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Wake up to the power of solar

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1 Wake up to the power of solar
Ron Swenson, SolarQuest® MBITA Monterey, California May 4, 2007

2 The Elevator Speech Solar (renewable) energy is the only way to stop global warming and mitigate oil depletion. We are out of time. We cannot be complacent. SolarQuest continues with its solar energy / energy conservation program in the Galapagos Islands under contract with the UNDP and Ecuador’s Ministry of Energy under sponsorship of UNF and the e8. We are developing plans for a Renewable Energy Applications Laboratory. To build support for solar ramp-up, SolarQuest is organizing a Renewable Nations Network, with University capacity partners in the USA and educational institutions in-country.

3 LESSONS LEARNED: Rapid Response to Crisis International Collaboration Public / Private Partnership Carbon Finance Structural Adjustments Removal of Barriers Identification of Best Practices Response Time / Lag Human Capacity Building Global Modeling Development Impacts

4 $33 M Capital Cost - $47 M Subsidy - $5 M Soft Costs - (Total $85 M)

5 Human Capacity Building for Sustainable Energy Development

6 Renewable energy programs and monitoring

7 The market is enormous

8 We are also doing things locally
Real Estate Strategies & Solutions, Project Developer Barry Swenson Builder, General Contractor ElectroRoof, Project Integrator Owens Electric and Solar, System Installer Central Coating Company, Roofer Solar Technologies, Panel supplier Plantronics, Santa Cruz

9 My job is to …. Dispel the myths Bountiful oil The hydrogen economy Oil substitutes (tar sands, shale, coal-to-liquids) The biofuel bonanza… Demonstrate the potential of solar energy… And challenge each of you to take action – to mitigate global warming and oil depletion. There are incredible advantages to being ahead of the game!

10 Wishful Thinking: Energy Futures
Source: Bill Reinert, ASPO Boston, 2006 October Used with permission by Peter Wells Diversity of energy resources is increasing in line with growing energy demands

11 It looks more like this. Source: Colin J. Campbell,

12 … or worse….

13 For example: Mexican oil is fading…
Cantarell, one of the world’s Big 4 Fields, is dropping fast. Cantarell offshore facility

14 Biofuels will hardly make a dent.

15 Projected Impacts of Climate Change

16 More likely, the All-New DonCar!

17 Global Solar Energy Balance
Solar Energy Input (TeraWatts) 178,000 Reflected to Space Immediately 53,000 Absorbed and Then Reflected as Heat 82,000 Used to Evaporate Water (Weather) 40,000 Captured by Plant Photosynthesis 100 Total Energy Used by Human Society 13 Total Energy Used by US Society 2.5 Total Human Food Energy 0.6 99.93% of our energy is Solar and 0.01% is created by humanity.

18 120,000 TW of solar energy received by the Earth
Source: Chu, Steve, Solutions to the energy problem, Asia Pacific Partnership Conference, Claremont Hotel, Berkeley,

19 Total Area Required for a PV Power Plant to Produce the Total US Electrical Demand
Source: J. A. Turner, “A Realizable Renewable Energy Future”, Science, 285, p 5428 (1999). “We will first address the question ‘Can we really supply all our energy needs from renewable energy?’ The power of renewable energy can easily be shown using the United States as an example. The US is the world largest energy consumer, total US annual electrical demand for 1997 was about 3.2 x 1012 kWh (representing 25% of the World’s consumption). If we assume flat fixed-plate collectors covering only half of the available land area with a system efficiency of 10% (current commercial technology), a PV array 104 miles (166 km) on a side (~10,900 sq. miles, km2), placed in southwest Nevada, would over one year supply all this energy. This area represent less than 0.4% of the available land area of the United States. A system efficiency of 15%, which should be available in the next 3-5 years, would drop the area to 7200 sq. miles. If we add wind to the energy mix, this area for PV grows smaller, if we add geothermal, smaller still, if we add hydro smaller still, …the point is clear, we can gather more than enough renewable energy to power our society and yet have an abundance of renewable resources available for future growth. Also one should note that wind alone or solar thermal alone could also provide all our electrical energy needs. The area of the Nevada test site is approximately 5000 sq mi.” [J A Turner, Solar World Congress, Orlando, FL, 2005 August]

20 Personal Rapid Transit (Podcars)

21 Podcars can be powered 100% by solar

22 Compare Solar to Gasoline at $2.50/gallon
25 mpg, average fleet mileage 27,000 passengers per day to match 2.0 people/vehicle 13,500 vehicles/day x $2.50 /gallon fuel price = $33,750 Cost to travel fleet mileage daily $ 12,318,750 Annual cost to travel fleet mileage $ 45,000,000 Cost of solar to cover fleet mileage = 3.7 years, Payback for solar system to offset gasoline

23 Non-Oil, Power Exporting …
not to mention the numerous farmers now employed in growing hay for horses.[B]oat builders would suffer and towline, whip, and harness makers would be left destitute. Martin van Buren, Governor of New York, April If canal boats are supplanted by railroads, serious unemployment will result … If canal boats are supplanted by railroads, serious unemployment will result … not to mention the numerous farmers now employed in growing hay for horses.[B]oat builders would suffer and towline, whip, and harness makers would be left destitute. Martin van Buren, Governor of New York, April ...not to mention the numerous farmers now employed in growing hay for horses. Van Buren 1832 8th President ...not to mention the numerous farmers now employed in growing hay for horses. Van Buren 1832 8th President Non-Oil, Power Exporting … Countries…(Sweden, Iceland..) Cities… (Santa Cruz?) Colleges… (UCSC?) Companies… (ElectroRoof, 3 BOE/day) Citizens… (You and I?) To learn how, let’s go back to the future…

24 Thomas Edison “I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait 'til oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” ( )

25 Renewable Nations white

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