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China Agriculture University

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1 China Agriculture University
Presence/Absence Variation (PAVs) in Maize: Phenotypic Variation, Heterosis, and Domestication (with some final comments about cassava) GCP21-II Kampala, Uganda 22 June 2012 Patrick S. Schnable Iowa State University China Agriculture University Data2Bio, LLC

2 The $30M B73 Maize Genome Sequencing Project
Schnable, Ware et al., 2009 The Maize Genome Sequencing Project, Rick Wilson, PI

3 Genome Projects are Analogous to the Lewis & Clark Expedition
Expensive and require extensive planning/coordination Generates lots of information that requires subsequent analysis Exploration of the unknown; expect surprises

4 Outline CNV and Presence-Absence Variation (PAVs)
The origin of “recurrent de novo CNV” Revisit the domestication bottleneck in light of SV Relevance to cassava?

5 Outline CNV and Presence-Absence Variation (PAVs)
The origin of “recurrent de novo CNV” Revisit the domestication bottleneck in light of SV Relevance to cassava? Kai Ying Yan Fu 应开 傅延

6 Structural Variation (CNV & PAV)
What is overall level of (genic) SV? Does SV contribute to phenotypic diversity?

7 Array-based Comparative Genome Hybridization (CGH)
Nimblegen’s HD2 Array (~2.1M probes) Probes designed using a “frequency masked” 200 bp tile-path through the draft B73 genome sequence Genotypes: B73, Mo17 (different heterotic groups) Springer et al., PloS Genetics, 2009 7 7 7

8 Several hundred intact, expressed, phylogenetically conserved genes exhibit CNVs and PAVs
Segmentation Results Springer et al., PloS Genetics, 2009 Beló A et al. Theor Appl Genet. (2010) (Rafalski Lab)

9 2 Mb deletion on Ch 6* *Includes ~2 dozen genes, incl. resistance gene (Xu Mingliang, 徐明良); this large deletion also identified by Antoni Rafalski (CGH) and Ed Buckler (Re-Seq)

10 CNV and PAV Loss (blue) & CNV Gain (red) Intervals relative to B73
Outer to Inner rings: Teosinte vs. B73 Tx303 vs. B73 Hp301 vs. B73 Mo17 vs. B73 ~10,000 YBP

11 Re-sequencing Six Inbreds
Identified PAVs 5.4X coverage/inbred ~150 Genes Present among Six Inbreds are Missing from B73 Lai et al., 2010

12 Classical Models for Heterosis
Complementation Over-dominance x AA bb aa BB Aa Bb Zamir Complementation of PAVs in pairs of inbreds could contribute to heterosis; PAVs could also play a role in over-dominance 12 12

13 Deletions can be favorable
Removal of traits lost during domestication Ion uptake machinery (Heavy metal resistance in wheat) Cyanide release (chemical defense) in white clover (Olsen et al., 2007; 2008) Favorable rice QTL are in some cases PAVs: qPE9-1, panicle erectness; Zhou et al. (2009) Genetics semi-dwarf1, height; Ashikari et al. (2005) Science GW5, grain width; Weng et al. (2008) Cell Res

14 Outline CNV and Presence-Absence Variation (PAVs)
The origin of “recurrent de novo CNV” Revisit the domestication bottleneck in light of SV Relevance to cassava? Sanzhen Liu 刘三震

15 Detection of De Novo CNV in Human Trios
Mom (no CNV) Dad “Kid” (de novo CNV) X Detection of Recurrent De Novo CNV in Human Trios Mom (no CNV) Dad “Kid” (de novo CNV) X Mom (no CNV) Dad “Kid” (de novo CNV) X

16 Novel CGH Patterns Liu et al., Plant J, 2012

17 Reciprocal Gene Loss Model to explain speciation
Lynch and Force, 2000

18 Segregation of Non-Allelic Homologs (SNH) Generates “Recurrent De Novo CNV”
Model Predicts: Changes in “gene complement” among RILs (gains and losses) Should affect multiple RILs Affected genes should have non-allelic positions in B73 and Mo17 Figure 3.

19 Segregation of Non-Allelic Homologs Generates “Recurrent De Novo CNV” and Novel Phenotypes
Consistent with model: Losses and gains in gene content validated by Seq-Capture experiments (~200 segments in 2 RILs) Specific losses (as detected by PCR) observed in multiple RILs (12/14 genes lost in 25% or 12.5% of RILs) Affected genes are in non-allelic positions in the B73 and Mo17 genomes Inbreds can have different gene complements than parents Strong statistical support for association between gene loss and yield component traits in IBM RILs Figure 3.

