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Published bySolomon Potter Modified over 6 years ago
presented by Bruno Spataro on behalf of NORCIA experiment at INFN-LNF
Achievements and activities's status on the electroformed X Band structures at INFN-LNF presented by Bruno Spataro on behalf of NORCIA experiment at INFN-LNF HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
This work is made possible by the efforts :
Contributors This work is made possible by the efforts : NORCIA Group, INFN - LNF SLAC(USA) KEK (JAPAN) UCLA (Los Angeles-USA) UNIVERSITY LA SAPIENZA (Roma) HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
SUMMARY Problems related to the Sintered Molybdenum bulk
Electroforming and Electroplating activities Au-Ni Electroformed cavity at GHz Characterization of the Mo film Collaborations : SLAC, KEK, UCLA, UNIVERSITY LA SAPIENZA (ROMA) HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
NORCIA (NOvel Researches Challenges In Accelerators)
is the INFN R&D program on ‘multicell resonant structures’ operating at X-Band (10 ÷ 12 GHz) the MOTIVATION ……. The research project is devoted to the R&D of key components for existing accelerators and for the next generation of accelerators. New technologies are necessary to achieve the multi-TeV energies of future linear colliders, x-ray FELs, etc. To use in high brilliance photo-injectors (SPARC-phase-2) to compensate the beam longitudinal phase-space distorsion, enhanced by the bunch compression of the acceleration process To gain know-how in vacuum microwave technologies Approach : To study new materials and manufacturing techniques including single and multi-layer surfaces with precision-controlled properties HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Sintered Molybdenum (Bulk)
Guidelines: How to improve the high power perfomance (e.g. discharge rate) ? R&D on material using material with a higher fusion temperature avoiding the device heating at high temperature as done in conventional brazing R&D on fabrication techniques R&D on material Sintered Molybdenum (Bulk) Electroplated and Electroforming R&D on fabrication techniques Electron Beam Welding Molybdenum sputtering HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Drawing of the 3 - cells X-Band structure (SW- 11
Drawing of the 3 - cells X-Band structure (SW GHz) for the breakdown studies The model was designed at SLAC in order to concentrate the RF field in the mid-cell for breakdown studies Longitudinal field profile of the operating π mode - SW structure Mandrel sketch for the construction of the structure using the electroforming technique The electroforming approach is a manufacturing method in order to avoid heat treatment of the metal Comeb - MLT Companies HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Sintered Molybdenum bulk brazed and Electroplated structures [3-cells X Band (SW)]
3 cells Sintered Molybdenum bulk brazed structure issue [NIM-A-657 (2011) ] Sintered Mo bulk Brazed structure Field profile – π mode Higher power tests of the brazed model have been carried out at SLAC (V. Dolgashev et al.). As a result: ~300 nm roughness using ‘tungsten carbide’ tools (3 tools for machining the structure) It is not easy to braze. It is likely to have a gas contamination and an uneven loading stress in the braze region (joints are not completely filled with alloy) long time for machining the cavity (Mo bulk is a hard material) 3 cells Cu (OFHC) Electroplating structure Higher Power tests of the model have been carried out at SLAC (V. Dolgashev et al.) by giving very promising results [NIM-A-657 (2011) ] Electroplated structure Field profile – π mode The 3 cells made of Cu are already machined and encapsulated by galvanoplastic technique HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
…… Electroforming R&D and Test
Structure mandrel consists of 5 cells Fundamental mode response of Cu-Mo electroformed structure Some RF devices constructed with the electroforming technique RF coupler and cell Cross section of a Mo-Cu electroformed structure Q0 = 5406 π mode 5 cells mandrel of a Mo-Cu structure Another view of the Aluminium mandrel of the RF coupler and cell ready to be electroformed Mo discs are already machined to be the iris of the electroformed cell The Mo discs improve the mechanical properties with the external ribs RF cells have been obtained after removing the aluminium core with alkaline solution (sodium hydroxide NaOH) Electroformed of the RF coupler and cell Next step: a) to improve the quality of the Cu surface altered by the alkaline solution by depositing silver or gold on the core b) to improve the Mo surface roughness (~ 300 nm !!) HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
