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turn in homework from p. 467 Get out your respiratory diagrams.

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1 turn in homework from p. 467 Get out your respiratory diagrams.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017 turn in homework from p. 467 Get out your respiratory diagrams.

2 LEQ What are the parts of the respiratory passageway and the functions of each?



5 Respiratory System Notes
Ch 13

6 Function Obtaining oxygen Removing carbon dioxide
Transporting air into & out of lungs Filtering air help control temp. & water content of air Produce vocal sounds Sense of smell Regulate blood pH

7 respiration Process of gas exchange between atmosphere and cells Steps
Ventilation Gas exchange between blood and air in lungs Gas transport in blood Gas exchange between blood and cells

8 Upper Respiratory tract
Nose Nasal cavity Paranasal sinuses pharynx

9 Lower respiratory tract
Larynx Trachea Bronchial tree lungs

10 breathing Movement of air in = inspiration or inhalation
Movement of air out = expiration or exhalation Atmospheric pressure moves air into lungs Nerves stimulate the diaphragm to contract

11 Air volume & capacity Spirometry = measurement of air volumes
Respiratory cycle = 1 inspiration plus following expiration Tidal volume = volume of air that enters or leaves during a single respiratory cycle; about 500 mL

12 Air volume & capacity Inspiratory reserve volume (complemental air) = extra volume that enters the lungs during forced inspiration; up to 3,000 mL

13 Air volume & capacity Expiratory reserve volume (supplemental air) = quantity of air expelled during forced expiration; about 1, 100 mL more than resting tidal volume Residual volume = amount of air that remains in lungs after forced expiration; about 1,200 mL

14 Respiratory capacities
Found by combining 2 or more of the respiratory volumes Vital capacity =TV + IRV +ERV; max amount of air a person can exhale Functional residual capacity = ERV + RV; vol. of air left in lung after exhalation of tidal volume Total lung capacity = VC +RV; total volume of air that the lungs can hold

15 Respiratory center Groups of neurons in the brainstem that control inspiration and expiration Medullary rhythmicity area: cause diaphragm to contract or a forceful inhalation Pneumotaxic area: controls breathing rate

16 Factors affecting breathing
Chemosensitive areas Peripheral chemoreceptors Inflation reflex

17 Gas Exchange Alveoli = microscopic air sacs that exchange gases between the air and blood Lined with simple squamous epithelium and capillaries Respiratory membrane = 2 layers of cells that separate air in alveoli from blood in a capillary; where gas exchange occurs

18 Gas transport O2 binds to hemoglobin in RBC’s to form oxyhemoglobin
Hypoxia – O2 deficiency in blood CO2 is transport dissolved in plasma, bonded to hemoglobin as carbaminohemoglobin, or as a bicarbonate ion (CO2 + H2O  H2CO3)

19 Gas Exchange InfoGraphic
due Monday InfoGraphic = visual representation of information


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