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Achievement Award Jakub

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Presentation on theme: "Achievement Award Jakub"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achievement Award Jakub
edsd Achievement Award Jakub For counting aloud to 18 and counting out quantities of objects up to 13. Well done Jakub! Date: 15th January 2016

2 Achievement Award Danyl
edsd Achievement Award Danyl For eating his puddings out of the pot (no longer needing a bowl) and using a spoon with only occasional verbal prompting. Well Done Danyl! Date: 15th January 2016

3 For excellent estimation work in maths. Well done Leigh-Anna!
edsd Achievement Award Leigh-Anna For excellent estimation work in maths. Well done Leigh-Anna! Date: 15th January 2016

4 Achievement Award Lesra
edsd Achievement Award Lesra For excellent reading - matching sentences to pictures. Well done Lesra! Date: 15th January 2016

5 Achievement Award Ty-Elisse
edsd Achievement Award Ty-Elisse For fully engaging in a shared experience with another pupil. Well done Ty-Elisse! Date: 15th January 2016

6 For engaging in a shared experience with another pupil. Well done TJ!
edsd Achievement Award TJ For engaging in a shared experience with another pupil. Well done TJ! Date: 15th January 2016

7 Achievement Award Willow
edsd Achievement Award Willow For amazing recall in history sequencing events in the Great Fire of London and answering all of her questions correctly. Well done Willow! Date: 15th January 2016

8 Achievement Award Andrew
edsd Achievement Award Andrew For excellent work in English where he was able to recognise and name vowels. Well done Andrew! Date: 15th January 2016

9 Achievement Award Iona
edsd Achievement Award Iona For excellent work during her shape lesson – building towers, using a shape sorter and recognising a circle. Well done Iona! Date: 15th January 2016

10 Achievement Award Hayley
edsd Achievement Award Hayley For climbing to the top of the climbing wall at the QE2 activity centre. Well done Hayley! Date: 15th January 2016

11 Achievement Award Jake
edsd Achievement Award Jake For coming to school on the school bus and for going out shopping, to the gym and to college. Well done Jake! Date: 15th January 2016

12 Communicator of the Week
edsd Communicator of the Week Harry For choosing his snack from a choice of four symbols. Well done Harry! Date: 15th January 2016

13 Communicator of the Week
edsd Communicator of the Week Adam For using a single picture to independently request his biscuit for pudding at dinner time. Well done Adam! Date: 15th January 2016

14 Communicator of the Week
edsd Communicator of the Week Evie For communicating at dinner time which pudding she would like, using clear gesture when presented with a choice. Well done Evie! Date: 15th January 2016

15 Communicator of the Week
edsd Communicator of the Week Conor For using his PECs to communicate his needs at lunchtime – getting up to ask a member of staff for a drink and for asking to use the toilet. Well done Conor! Date: 15th January 2016

16 Communicator of the Week
edsd Communicator of the Week George For verbally communicating what he would like at snack – “biscuit please”. Well done George! Date: 15th January 2016

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