…… Electroforming R&D and Test
Au-Ni flat sample gave a resistivity ~ 1.2 worse than Cu (SLAC- V. Dolgashev et al.) The flat samples have been prepared using combination of : PVD Au (200nm)+ Galvanic Gold (3 micron) COMEB & MLT Companies Flash adhesion layer PVD or galvanic (Pd, Ni) typically 0.5 micron; E-formed Ni or Cu HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
(COMEB and MLT Companies)
Electroformed NORCIA’s prototype of the 3-cells X-Band structure (COMEB and MLT Companies) The mandrel’s model for the electroforming The structure’s mandrel with a 3 µm thick of Au’s coating Fitting tests between mandrel and CF flanges Final structure after coating of Ni with a 4 mm thick HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
11.424 GHz cross section of the electroformed cavity (Au-Ni)
Hollow of the iris’s cooling Iris thickness 2 mm Hollow wall thickness 0.5 mm 70 nm roughness Au (3 µm) and Ni (4 mm) coatings HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Iris cooling video of the electroformed Au-Ni structure
HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Low level RF tests of the Au-Ni electroformed structure
The main RF parameters of this Au-Ni electroformed structure measured at room temperature are summarized in Table For each mode a good agreement between the theoretical values of the operating frequencies The working π mode is about 3.9 MHz off (with untuned devices !) Qzero of the is π mode a little poor: conductivity has to be improved !! Table : RF parameters at room temperature of the Au-Ni electroformed structure Tests of the Longitudinal Electric fields profiles on axis π – mode π/2 mode 0 mode Jim Lewandowski, SLAC HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Breakdown data of the Electroformed-Au-Ni as a function of different length of shaped pulse [SLAC - V. Dolgashev et al.] 400 ns 400 ns 150 ns 150 ns 200 ns 200 ns During the initial process the electroformed structure run similarly to electroplated Cu structures of the same geometry 400 ns The structure performances improve with the accumulated breakdowns and may be additionally improved after more processes 150 ns The gradient at low breakdown rate at 200 ns shaped pulse shows better perfomances than at 150 ns shaped pulse (anomalous behaviour). 200 ns Data analysis does not show a clear correlation with RF fields or with the pulse heating for the same breakdown probability. HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Breakdown data for soft copper and electroformed Au-Ni of the same shape at 200 ns shaped pulse (soft Cu, Electroformed Au-Ni) [SLAC - V. Dolgashev et al.] Electroformed-Au-Ni Electroformed-Au-Ni soft Cu soft Cu Electroformed-Au-Ni Electroformed-Au-Ni Electroformed-Au soft Cu soft Cu Comparison of the structures with respect to Maximum-Poynting-vector soft Cu This approach allows to compare the results with structures with different shape and geometry The gradient and pulse heating at low breakdown rate is similar to soft-copper structures of the same type at 200ns shaped pulse HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Autopsy of electroformed Au-Ni [SLAC - V. Dolgashev et al.]
Images of the three cells taken from the high gradient side Input side of Coupler cell High gradient side of End cell High gradient side of Center cell The images clearly show relevant damages in the End and Center cell The cell on the left is the input side of the Coupler cell does not show the same damage HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Autopsy of electroformed Au-Ni [SLAC - V. Dolgashev et al.]
Images of the three cells taken from the low gradient side Cavity side of Coupler cell Low gradient side of Center cell Low gradient side of End cell The images do not show relevant damages compared to the high gradient side HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Autopsy of electroformed Au-Ni [SLAC - V. Dolgashev et al.]
