, -Cryogenics system,etc. Tunnel cross-section & Supply service ILC-TOT 3 Days Meeting at CERN

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