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American Meat Institute Supplier Committee Meeting

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1 American Meat Institute Supplier Committee Meeting

2 American Meat Institute Supplier Member Benefits

3 Supplier Benefits Eligible to participate on the AMI Board of Directors Opportunity to participate on the AMI Executive Committee Opportunity to participate on policy forming committees Animal Handling Worker Safety Environmental and Sustainability Human Resources International Trade Legislative and Public Affairs Committees Scientific Affairs Committee Supplier Committee Outline of Agenda for Presentation

4 Supplier Benefits Assistance with regulatory questions and issues from experts on staff Networking with the Board of Directors Online listing at Reduced fees for AMI Foundation events Opportunity to Sponsor or exhibit at AMI Foundation events Targeted mailing lists Discounts on energy purchases, recall insurance, health insurance and shipping. Outline of Agenda for Presentation

5 Open Discussion What can AMI offer suppliers that will bring more value for your membership? What opportunities or benefits to you receive from other associations that AMI could provide? Outline of Agenda for Presentation

6 American Meat Institute Supplier Chairman Selection

7 AMI Board of Directors The bylaws permit no more than 70 members on the board All Board of Directors serve a 3 year term. Board members can serve subsequent terms if they attend or are represented at more than 50% of the meetings. There are currently 7 suppliers on the Board, one serves on the Executive committee for 1 year term Outline of Agenda for Presentation

8 Current Suppliers on the Board
Class of 2012 Mark Moshier, Arrowsight Paul Conover, GEA Food Solutuions Nikola Vajda, Marlen Class of 2013 Karl Deily, Cryovac Sealed Air Corp. (current Chairman) Class of 2014 Jeff Eastman, Alchemy Systems (future Chairman) Einar Einarsson, Marel, Inc. Class of 2015 (elected at Fall 2012 meeting) Craig Hess, Speco, Inc. Tom Kittle, Handtmann James Renda, Multisorb Technologies Harlan VandeZandschulp, Gleeson Construction and Engineers Outline of Agenda for Presentation

9 Nomination Process AMI has an annual nominating committee.
Committee is comprised of selected Directors and is chaired by the AMI past chairman. The Officers and AMI staff make recommendations to the Nominating Committee, eg. a list of members for possible consideration as Directors. The Nominating Committee makes the final selections for Officers, Executive Committee, Board and committee chairs. Outline of Agenda for Presentation

10 Supplier Committee Current Process
Nominating Committee nominates new supplier Directors. AMI arranges a conference call for all suppliers on the Board, including current, outgoing and newly nominated Supplier Directors, to discuss Executive Committee representation and Supplier Committee chair. On the call, Supplier Directors nominate one from amongst eligible Directors. The selected Director serves a one year term as the supplier representative on the Executive Committee and chairs the Supplier Committee during that year. Outline of Agenda for Presentation

11 Option: list of Supplier Board members that are eligible to sit for one year the Executive Committee to the suppliers on the board. Each Supplier eligible to vote will select their top three choices in order of preference: first, second, third. First equals 3 points. Second equals 2 points. Third equals 1 point. Supplier with the most points will serve for one term. In the event of a tie, a second round of voting will occur to select the representative. Outline of Agenda for Presentation

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