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2013 A Year in Review Part 1.

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1 2013 A Year in Review Part 1

2 A Look Back Does the past provide lessons for the present, guidance for the future?  This is one of a two part training to look back at 2013 and see. Let’s begin with the Flash Reports.

3 Today’s Training… Why Complete a Flash Report
Summary of the 2013 Flash Reports Additional Resources

4 Why A Flash Report? Injury The Flash Report captures an event that will or has the potential to adversely affect an employee, the company, client, or third party involved. Near Miss Auto Damage First Aid Equipment Damage Auto Citations Client Process Disruption

5 Why A Flash Report? It provides us with the information to maintain our own investigation related to events reported, as they’re reported. It provides us with the information to maintain our own investigation related to events reported.

6 Why A Flash Report? Flash reports provide a means to learn from experience. Trends are tracked and active measures to address potential problems can be enacted.

7 Why A Flash Report? The Safety Department oversees the collection of data for investigations through to their completion.

8 Why A Flash Report? The Safety Committee meets quarterly and reviews the Flash Reports to determine if there is a need to address unsafe trends further. The Flash Report Summary is then posted on the Google Safety Resource Center site.

9 Flash Report Summary The following slide is a chart representing the 2013 history of Flash Reports. Mangan Inc. Including Mangan Proving and MSS Mangan Renewables PCS Following the chart are slides that summarize the collection of reports.


11 Flash Report Summary Work related injury – Mangan Renewables (1)
A soft tissue neck strain was reported by a solar leased labor employee. Illness exposure – Mangan Inc. (1) Office employees were potentially exposed to contagious disease. The Health Department was contacted and measures to ensure the employees’ safety administered.

12 Flash Report Summary Non-Work Related Slips – Mangan Inc. (2)
One occurred off regular work hours at a hotel, the other was prior to starting work Both related to icy conditions First Aid – Mangan Inc. (2) and Renewables(1) Contractor on project received a minor shock Two slips One due to icy conditions (MR) One due to debris on the ground

13 Flash Report Summary Personal Illness – Mangan Inc. (1)
An employee fainted at a client site. Based on client’s procedures for response, the employee was taken to the emergency room for medical observation. The medical exam confirmed there was no influence based on potential chemical or other exposures that could have caused the employee’s symptoms. The employee was released to their personal physician’s care.

14 Flash Report Summary Thefts – Mangan Inc. (3) and PCS (1)
Employee’s personal property stolen in office environment. (2) Since these two events, the office has moved and more advanced security measures have been put in place. Employee’s computer and client documentation stolen from trunk of their vehicle. Equipment trailer break-in. (PCS)

15 Flash Report Summary Near Miss – Mangan Inc. (3)
Liquid from overspray in refinery unit during turnaround sprayed in employee’s eyes. The liquid was water and it did not result in an injury or first aid. Roof sealant bucket blown from roof of office. There were no injuries or property damage to report. Police officer responding to an errant call out of one of the offices nearly slipped on walk way up to the office entrance. No injuries to report.

16 Flash Report Summary Equipment Damage – Mangan Inc. (1) Mangan Renewables (3) Damaged to storage door when pulling out with truck Lessons learned… patience Damaged or broken solar modules – MR (3) Caused by high winds, improper loading, maneuvering equipment incorrectly

17 Flash Report Summary - Autos
Automobile damage, accidents, and violations placed second in Flash Report activity. Two Commercial Vehicle DOT violations were issued to our drivers – Mangan Inc. Minor infractions, brought greater emphasis on how we manage our program as it relates to the regulations.

18 Flash Report Summary - Autos
Automobile accidents or damage – Mangan Inc. (6) Mangan Renewables (1) Significant damage to vehicles included: Employee driving personal vehicle from client site was hit at an intersection. No one was injured. An employee was driving a company car and was hit from behind. The car that hit him was hit by another car going approximately 65 miles per hour. The employee had given themselves enough space between the car in front of them so there were no additional cars involved. There were no reported injuries.

19 Flash Report Summary - Autos
Automobile accidents or damage – Mangan Inc. (6) Mangan Renewables (1) Minor damage to vehicles included: Company car with broken hatch (MR) Rental vehicle with ‘star’ crack on window from a rock Rental vehicle is hit while parked and then hits a parked car when leaving parking lot, minor damage to all three vehicles Rental vehicle hits sign post scraping roof Rental vehicle is dinged while parked at hotel Company loaner vehicle was hit while parked in a parking lot

20 Flash Report Summary - Autos
Drive Defensively! Always document damage to a vehicle or an accident… No matter how insignificant it may seem Use your Camkit (or cell phone for pics) Contact the rental car agency if it is a rented vehicle if vehicle is damaged while in your care Submit a Flash Report with the pictures and documentation within 24 hours

21 Flash Reports - Clients
Depending on the magnitude of the event, investigations involving project execution are usually conducted by local office management and / or their accident investigation teams.

22 Flash Reports - Clients
Flash reports including events related to chemical exposures – Mangan Inc. (2) H2S Alarm events No first aid or injuries reported Employees reported the events to the client’s immediately The monitors were turned into safety

23 Flash Reports - Clients
The most reported events were related to project execution activities – Mangan Inc (11) These are shared throughout the year in the biweekly safety meetings, primarily to the industries they directly are related.

24 Flash Reports - Clients
From a safety standpoint, the most cited issue surrounding these events were: Third party involvement on project team taking short cuts Lack of following or absence of procedures Lack of follow through on the JSA Steps are currently in place to train and ensure the JSA process is utilized as it is intended.

25 Flash Reports - Clients
Further investigation into these events could result in new procedures or revisions to existing procedures, however this is outside of safety’s realm and is at the discretion of project management.

26 Flash Reports - Clients
A summary of the client specific events and PM contact information per event, for further information can be obtained through the office / regional Safety Rep.

27 Flash Reports – Your Responsibility
If an incident in any way involves a Mangan direct or contract employee, report it. Report, report, report!

28 Flash Reports – Your Responsibility
Flash reports are to be completed within 24 hours of the event (preferably sooner). Any employee involved in an reportable event can complete a Flash Report. They are to be forwarded to The reports are then forwarded to upper management so they are aware of the activity.

29 Flash Reports – Your Responsibility
Looking back, this year’s Flash Report activities were: Prompt Comprehensive Timely

30 Part Two of Looking Back
In the next Bi-Weekly Safety Meeting we will look back… Where we are tracking in our safe man-hours A review of our SMART Card activity The result of our final KPI ‘grades’ We will then look forward into 2014 and exciting new prospects for success!

31 Resources The Flash Report summary is posted on the Google Safety Resource Center site and is updated quarterly after the safety committee review. The Client Flash Report summary is available through your office Safety Representative.

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