20 Association of Gene Loss with Traits
Losses of 2/14 (14.3%) tested segments are significantly associated with phenotypic variation: Reduced yield component traits (adjusted p-values=0.03 and 0.01). Increased tiller number (adjusted p-value=0.01).   This rate (14.3%) is substantially higher than the 0.1% (N=670) of 515,620 control pairs of unlinked SNP markers that similarly exhibit associations with the same set of traits, identified via a two-dimension genome-wide scanning using a set of 1,016 SNP markers  

21 Outline CNV and Presence-Absence Variation (PAVs)
The origin of “recurrent de novo CNV” Revisit the domestication bottleneck in light of SV Relevance to cassava? Kai Ying 应开 Camile Rustenholz

22 Teosinte, the wild ancestor of maize
Zea mays sp parviglumis Maize Zea mays sp mays Domestication ~ 10,000 years ago

23 Genes Selected During Domestication Have a Molecular Signature
Yamasaki, M., et al. Plant Cell 2005;17: Copyright ©2005 American Society of Plant Biologists

24 CNV and PAV Loss (blue) & CNV Gain (red) Intervals relative to B73
Outer to Inner rings: Teosinte vs. B73 Tx303 vs. B73 Hp301 vs. B73 Mo17 vs. B73 ~10,000 YBP

25 Hypothesis: maize lacks some teosinte genes
B73 Mo17 Tx303 CML277 Oh7B Maize inbreds Domestication and crop improvement Teo. 1 Teo. 2 Teo. 3 Teo. 4 Teo. 5 Teosinte Genes conserved in maize and teosinte Non-B73 genes Non-maize genes

26 3,774 contigs NOT aligned with B73 reference genome
1,000s of expressed genes in teosinte are missing from the B73 reference genome B73 × Teosinte Ac3660 B73 × Teosinte Ac3662 F1 teosinte Ac3660 F1 teosinte Ac3662 RNA-Seq 190M reads, 14Gb ABySS assembly ≥ 300bp 63,464 contigs Alignment against B73 reference genome v2 (≥90% identity, ≥50% coverage) 59,690 contigs aligned with B73 reference genome 3,774 contigs NOT aligned with B73 reference genome

27 Number of maize lines where the gene is present
Extensive validation (sequence capture & CGH) identified 72 expressed teosinte genes that are absent from all tested (N=92) maize genomes 92 diverse maize lines Hybridization Synthesis 2,836 potential PAVs Number of genes Logratio ≥1 Genotyping CGH array Number of maize lines where the gene is present

28 Map locations of T+ M- PAVs
26 isolated genes 11 clusters of 2 genes or more

29 Presence rate of 72 T+ M- PAVs in 91 teosinte accessions
Genotyping teosinte diversity panel via PCR % of teosinte accessions Questionable Low presence rate (≤50%) High presence rate (≥75%)

30 Random model – low frequency PAVs
16/72 (22%) of T+M- PAVs are present in <50% of tested teosintes. Low frequency T+M- PAVs could be lost via random processes, such as drift. Genetic bottleneck Drift or other random mechanisms Maize Teosinte

31 Direct Selection Against T+M- Genes
Selection AGAINST a PAV; multiple haplotypes in maize possible (depending on LD in teosinte) Maize Teosinte Genetic bottleneck Direct 49/72 (68%) T+M- PAVs are present in more than 75% of the tested teosintes Selection (direct or indirect) can explain the loss of high frequency T+M- genes

32 Indirect Selection Against T+M- Genes
Selective sweep Maize Selection FOR a domestication allele in LD and coupling with the absence of a PAV indirectly selects against the PAV Teosinte Indirect 27/49 high-frequency PAVs (55%) co-localize with low diversity regions 49 T+M- PAVs (68%) are present in more than 75% of the tested teosintes Selection (direct or indirect) can explain the loss of high frequency T+M- genes

33 Summary (Part I) Maize haplotypes exhibit extensive SV (CNV and PAVs) that affects several hundred genes (supported by CGH, PCR, and re-sequencing results: both WGS and exome capture) SV provides a testable hypothesis for heterosis (potentially making heterosis more predictive) SV may help explain extraordinary level of phenotypic diversity in maize. CNVs and PAVs that are not in LD with SNPs could contribute to some of “missing heritability” in GWAS experiments. “Recurrent de novo CNVs” can arise via meiotic segregation (SNH Model), yielding non-parental gene complements that have phenotypic consequences (transgressive segregation?) Genetic variation arising from SNH model would NOT be detected in typical genome scans

34 Summary (Part II) It is widely accepted that allelic diversity is reduced by domestication. We now know that not only alleles but entire genes can be lost during domestication ~2,000 expressed genes present in teosinte are missing from the B73 genome. 72 of these genes are missing from all other tested maize lines. Teosinte genes failed to pass through the domestication bottleneck for a variety of reasons (selection for or against haplotypes and random processes). Teosinte genes that were lost inadvertently during domestication, may have potential in crop improvement (e.g., biotic and abiotic stress resistance).

35 Outline CNV and Presence-Absence Variation (PAVs)
The origin of “recurrent de novo CNV” Revisit the domestication bottleneck in light of SV Relevance to cassava?

36 What About Cassava? Interesting questions:
How common are PAVs among cassava CVs? (Steve Rounsley) Do wild relatives of cassava contain genes that are absent from breeding germplasm? (Wenquan Wang) Do these missing genes confer agronomically relevant traits? (e.g., resistance to biotic or abiotic stresses) (implications for positional cloning experiments) Does complementation of key PAVs contribute to heterosis in cassava? (Ismail Rabbi)

37 The Maize Genome Sequencing Project
Collaborators Srinivas Aluru Dan Nettleton Nathan Springer Brad Barbazuk The Maize Genome Sequencing Project Jeffrey Jeddeloh Mike Scanlon (PI, Cornell) Jianming Yu, M. Timmermans, G. Muehlbauer, D. Jannick-Buckner Jinsheng Lai 38

Sanzhen Liu Camile 刘三震 Rustenholz Kai Ying Yan Fu Wei Wu 应开 傅延 吳薇 CHINA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY 39 39

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