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City of Biddeford, Maine Capital Improvement Plan

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1 City of Biddeford, Maine Capital Improvement Plan
for FY2017

2 City of Biddeford, Maine
Purpose of CIP At this point… It is a planning document Not a funding document Needs to be integrated with FY2017 budget Will be revised at time of budget adoption City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

3 City of Biddeford, Maine
All Assets of City On June 30, 2016… Municipal Only Land $ 7,018,780 Construction in progress $ ,466 Buildings and improvements $10,440,550 Vehicles and Equipment $12,232,141 Infrastructure $ 55,264,246 Totals * $ 85,003,183 *not including depreciation City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

4 City of Biddeford, Maine
Assets of City On June 30, 2016… School Only Land $ ,675 Construction in progress $ Buildings and improvements $ 67,009,553 Vehicles and Equipment $ 3,274,951 Infrastructure $ ,959 Totals * $ 71,639,138 *not including depreciation City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

5 City of Biddeford, Maine
Assets of City On June 30, 2016… Business-type activities Land $ ,275 Construction in progress $ 2,150,436 Buildings and improvements $ 4,545,564 Vehicles and Equipment $15,326,600 Infrastructure $ 17,003,136 Totals * $ 39,230,011 *not including depreciation City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

6 City of Biddeford, Maine
Total Assets of City On June 30, 2016… Land $ 8,050,730 Construction in progress $ 2,197,902 Buildings and improvements $ 81,995,667 Vehicles and Equipment $ 30,833,692 Infrastructure $ 72,794,341 Totals * $195,872,332 *not including depreciation City of Biddeford, Maine 2017 CIP

7 City of Biddeford, Maine
Depreciation Accounting measure to show the reduction of value over time Total accumulated depreciation (as of ) City assets ($41,513,371) School assets ($20,016,191) Business-type ($13,483,432) $75,012,994 Total City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

8 City of Biddeford, Maine
Sources for CIP Sources for CIP Current tax dollars Use of unassigned fund balance (surplus) Use of long term debt Grants State or federal dollars Other City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

9 City of Biddeford, Maine
CIP and GASB 34 GASB 34 reporting requirement Fairly new requirement; 11 years old Requires reporting of all capital assets and the depreciation on those capital assets Opportunity to measure community investment If depreciation reported… Equals capital investment then ok Exceeds capital investment then deferring costs for future taxpayers Is less than capital investment then making up for past deferments New capital versus replacement capital City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

10 Capital Investment vs. Depreciation
City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

11 Capital Investment vs. Depreciation
City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

12 Capital Investment vs. Depreciation
City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

13 Capital Investment vs. Depreciation
City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

14 Capital Investment vs. Depreciation
City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

15 Capital Investment vs. Depreciation
City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

16 Capital Investment vs. Depreciation
City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

17 Capital Investment vs. Depreciation
City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

18 City of Biddeford, Maine
2017 to 2021 Funding Requests 2017 $13,547,244 in requests; $12,227,707* 2018 $16,622,081 in requests; $15,045,081* 2019 $15,129,725 in requests; $15,778,725 * 2020 $6,413,217 in requests; $8,608,754* 2021 $4,515,320 in requests; $4,515,320 * *City Manager recommendation City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

19 2017 to 2021 Impact on City Operating Budget
$4,193,144 in requests; $2,473,607* 2018 $5,773,794 in requests; $6,146,794* 2019 $6,926,448 in requests; $7,575,448* 2020 $4,049,148 in requests; $4,744,685* 2021 $2,487,712 in requests; $2,487,712* *City Manager recommendation City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

20 All Requests By Departments
Airport $ 500,000 City Hall Depts $ ,775 Engineering $17,118,800 Facilities $ 3,412,450 Fire Dept $ 2,704,402 Ice Arena $ ,137 Library $ ,500 Public Works $13,865,472 Recreation & Parks $ 1,955,451 Street Lights $ 1,000,000 Wastewater $14,142,600 TOTALS $56,408,487 City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

21 Changes in State Funding
City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

22 City of Biddeford, Maine
2017 CIP Specifics Five year identification of needs and suggested funding sources Current year is more defined… Years 2 through 5 are less defined… Includes multiple funding sources City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

23 2017 Requests By Departments
Airport $ 500,000 City Hall Depts $ ,775 Engineering $ 7,081,160 Facilities $ ,450 Fire Dept $ ,722 Ice Arena $ ,137 Library $ ,000 Public Works $ 2,829,000 Recreation & Parks $ ,400 Street Lights $ Wastewater $ 1,152,600 TOTALS $13,547,244 City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

24 City of Biddeford, Maine
Next Steps Council review of draft CIP; assign to a committee for review Council receives FY2017 budget Integration of budget and CIP Council deliberates, modifies (if appropriate), and passes CIP City of Biddeford, Maine FY2017 CIP

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