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Year 2 Autumn Term.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 Autumn Term."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2 Autumn Term

2 Staff Miss Holland Mrs Oliver/Mrs Steven – Tues to Fri/Mon
Mrs Davidson Mrs Pick – group work and Tuesday afternoon

3 Timetable Before bell – handwriting 9.00 – assembly
– Phonics 9.50 – – ERIC 10.05 – – Literacy 11.00 – Maths

4 Afternoons Monday – Topic and ICT Tuesday – Sciences and DT
Wednesday – Topic Thursday – Swimming and Music Friday – PE in morning, Maths in afternoon

5 Topics Me Sandwiches – instructions My house – addresses and stamps
Lowry, Monet, Picasso The Wizard of Oz Fire – Guy Fawkes and Great Fire of London

6 Literacy Descriptive writing
Information texts – bullet points, instructions Poetry Letters Big Writing once a week

7 Big Writing Taught by VCOP - Vocabulary – wow words
Connectives – to join sentences together Openers – words that start sentences Punctuation – different types

8 ERIC Every child reading in class Heard by an adult
Encouraged and helped with both strategies and understanding

9 Maths Understating place value – splitting 2 digit numbers
Addition and subtraction – using the splitting to help Multiplication and division – lots of and sharing

10 Outdoor Learning Cooking Maths Literacy Phonics Gardening Art Drama

11 Reading at home At home every night Talk about the book -
What does this word mean? What other word could you use instead? How is this character feeling? How do you know? What do the pictures in the book tell you about the story?

12 Reading at home Identify any unfamiliar words in the title.
Who is the author? Illustrator? What does the title tell you about the story? Is it fiction or non-fiction? Predict what will happen in the story. Summarize the story. Find a describing word.

13 Reading at home Stuck on a word? Use pictures to help
Miss out the word stuck on and go back Look at the sounds that are in the words

14 Reading at home Punctuation Pause at full stops
Encourage expression in voice Uses different voices for people

15 Reading at home Great to read the same book over and over!
Read their books to them All children love to be read to

16 Writing at home In learning logs encourage –
Children to write about what interests them. Neat handwriting – on the line, clear finger spaces. Start sentences with a capital letter, use full stops. Exciting vocabulary.

17 Maths at home 1 more, 1 less 10 more, 10 less Odd/even
Add 5, take away 5 etc Ty and teen numbers

18 Maths at home Careful of numbers written and formed correctly – not back to front Writing 37 for 73 etc

19 Maths at home Time Weight Height Money Coin recognition

20 Timetable Monday – Learning Logs in Tuesday – Outdoor day
Thursday – Swimming Friday – PE, Reading books changed

21 SATs May

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