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Toby Stark, Executive Director

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1 Toby Stark, Executive Director

2 What do you picture when you hear the term ‘child sexual abuse’?

3 What is child sexual abuse?

4 Any sexual act between an adult and a minor, or between two minors, when one exerts power over the other. Forcing, coercing or persuading a minor to engage in any type of sexual act. Non-contact acts such as exhibitionism, exposure to pornography, voyeurism, and communicating in a sexual manner by phone or Internet.

5 1 in 10 minors will experience child sexual abuse by their 18th birthday, and
90% of those victims are abused by someone they or their families know, love and trust. Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to minors age 17 and under.

6 Grooming Process by which an offender gradually draws a victim into a sexual relationship and maintains that relationship in secrecy. At the same time, the offender may also fill roles within the victim’s community that make him or her trusted and valued.

7 Special attention, outings, and gifts
Isolating the minor from others Filling the minor’s unmet needs Filling needs and roles within the family or community Treating the minor as if he or she is older Gradually crossing boundaries, and becoming increasingly intimate/sexual Use of secrecy, blame and threats to maintain control

8 Grooming is very thought-through and calculating. It’s the master level of manipulation. Shaping the way you think about them manipulating relationships to get them what they want

9 When someone – be it a minor or adult – succumbs to someone’s grooming process, that’s called victimization. These victims are coerced and manipulated.

10 Child sexual abuse is the victim’s fault.

11 Do Something! Say Something!

12 80% of all child sexual abuse happens in one-on-one situations.

13 90% of children who are sexually abused are abused by someone they know, love and trust.

14 The Law: Everyone in the state of Indiana is mandated to report a reasonable suspicion of abuse to DCS.

15 … the use of power by an adult for sexual gratification with a minor.

16 Anyone who falls prey to the perpetrator’s grooming process is a victim.
Victims don’t look or act a certain way. Please don’t be judgmental of a victim.

17 Continue to hold yourselves, your colleagues, your community to the highest levels of excellence surrounding child protection.

18 Continue the conversation
Continue asking tough questions Continue demanding excellence from yourselves and others

19 to
Stewards of Children® Child sexual abuse prevention training for parents and adults who work with children. to Find the next training!

20 317-759-8008

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