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Charge of Committee on LGBTQ Campus Climate (AS /EC)

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Presentation on theme: "Charge of Committee on LGBTQ Campus Climate (AS /EC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charge of Committee on LGBTQ Campus Climate (AS 993-16/EC)
FIRST READING TIME CERTAIN 2:45 pm Pei-Fang Hung, PhD: CLGBTQCC Membership Coordinator Dina Perrone, PhD: CLGBTQCC Former Chair ( )

2 CLGBTQCC Charge Revisions
Committee Title – CLBTQI+CC Membership (added staff from Multicultural Affairs) Governance (removed Membership Coordinator) Selection Procedures (edited to reflect current process) Vacancies (added selection process)

3 Committee Title Committee Name Revised Purpose:
Old: The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Campus Climate (CLGBTQCC) New: The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer + Campus Climate (CLGBTIQ+CC) Purpose: To match the title of the ASI cabinet position and be more inclusive

4 Membership Staff Membership Updated Purpose:
Old: Five (5) full-time staff members New: Four (4) full-time staff members Added One (1) staff member designated by Office of Multicultural Affairs Purpose: Address changes in Student Affairs Represent campus diversity Maintain the number of voting members


6 Membership Student Membership Revised Purpose:
Old: One (1) student designated by SLD New: One (1) student appointed by the President, Associated Students, Inc.  Purpose: Students selected by their peers

7 Membership Faculty Membership Edit Purpose:
Old: Five (5) probationary or tenured faculty members New: Five (5) tenure-track or tenured faculty members Purpose: Consistent with AS language

8 Governance Membership Coordinator removed Purpose
Old: Annually, the Committee on LGBTQ Campus Climate shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Recorder, and Membership Coordinator New: Annually, the Committee on LGBTIQ+ Campus Climate shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Recorder Purpose Not Needed

9 Selection Procedures Edits Members are elected not appointed
Explicitly requested a statement of interest and/or qualifications Added completion of the Safe Zone Training is preferred. Added the selection/election of alternates The Academic Senate Nominating Committee shall recommend lecturers and tenure-track or tenured faculty members plus one alternate for election by the Academic Senate The Staff Council shall elect staff to fill current vacancies plus one alternate. Cleaning and clarifying procedures outlined in the document

10 Selection Procedures Edits
Old: Lecturer and probationary and tenured faculty shall be recommended by the Academic Senate Nominating Committee in consultation with the Chair or Designee of the Committee on LGBTQ Campus Climate for approval by the Academic Senate. New: Once the Academic Senate Nominating Committee has selected its nominees for the Committee on LGBTIQ+ Campus Climate, the Academic Senate Nominating Committee shall review them with the Chair or a Chair-designated member of the Committee on LGBTIQ+ Campus Climate.

11 Selection Procedures Edits Purpose
Old: Staff members shall be recommended by the Staff Council in consultation with the Chair or Designee of the Committee on LGBTQ Campus Climate. New: Once Staff Council has selected its nominees for the Committee on LGBTIQ+ Campus Climate, Staff Council shall review them with the Chair or a Chair-designated member of the Committee on LGBTQI+ Campus Climate Purpose Best reflect current process The current process – occurred for 4 years. We neither have had any issues with the current process nor have been presented with evidence of bias. Has AS confronted the nominating committee regarding their concern for potential bias? Could this be a potential concern for anyone nominated to serve on a committee? We ask the AS to provide evidence of bias? Isn’t the election process the check on that bias? This political climate, we are especially concerned with the potential for further marginalization, the potential harm to those we serve, and the perpetuation of hate and silencing. Provide a voice to the LGBTQ+ Reduce marginalization

12 Vacancy Statement Added process for filling vacancies Purpose
New: In the event that a tenured/tenure-track position, a lecturer position, a staff position, or a student position on the CLGBTIQ+CC is vacant, the designated alternate shall serve on the Committee for the remaining term of service.  If an alternate is not available or is unable to serve, the appropriate body (Academic Senate Nominating Committee, Staff Council, or Associated Students, Inc.) shall fill the vacancy. Purpose Consistent with other AS committees

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