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Digital Curation Interest Group

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1 Digital Curation Interest Group
Rene Tanner Digital Curation Interest Group

2 Welcome Rene Tanner, Digital Curation Interest Group, Convener
Brianna Marshall, Digital Curation Interest Group, Incoming Convener; Digital Scholarship Section Executive Committee Chair Andrew Johnson, Digital Curation Interest Group, Recorder; Digital Scholarship Section Executive Committee Member

3 Working with born-digital materials in the BitCurator environment
Kam Woods, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

4 Using ePADD to process and provide access to email archives
Josh Schneider, Peter Chan, and Glynn Edwards; Stanford University.

5 Curating Research Data: How We Manage It Today and Why We Should Collaborate in the Future
Lisa Johnston, University of Minnesota

6 Update on VTArtWorks: Building a Communications Hub and Digital Repository for Community Cultural Development Three kinds of content: Blogs Critical Opinions Archive presented by: Andi Ogier, Virginia Tech

7 Recordings available ALA Connect page for DCIG
ACRL Digital Curation Interest Group page

8 DCIG Partners for Digital Scholarship Section Formation
What we have in common: digital platform future technology (acquisition, delivery, and storage of information) preservation of digital materials Hannah Scates Kettler, Digital Humanities Interest Group, Co- Convener Krista White, Digital Humanities Interest Group, Co-Convener Bobray J. Bordelon, Numeric and Geospatial Data Services in Academic Libraries Interest Group, Convener Brett Cloyd, Numeric and Geospatial Data Services in Academic Libraries Interest Group, Incoming Convener

9 Digital Scholarship Section (DSS)
The purpose: …define the future direction of digital scholarship as it relates to the organization, preservation, curation, analysis, visualization, and communication of digital works. Section officially begins September 1, 2017 If you are already a member of one of the founding Interest Groups, ALA will automatically transfer your membership to DSS. Just remember to add DSS when you renew your ALA membership!

10 Executive Committee for Digital Scholarship Section
Brianna Marshall, Chair Brett Cloyd, Member Andrew Johnson, Member Alix Keener, Member Chelcie Rowell, Member Joel B. Thornton, Member

11 Digital Scholarship Section Seeks Committee Volunteers for 2017-2018
Volunteers needed to chair the following committees for 2017–2018, DSS’ inaugural year. To express your interest, please Brianna Marshall by August 1, Research Data Management (RDM) Committee DataQ Committee Data Information Literacy Committee

12 Digital Scholarship Section Seeks Committee Volunteers for 2017-2018
Volunteers needed to chair the following committees for 2017–2018, DSS’ inaugural year. To express your interest, please Brianna Marshall by August 1, Digital Curation Committee Digital Collections Committee Digital Preservation Committee Support the exploration, adaptation, and implementation of emerging digital curation services, technologies, and infrastructures.

13 Digital Scholarship Section Seeks Committee Volunteers for 2017-2018
Volunteers needed to chair the following committees for 2017–2018, DSS’ inaugural year. To express your interest, please Brianna Marshall by August 1, Digital Humanities Committee Digital Librarianship Committee (dh+lib) Cultivate a community of practice that develops guidance, practitioner resources, and professional dialogues around digital humanities librarianship.

14 Digital Scholarship Section Seeks Committee Volunteers for 2017-2018
Volunteers needed to chair the following committees for 2017–2018, DSS’ inaugural year. To express your interest, please Brianna Marshall by August 1, Numeric and Geospatial Data Services (NDGS) Committee Engaged in the planning for, oversight of, and the provision of data services within academic libraries.

15 Digital Scholarship Section Seeks Committee Volunteers for 2017-2018
Volunteers needed to chair the following committees for 2017–2018, DSS’ inaugural year. To express your interest, please Brianna Marshall by August 1, Conference Program Planning committee Website Coordinating Committee Nominating Committee Education Committee

16 DSS Seeks Executive Committee Members 2018-2019
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary, Members-at-Large (two positions) Contact Yasmeen Shorish Nominating Committee Chair. Nominations will be submitted by September 1, 2017, for the 2018 ballot.

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