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 Chocolate By Kathryn Worth.

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1 Chocolate By Kathryn Worth

2 Old Times. In 1824 the first ever chocolate company was made. Cadburys. Imagine living before that NO CHOCOLATE! NOOOOOO! John Cadbury first in vented chocolate bars in the Cadbury service as you can probably imagine. It started off with John opening a grocers shop at 93 Bull Street, Birmingham. And sold cocoa and drinking chocolate. By 1842 John was selling 16 varieties of drinking chocolate and 11 different cocoas!  In 1847 the Cadbury brothers’ booming bisness moved into a new, lager factory in Birmingham. Fry’s did make the first chocolate bar but not cocoa! The earliest preserved price list showed you that you could buy drinking chocolate in the shape of cakes and powder!

3 Now you can get lots of different types of chocolate. Such as:
Celebrations Malteasers Minstrels AND MANY, MANY MORE! Mars bars

Special thanks to Shannon for picture ideas! THANKS FOR WATCHING!

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