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Region and Colony Names Climate, Geography Economic Activities

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1 Region and Colony Names Climate, Geography Economic Activities
Education Views on Religion Leisure Activities New England, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts (Transportation: Stage coached, boats) Cold Rugged terrain with rocky soil No minerals in the soil Plenty of water sources –rivers and the Atlantic Ocean Building ships Fishing Whaling Shipped goods to colonies, Great Britain (furniture) To teach scripture Reading was important, they used the Bible to teach Public schools were only for boys; studied 3 “R’s” Alphabet included “Dame Schools”: woman opened her home for a school. Colleges-Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, Harvard apprenticeships Church = for worship & comm. activities Strict church lasted 3 hrs. a.m. & 3 hrs. p.m. Religious jingles to teach religion & values Puritans broke away from the Church of England. If not obeying, Puritans were punished or banned No gambling Work centered Believed strongly in democracy Town Meetings

2 Middle Colonies New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware (Transportation: Stage coaches) Milder climate longer growing season Rich soil land suitable for farming Rivers and streams flowing through Fish and wildlife -Small farms -Wheat (Penn. & NY) -“Breadbasket” -Simple Manufacturing -Mining -Fruits -Textiles -Vegetation -Ship building Education was to prepare a boy for trade Private schools for the wealthy in 2ndschools;otherwise elem. was sufficient Discipline-harsh Freedom to express their own religious beliefs Higher level schools were based on religious denominations Princeton, NJ Colleges & Universities were faith-based Barn Raising Dinner parties, balls and horseracing Town meetings Baptists, Quakers, Jews, German’s, Swede’s

3 Southern Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Mildest climate, almost 2 growing season Richest soil Filled with bays, inland rivers, swamps, barrier Islands to protect the coastline Large plantations, tobacco, indigo, silk, rice Forestry Casks & barrels used for shipping were manufactured Naval stores produced from pine forests Wealthy boys had tutors or were sent to Great Britain or France for private school, William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA “old field schools” became common=1 room school house Charged a small fee when not working the farms More singing, shorter sermons Church of England = Anglican Church, official church of Georgia & all the colonies Plantation parties- House parties Horseracing Food centered Fox hunting Most social

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