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John Halpin, Associate Dean, Perkins & Work Experience

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Presentation on theme: "John Halpin, Associate Dean, Perkins & Work Experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Perkins And Strong Workforce Program Technical Assistance Session
John Halpin, Associate Dean, Perkins & Work Experience Carmen Lamha, Associate Dean, CTE Pathways February 2017

2 Presentation Overview
Background Information Eligibility Requirements Accountability Procedure for Applying for Funds Instructions for Completing Forms Timeline Discussion

3 Background Information
Combined Funding Opportunity Perkins Career & Technical Education Act Strong Workforce Program (SWP) CCSF Web Pages: Perkins: funding-news.html SWP: CCCCO Web Pages: Perkins: V.aspx SWP:

4 Eligibility Requirements
Advisory Committee Requirements: At least one meeting per academic year Program Review/Annual Plan: Resource Requests ogram_Review_ /Categorical-Grants-Grid-2016.pdf Perkins Funding Requirements: Read Pages 5-8 of the RFP CTE Resource Guide: RevJune2012.pdf Strong Workforce Program Funding Requirements: Read Pages 8-10 of the RFP SWP Strategic Plan: l_Education/CCSFSWPStrategicPlan%20v.4.docx Supplanting Reference: m_Review_ /SupplantingReferenceDiagram_ pdf

5 Perkins Core Indicators
Accountability Perkins Core Indicators SWP Metrics Technical Skill Attainment Number of Enrollments Student attainment of a credential, certificate, or degree Number of students who earn a degree or certificate Student retention in postsecondary education or transfer to a baccalaureate degree program Number of students who transfer to a four-year institution Student placement in employment, military service or apprenticeships Employment rate at 2nd and 4th quarters after students exit community college Proportion of exiters in a job closely related to their field of study Student participation in and completion of CTE programs that lead to employment in non-traditional fields Earnings in 2nd quarter after exit % Change in earnings Proportion of students who attained the regional living wage

6 Procedure for Applying for Funds
Organize a Planning Team Convene your Planning Team Complete all required forms Use the Proposal Scoring Rubric Use the Proposal Checklist Submit by 5:00 p.m. PST, Wednesday, March 15, 2017: One electronic copy (Word doc) to and 12 hard copies to Perkins Office, C404, Mail: C30, Ocean Campus

7 Instructions for Completing Forms
Technology Sign-Off: Consultation with ITS is HIGHLY recommended Submit itemized technology request to ITS by 2/24/17 Attach completed and signed Core Indicator report (instructions on RFP p. 11). Fill Out Cover Page Check-list including Advisory Committee and Program Review statements Department Chair and Dean signatures

8 Instructions for Completing Forms - Narrative
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (1/2 Page) LABOR MARKET (1 Page) Site Data Sources: (e.g. Centers of Excellence Demand: Number of job openings in the region Supply: Number of program completers in the region Identify competitors PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS (1 Page) What areas have you identified for improvement? Link request to your planning objectives Complete Core Indicator Chart and SWP Metrics Chart

9 Instructions for Completing Forms – Narrative PROJECT WORKPLAN (EXAMPLE)
Priority # Activity Outcome 1 Improve the computer lab to provide more students, especially special populations, the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a simulated work environment. Addresses Core Indicators #1, 2, 4, and SWP Metrics: To increase number of students who attain a certificate and the number of students placed in jobs 2nd quarter after exit. 2 3 4 5

10 Instructions for Completing Forms - Narrative
Identify person(s) responsible for the project and a description of each team member’s role. Provide a timeline for completing the project. EXAMPLE: July 2017: Order equipment Aug 2017: Receive and install equipment Aug-Sep 2017: Train faculty on new equipment Oct 2017: Integrate equipment into fall semester classes: (list) Jan 2018: Equipment is used in spring semester classes: (list) May 2018: Evaluate success – number of students trained, number of students who completed the program and attained a certificate, etc.

11 Instructions for Completing Forms - BUDGET
Prioritize budget items on the template Make sure the budget relates directly to the narrative and work plan Include all related costs (delivery, taxes, installation, etc.) Use Budget Object of Expenditure (appendix) to classify line items. EXAMPLE: Priority Object of Expenditure Classification/Description Amount 1 6000 Equipment: One (1) WhizBang Diagnostic + $213 (8.5% tax) (includes shipping & installation) $2,712

12 Instructions for Completing Forms – PROGRESS REPORT
Fill out the Progress Report form Indicate the amount of Perkins/SWP funds awarded each year Describe how the program used funds in previous years. Outline what objectives were met. Specify impact on core indicators and outcomes. Identify accomplishments and best practices using funds Identify and describe reasons for not completing planned activities. For Perkins, complete the table on the nine required uses of funds. Include plans to address any unmet requirements in your work plan. Indicate “Not applicable” if necessary

13 Instructions for Completing Forms – Department vs
Instructions for Completing Forms – Department vs. Collaborative Proposals Department Proposals Collaborative Proposals One department, one proposal (exceptions are Business, Engineering, Health Technology) Two or more departments working together Core Indicator Report required Core Indicator Report not required Six questions, 80 points total Seven questions, 80 points total No graphic representation required Graphic representation of collaborative project required

14 Timeline January 27 RFP Released February 24 ITS Sign Off Deadline
March 15 Proposals Due in Perkins Office by 5:00 PM April 13 Allocation Subcommittee meets to make funding recommendations April 21 Award letters issued

15 Discussion Q&A For further assistance: John Halpin Carmen Lamha
Carmen Lamha

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