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Unit 6 Bell Work: French Revolution

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1 Unit 6 Bell Work: French Revolution

2 Bell Work #1 What do you know about France during the Age of Absolutism and the Enlightenment? (Think about Louis XIV)

3 Bell Work #2 Define deficit and list two ways to cure a deficit

4 Bell Work #3 List three causes of the French Revolution

5 Bell Work #4 list two of the major events that led up to the revolution and how they played a role

6 Bell Work #5 According to the Declaration of the Rights of Man, list two rights all men are guaranteed

7 Bell Work #6 Define Robespierre and the “Reign of Terror.”
How did the “Reign of Terror” lead to Napoleon seizing power?

8 Bell Work #7 List two of the reasons/mistakes Napoleon made causing him to lose his power

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