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2 B Costa Ricas History! Costa Rica was discovered September 18,1502. it was discovered by the and only Christopher. As he was on shore he was greeted by Carib Indians. These Carib Indians Wore gold rings on there nose and ears, causing the spaniard Gil Gonzalez Davila to name the country Costa Rica. Costa Rica was the least colonial influenced country, because it was tough place to settle and it was unpopular.

3 Basic Geographic's The country is divided by seven provinces of San Jose, Alajuela,Cartago,Heredia,Guanacaste,Puntarenas,Alimon. They have mountains and rainforests. The land is very fertile. The climate is tropical and there natural resource are Coffee,Pineapples,bananas,sugar,corn,rice,beans,potatoes,beef timber. The land area is 19,560 square miles. Total area 19,730 square miles (51,100 square kilometers)

4 Demographics and Economy
The population of Costa Rica is 4,191,948 people in there country. (Est.2008) There birth rate is 17.7/1,000. Growth rate: is 1.3%. Costa Rica is the most Democratic government in Latin America.

5 Costa Ricans Society Costa Rica's official language is Spanish, then English. 94% of people in Costa Rica is mestizo, 3% African americans,1% is Amerindian,1% is Chinese. The religion are roman catholic, evangelical, Jehovah witness, protestant. The typical Costa Rican food is called Cascade. It has rice, black bean, fried plantain (large bananas).

6 Cultural Issues The only issue that I found on the internet was the lack of minerals. Like gold, Silver copper. The way I would fix that is to get more resources like minerals and also try to make artificial minerals in my country that way we can have those minerals we need. Other wise Costa Rica is a very quiet place.

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