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Revelation Part 3 Lesson 4
Matthew 23 Jesus was in Israel, speaking to the people
Specifically to the Jews: scribes and Pharisees Their fathers killed the prophets God sent They are just like their fathers More prophets will be sent: you will kill them too Matt. 23:35 compares with the 5th seal of Revelation and God avenging the blood of His saints Jerusalem killed those sent to it with God’s Word
Matthew 24 Jesus told them the temple would be destroyed: When? it was in 70 A.D. What would be the sign of His coming? Sign of His birth was a Heavenly announcement and a Star in the heavens Sign of His coming? First He gives warnings Don’t be misled/led astray: Many false Christs will come Don’t be frightened when you hear about wars and rumors of wars
Matthew 24 What signs? Wars, as nations rise against nations Famines
Earthquakes throughout the earth These are the BEGINNING! Which means there will be an end…. Jewish believers will be persecuted, killed and hated because of Jesus’ name False prophets WILL mislead them These statements are closer to the END
Matthew 24 Contrasts: Lawlessness: contrasts God’s perfect Law
Lawlessness means no love during these times Lawless ones are contrasted with those whose faith endures until the end The Gospel of the kingdom continues until the end.
Matthew 24 Vs. 15-31 The READER of Matthew’s gospel (vs. 15)
ALL people, not just Jews, can know what is coming Jews in Judea, see the Abomination of Desolation standing in the Jewish Temple Those in Judea must flee Rev. 12 The woman flees to the wilderness Woman = Israel It would only bother a Jew to flee on a Sabbath
Matthew 24 Tribulation, like nothing that has ever happened before or ever will happen, comes False Christ and false prophets will arise and mislead people False prophet of Revelation 13-19 All will see Christ’s coming: it will be like lightning flashing from the east to the west Vultures signal the presence of a corpse Signs will signal the coming of Jesus Christ, which comes at the END of the Tribulation
Matthew 24 Vs. 29-30 Sun darkened, moon darkened, stars fell
Powers of heaven shaken Sign of the Son of Man in the sky is also described in Rev. 19: Power and Great Glory 4th Trumpet: Rev. 8:12 6th Seal: Rev. 6:12,13 King of kings and Lord of lords, judges and wages war. Eyes a flame of fire, diadems…
Matthew 24 Vs Parable of the fig tree: summer is coming so it puts out leaves The generation that sees the Abomination of Desolation and the Great Tribulation can know: His coming is soon! Heaven and earth will pass away Rev. 20:11 Just like the days of Noah
Matthew 24 Days of Noah: People were living without believing the flood was coming (vs. 37) Christ’s coming will be like those days No one knows the day and hour, though there will be clear signs “They did not understand until the flood came and took them all away: so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” “One will be taken and one will be left.” vs. 40
Matthew 24 Application: Be alert Be awake and ready for Jesus’ coming
The sensible slave watches for His master at all times. The wicked slave is distracted by worldly pursuits and does not watch. Watch, be expectant: live like He is coming back any minute….
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