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Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

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1 Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Cluster-C Personality Disorder Adam Evans

2 Description of illness
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) Also known as Anankastic personality disorder, and not to be confused with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a personality disorder typically associated with an extended concern for orderliness, perfectionism, overwhelmingly excessive attention to detail, mental and interpersonal control, a need for control of one’s environment, and for everything to be done “right”, persons affected with this disorder may find it hard to relax, always feeling dissatisfied with their performance at work, during social activities, and even simple daily tasks.

3 Symptoms of illness Some symptoms associated with OCPD are.
Excessive attention to minute details Orderliness Obsession with perfection (perfectionism) Want for control over oneself and surroundings Persistence in tasks at cost of efficiency, social function or time flexibility Excessive devotion to work and productivity Difficulty throwing away old or worn items with no use (can lead to hoarding) Very rigid or stubborn behaviour Obsession with punctuality

4 Onset/Duration Onset – Scientists are unsure about exact causes of OCPD but believe it to be associated with biological, genetic or social factors. Duration – Decrease in severe symptoms over time, during late 40s or 50s.

5 Incidence/Prevalence
Prevalence – OCPD is twice as common in males than females and affects 2.1% to 7.9% of the general population. Incidence/diagnosis – while OCPD is rare, it is most common during adulthood, the patient must be diagnosed by a medical professional who specialises in the field, the patient must also show symptoms of the disorder for at least 1 year to be medically diagnosed.

6 Risk Factors Social-environmental
Being unaffectionate towards partners, family or friends (e.g) acting in a hostile or neglectful way towards you parents or siblings even if unprovoked Lack of generosity or empathy towards others (e.g) not willing to help someone with a task, regardless of simplicity. Behavioural Rigidness or stubbornness Refusal to do tasks if not done his/her way No clear Biological, Cognitive or Emotional risks associated with the disorder.

7 Treatments Treatments for OCPD include
Psychotherapy with a psychotherapist who specialises in the personality disorder. Some sufferers of the disorder are prescribed (SSRIs) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, which help to decrease rigid and linear thinking. Breathing techniques

8 Referencing Psych Central (2014) Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Symptoms retrieved from personality-disorder-symptoms/ Healthline Networks (2005) What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder? Retrieved from personality-disorder#Overview1 (UMMC) University of Maryland Medical Centre (2015) Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder retrieved from disorder

9 End

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