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Presentation on theme: "LATVIA TRANSNATIONAL MEETING"— Presentation transcript:


2 DATES April: 20th, 21th 22nd

3 Things to prepare What will it be about?
Construct a lesson plan for a mixed ability class. This lesson plan will NOT be done in class (no video of lesson). What will it be about? Pick a topic from your syllabus Choose any methodology Plan lesson using materials you would find at home

4 Topics chosen by schools:
Ethers: Daugavpils Construction technical school Food and food technology: Parnu Mai school Food and food technology: Vaivaru pamatskola Fauna in a local environment: Hajduboszormeny Identification of plant species: Riga Pardaugava school Transport across membranes: St. Clare College Related to chemistry: Os dr. Janeza Mencingerja Related to biology: IES El Olivo

5 What to do in Latvia? Each school will conduct the main activity of the lesson plan (30 minutes per school) 30 minutes will include: Introduction to activity Conducting the activity Feedback on activity

6 The challenging part Activity must be progressive; this means;
Caters for the low ability and progresses to high ability students, in the same lesson.

7 Example: Topic chosen: Living vs. Non-living
Step 1: separating living vs. non living things (low ability students) Step 2: discussing car vs. bird (middle ability students) Step 3: Are viruses living or non-living? (high ability students) The person who conducts the activity must have planned it.

8 Feedback Each school will be given 2 coloured sticky notes:
1 to write a positive feedback starting with: “ I liked it because…...” 1 to write feedback for improvement startiing with: “ I would improve/add to it by....” Att/ Latvians to prepare board where to put sticky notes on.

9 THINGS TO BRING WITH US The lesson plan (printed copy for each school)
The materials you will use for the activity

10 People who will attend Make sure that at least the following persons will be in Latvia 1 person who will conduct the activity (science oriented) 1 person who speaks English (as translator)

11 WEBSITE Send photographs


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