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Diversity and Adaptations

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity and Adaptations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity and Adaptations

2 Adaptations A characteristic, structure or behavior that helps an organism live. Examples:

3 We can separate adaptations into two categories:
Physical Behavioral

4 Physical adaptations help an animal survive in its environment.
are body structures that allow an animal to find and consume food, defend itself, and to reproduce its species. Hey! I’m a walking stick. I look just like a stick you’d find on the ground. Physical adaptations help an animal survive in its environment. © A. Weinberg

5 Behavioral Adaptations…
Now let’s learn about Behavioral Adaptations… Behavioral Adaptations allow animals to respond to life needs.

6 Adaptations help organisms:
Get food Protect themselves Move Reproduce Carry on the life processes

7 Activity Observe your hand. Notice the relationship of your thumb to the rest of your fingers. Note your thumb can move in a number of directions and angles. Work with a partner. Perform the list of activities as you normally would paying attention to your thumb involvement. Record “thumb involvement”

8 PART 2 Tape your thumb to your palm and perform the same list of tasks. Don’t tape so tightly to cut off circulation! Pay attention to any differences in performance.

9 Analysis Which tasks required least “thumb involvement”? Most?
Any correlation between thumb use and fine or gross motor skills?

10 Many scientists believe the opposable thumb has helped humans adapt to their environment and survive. What are ways in which the use of the thumb enables humans to better survive in their environment?

11 Terms to Know Habitat: Population: Diversity:
An area or place where an organism lives Habitats include: Biotic and Abiotic Factors Population: A group of the same species that live in a particular area Diversity: The variety of life in a habitat

12 Terms to Know (cont.) Variation: Species: Evolution:
Differences between individuals within a species Species: Organisms that look similar and can interbreed Evolution: The process in which organisms change over time

13 Charles Darwin The famous explorer

14 H.M.S. Beagle One of the most important voyages in history!

15 GALAPAGOS ISLANDS The Galapagos are an archipelago of several volcanic islands located in the Pacific Ocean, about 650 miles west of Ecuador. The Blue-footed Boobie

16 Giant Tortoises The giant tortoise is probably the best known of all Galapagos animals and even gave the archipelago its name; 'Galapago' means tortoise in Spanish.

17 Finches 14 different species

18 What is Natural Selection ?
Organisms that best adapt to a changing environment will survive. Survival of the Fittest! Examples from the Galapagos Islands

19 Table Chat Darwin refers to both Natural Selection and Artificial Selection. What is the difference between the two? Give an example of each

20 Selective Breeding- what Darwin calls “Artificial” Selection -mating organisms to get the desired traits Examples:

21 Worksheets Bird Adaptations Squirrels of the Grand Canyon

22 Why are some animals able to survive to adulthood and others are not?

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