Magnification of the images taken from the high gradient side High gradient side of Center cell High gradient side of End cell Gold coating has been almost completely removed in the region of the high-electric field by multiple breakdowns HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Undamaged Gold plating
Autopsy of electroformed Au-Ni, SEM inspection [SLAC- V. Dolgashev et al. ] Undamaged Gold plating M - spots Coupler cell, near 2b diameter, low pulse heating area. Center cell, near 2b diameter, high pulse heating area. The plating looks thin M stands for «Melted» We see no massive pulse heating damage on the gold coating We compare that to previously tested copper-on-stainless steel structure which showed massive pulse heating damage to the copper coating HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
First conclusions on the electroforming activities
Flat samples resistivity is ~1.2 worse than Cu [SLAC] We built two structures made of Au-Ni. The field profile and frequency are satisfactory for both sections Structures resistitivity is ~2.5 worse than Cu [SLAC]. The deposition with the galvanic process occurring at grazing angles affects the film’s compactness (due mainly to the porosity inside the film) The iris’s cooling with a 2 mm thickness was successful ! The sodium hydroxide (NaOH) removes the Al mandrel but does not affect the Au deposited film. The latter is required to stop the erosion of the mandrel HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Electroformed Gold-Nickel structure issue
We successfully tested at high power one of two structures made with electroforming (a manufacturing method that avoids heat treatment of the metal ) The RF losses in the structure are 60% higher than in copper structure of the same type due to a poor resistivity of the gold coating (no uniform gold coating in high magnetic field areas or diffusion of nickel into gold plating). We did not observe the increase of this loss in flat samples coated with gold in the same manufacturing process [SLAC] The gradient at low breakdown rate is similar to soft-copper structures at 200 ns shaped pulse and about 20% lower at 150ns shaped pulse (in spite of high RF losses and slow initial conditioning) [SLAC] We see no massive pulse heating damage on the gold coating [SLAC] We speculate that the reason for the good performance of the structure is that the gold coating was removed by RF breakdowns, exposing nickel, which in its turn is breakdown resistant We speculate that with an improved quality of gold coating this type of structure could have better performance than copper HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
[COMEB & MLT Companies]
X band Galaxie gun prototype (J. Rosenzweig - UCLA) with cooled irises manufactured with the electroforming process Tuners (2 mm diameter) cooled irises The tuners can be machined before electroforming or with the EDM process [COMEB & MLT Companies] HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
From the Sintered Molybdenum (Bulk) to sputtering molybdenum actvities at LNF
Roughness’s investigation of the molybdenum sputtering on a Copper sample with a 70 nm roughness AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) shows the surface of a copper sample (70 nm roughness) before molybdenum sputtering AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) image of deposited molybdenum (100nm thickness) on a copper sample by sputtering technique The roughness of the film is comparable to that of the substrate. This indicates that the roughness is determined by the substrate (a factor 3 lower than the 300 nm roughness of the Mo bulk)
Enhanced conductivity via thermal annealing (Mo/Sapphire)
Mo coatings with an electrical conductivity comparable to that of copper can be obtained optimizing the thickness and the post-deposition annealing process We already characterized a series of Mo films coated on insulating substrates. We selected two reasonably thick samples (~300 nm and ~1030 nm depth) annealed at both ~300 °C and ~600 °C in order to study their resistivity as a function of the temperature [Chinese Physics C 36, (2012) and Chinese Physics C 37, (2013)]. XAS (X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) investigations have been performed at Diamond Light Source (UK), before and after annealing, in order to identify the chemical status of Mo film, to probe the presence of different oxides and control the multiphase nature of these metallic films. A clear decrease of the resistivity as function of the temperature occurs in both samples. The variation is larger for the sample with a 300 nm thickness that is a factor of 2.5 at 600 0C 300 nm thickness 1030 nm thickness Annealing: 2 hours The large observed difference in the resistivity of the Mo films, is mainly associated to the ratio betweem grain and the layer thickness [P. Muecke et al. Acta Mater. 56 (2008)] 677–687] Surface&Coating Technology 261 (2015); Mo and MoO2 values available from the literature Additional studies on growth parameters, post- treatment annealing process are in progress in order to further reduce the resistivity of the Mo films. Resistivity values of BRN1 and BRN2 samples for different annealing temperatures. These annealed coatings are multiphase metallic films with negligible contributions of disordered oxide phases HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
Future activities Usually coatings with PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) processes give a much better purity compared to the galvanic one. We are investigating the coatings of gold made with PVD in order to improve the film's conductivity We planned to perform two steps for the gold film deposition through the PVD process with an angle, while the mandrel is turning (continuous rotation). This layout may deposit at an angle of ±30 deg growing a layer of Au more homogeneous and with a lower porosities [tests are in progress on dedicated prototypes] Film deposition onto trenches region (as the iris) with an aspect ratio 3-4 by using the IONIZED MAGNETRON SPUTTERING may improve film structure and density [tests are planned on dedicated prototypes] Activities on the Electron Beam Welding (EBW) HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
A special thanks to the SLAC’s people
and Thank you very much for your attention HG workshop June 16-19,2015- Tsinghua University-Beijing, China
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