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Welcome to Year 4 Add Year group. Feel free to change the background style.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 4 Add Year group. Feel free to change the background style."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 4 Add Year group. Feel free to change the background style.

2 Teacher: Mr. McElwee Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Parnham
Names and photographs look good on here if you have time.

3 Daily Routine Children arrive at 8:40 Early morning task to be done
The first lesson begins at 9:00 The children have a break at 10:15. Lunch is from till 1.15. School finishes at 3.30. Add any other specific times for your day, such as afternoon break for KS1 etc.

4 Healthy Lunches All children in Foundation and KS1 are entitled to a free school dinner. In KS2 children are able to bring a packed lunch or purchase a hot school meal. Please provide your child with a balanced school lunch. Children are not allowed sweets, chocolate bars, fizzy drinks, cans or glass bottles in their lunchbox. All lunchboxes must be named. Please make sure all water bottles are labelled. Parents who qualify for free school meals should ring the school and speak to the Finance Officer.

5 Pupil Premium Pupil Premium is a Government funded initiative to help raise standards for pupils from lower income families. The school receives an additional £1320 per eligible pupil to support their education (through additional teaching and support). If you think your child is eligible, please complete the form and return it to the office. Please speak to the office or a member of staff if you are unsure.

6 Autumn Term Planning Here is a summary of what the children are going to be learning this term: Feel free here to put a copy of the Curriculum Map that goes on the website, or to elaborate a little more over the next few pages. But make sure to include all areas of the curriculum.

7 Weekly timetable

8 Homework Homework is a very important aspect of school life and an extension of our learning. We expect a very high standard for homework and know that the children will give it in when requested. Use this slide to establish your expectations for homework and to prescribe how and when it goes out. The table above shows what is in the school policy, and here is the amount expected: Years 1 and hour per week Years 3 and hours per week, Years 5 and hours per week

9 Clothing and PE PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.
Please make sure you have the correct kit, labelled and in school all week. Earrings must be removed for PE, and long hair tied back. This is quite obvious, but adjust accordingly and add details of kit if needed.

10 Class Dojo! If you wish to use this opportunity to show your parents about this, then I can help you set it up. If not, then just delete this slide for now.

11 Class Charter/Rewards/Sanctions
Please add a copy of the agreed charter you have written with your class – either copy and paste the table, or list the rules/rewards however you have decided them.

12 Reading Please encourage your child to read at least 3 times a week and sign their reading record whenever they have read for a short period. We will collect the Reading Records in to check that children are reading at home and to read any messages you may have written. We have started to organise reading books… It is important to encourage parents and children to start the home reading as soon as possible, and many parents will ask. Adapt this slide according to how you have decided to manage the reading books with your class. There will be further discussions about the reading books in the corridor and how we use them. But for now, please start children on taking reading books home and getting parents/carers to sign reading diaries regularly.

13 Future Events Parents Evening – Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th October
Class Assembly-Friday 10th November Either copy and paste some of the key dates from the main list, or just put in the relevant dates for your class such as class assemblies.

14 Our website…

15 Thank you for all your support Any questions?

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