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Miss Litton’s Tuck Shop

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Litton’s Tuck Shop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Litton’s Tuck Shop

2 Miss Litton’s Tuck Shop
Miss Litton wants to set up a tuck shop in her office. She needs to know what types of chocolate bar to stock. She also wants to know if boys or girls are likely to buy more chocolate Miss Litton has given you the job of finding this out and reporting back to her

3 Collecting your data She would like to stock 6 types of chocolate bars. Miss Litton thinks that 30 people is a suitable sample size to ask. Your task is to design a suitable data collection sheet. It must include 6 types of chocolate bars and the data from boys and girls.

4 Ask 30 pupils and fill out your table.
Homework Ask 30 pupils and fill out your table.

5 Report to Miss Litton You are required to write a summary report for Miss Litton. How can you represent the data clearly for Miss Litton? Your report needs to be completed for homework

6 Boy Girl Total

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