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Exploring Mathematics with Maple

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1 Exploring Mathematics with Maple
Catherine Wilkins

2 Maple MT course - Stats Dept sessions Using your own PC Assessment Getting help Maple in action

3 Using Computer Systems
Word processors Spreadsheets Websearches …but also specialised uses

4 …by Mathematicians Number crunching
Websearching (MathSciNet, mathworld, etc) Typesetting mathematics (TeX etc) Specialist packages (Maple, Mathematica, Mathcad, Matlab, Derive, Reduce…)

5 Maple Simple calculator Computer algebra system
Manipulates algebraic expressions solves equations differentiates and integrates manipulates matrices and vectors plots graphs in 2D and 3D

6 Michaelmas Term course - Learning to use Maple
Independent learning (with plenty of assistance) using the Student Guide Scheduled sessions in Stats Experiment and practice (weekly problem sheets) The Maple Help System

7 Stats Dept sessions 1 South Parks Road - accessed with your University Card Your college tutor has the times for your college Same username and password as for your University account (eg mine is shug0842) us if you’re ill and can’t attend

8 Using your own PC Each college has been supplied with a CD for you to copy onto your machine and use under our license…ask your College Senior Maths tutor to lend you the CD If you have no PC then see Dr Curnock to arrange access to Institute machines

9 Assessment MT work not assessed at all Two projects in Hilary Term
To be done independently Count as two Mods questions Note: marks are usually lost for mathematical errors…not Maple ones

10 Getting Help Demonstrators in Stats Dept sessions Maple Help System
Help each other - this term collaboration is allowed (and encouraged) College tutors me...

11 Final Thoughts You are mathematicians, so…
Be sceptical, and check Maple’s answers (if you can) Be curious, and ask yourself how Maple can do it Now here’s some I prepared earlier...

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