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(School Health Advisory Council)

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Presentation on theme: "(School Health Advisory Council)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (School Health Advisory Council)
SHAC Meeting - 11/19/14 SHAC (School Health Advisory Council) Meeting April 30, 2015 AGENDA

2 Welcome Mrs. Rebecca (Becky) Castañeda, Federal Programs Director Enjoy Lunch while you review minutes from last meeting!

3 Unidad – Tobacco Prevention and Control Coalition
Melissa Tejada Volunteer Specialist

4 Attendance Matters Mrs. Ida M. Garcia: Director of Intake/ Attendance/Discipline

5 2014-2015 SHAC Overview September 2014 November 2014 2014-2015 Goals
Health Services November 2014 Child Nutrition Services Parental Involvement Information Reports

6 2014-2015 SHAC Overview February 2015 Safety and Risk Management
Health Services Counseling Police Parental Involvement Physical Education Active Education: Growing Evidence on Physical Activity and Academic Performance

7 Review Goals Collaborate between City Officials, community members and school district to form partnerships that promote wellness, physical activity, healthy eating and recreational activities for students.

8 Set Goals for ____________________________________

9 Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for SHAC
Section One: Terms of Service The SHAC shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary, each to serve two-year terms. Officers may not serve more than two consecutive terms. Officers will be selected in April and installed at the first September meeting of the SHAC. No officer shall be an employee of DISD. Section Two: Responsibilities The responsibilities of the Chair shall be to: Preside at all meetings of the SHAC. Appoint committees as necessary. Serve as ex officio member of all Committees-without vote except, the Nominating Committee. Work directly with the Executive Committee and the Coordinator to compile agendas for all meetings of the SHAC. Perform other responsibilities as may be prescribed by the SHAC, which are in accordance with SHAC’s authorizing statute, district policy, and direction of the Board.

10 Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for SHAC
 The responsibilities of the Vice-Chair shall be to: Preside at SHAC meetings in the absence of the Chair. Serve as ex officio member of all committees-without vote, except the Nominating Committee. Serve as Chair-elect. Perform other responsibilities as may be prescribed by the SHAC, which are in accordance with SHAC’s authorizing statute, district policy, and direction of the Board.

11 National Health Observances
Better Hearing and Speech Month Global Employee Health and Fitness Month Healthy Vision Month Hepatitis Awareness Month Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month Mental Health Month National Stroke Awareness Month National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month May 3-9: Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week May 5: Hand Hygiene Day May10-16: National Women’s Health Week May 12-16: National Neuropathy Awareness Week May 31: World No Tobacco Day

12 National Health Observances
Cataract Awareness Month Men’s Health Month National Safety Month June 7: National Cancer Survivors Day June 15-21: Men’s Health Week

13 National Health Observances
Cord Blood Awareness Month Juvenile Arthritis Month National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month July 28: World Hepatitis Day

14 National Health Observances
Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month National Immunization Awareness Month Psoriasis Awareness Month August 9-15: National Health Center Week

15 September 2015 Questions/Clarification

16 Motion to Adjourn Meeting

17 Thank you for being part of the SHAC Committee this year!

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