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Presentation on theme: "Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday

2 “The bad news is, time flies. The good news is, you’re the pilot.”
Warm-Up “The bad news is, time flies. The good news is, you’re the pilot.” Write 3-5 sentences reflecting on this quote and what it means to you.

3 Welcome to 9th Grade AVID
Assignments Due: Monday Nov 7, 2016 Tuesday – Career and Personal Goals DUE – will be placed in portfolio WED/THU - Tutorial Forms due AVID Field Trip – Friday, Nov 18th Next Binder Check – WITH SIGNED MENTOR LOG DUE BY WEDNESDAY, November 23 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Career and Personal Goals Assignment Time management assessment Start Cornell Notes on Habit 3 Essential Question: How can I do a better job of managing how I spend my time? Objective: I will reflect and evaluate on my own time management skills.

4 Career and Personal Goals
Goal: (begin with the end in mind) Where do you want to be? Length of Goal: By what date do you want to accomplish your goal? Steps: What 6 steps must be accomplished BEFORE you can reach your goal? Roadblocks: What might be a challenge that could prevent you from accomplishing your goal? Support: Who or where can you go to get help? Reward: What will be the reward you will have when you do accomplish your goal? These forms are due TUESDAY and will go in your Freshman portfolio

5 Habit #3 Put First Things First

6 How well do you manage your time?

7 Time Quadrants

8 Have You Ever Heard… there’s not enough time in the day?
It should be restated, “There’s not enough organized time in the day.”

9 Ways to Avoid Procrastination
Set realistic goals Just start Do school work when your energy level is at its highest Break large tasks into smaller ones Work for realistic periods of time Avoid study marathons (like all-nighters) Create an effective place to do your school work Allow extra time for unexpected things Schedule time for yourself Do the most difficult tasks first (eat your veggies before dessert) Reward yourself when you have finished tasks on time.

10 What Do Teens Spend Their Time Doing?
Over a third of teens hold part-time jobs, working about 2 ½ hours day The average American teen spends almost 3 ½ hours a day watching television. (American Psychological Association, 1993)

11 (Pew Internet & American Life Project 2005)
What Do Teens Spend Their Time Doing? Teens spend about 1 ½ hours a day with friends doing social activities outside of school. Teens spend about 1 hour a day talking to friends via technology like the telephone, , IM or text messaging. (Pew Internet & American Life Project 2005)

12 (Jack Myers Media Business Report, 2007)
What Do Teens Spend Their Time Doing? Male teens spend about 2 hours a day playing video games. Females spend about 30 minutes a day playing video games. (Jack Myers Media Business Report, 2007)

13 What Do Teens Spend Their Time Doing?
Nearly three-quarters of teens spend 2-3 hours or more per day listening to or downloading music.

14 Do the Math Work 2.5 hours per day T.V. 3.5 hours per day
Social Activities 1.5 hours per day Talking 1 hour per day Video Games 2 hours per day (boys) Music hours per day In School hours Homework hours Sleep hours _____________________ 27.5 hours per day

15 How is Your Day Like a Suitcase?
You can’t fit everything into an unorganized suitcase You can fit everything into an organized suitcase

16 How is Your Day Like a Closet?
You can’t find important things in an unorganized closet You can find important things in an organized closet

17 Your Day is Like a Jar Full of Rocks…

18 Sand fills in the cracks.
Your Day is Like a Jar Full of Rocks, Sand…. Sand fills in the cracks.

19 Your Day is Like a Jar Full of Rocks, Sand, and Water
Water fills what's left.

20 Rocks represent “things that have to be done.”
= School = Job = Chores = Sleep = Eating

21 Sand represents “enjoyable activities” that fill our time.
= Texting = Social Activities = T.V.

22 Water represents time that is wasted.
= Driving = Waiting in line = Daydreaming

23 What do YOU fill your jar with first?

24 Reading with Cornell Notes
Get out a blank piece of paper and set it up for Cornell Notes EQ: How do I put first things first? Read about time management on pages in the book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey.

25 Tuesday

26 Warm-Up Personal and Career Goals are due in the basket on the front table!!!!!! What are the rocks in YOUR jar? – the important things you MUST do Every day? What makes up the sand in YOUR jar? – the extra stuff that you like to do each day? What makes up the water in YOUR jar? – what are you doing that is wasting time?

27 Welcome to 9th Grade AVID
Assignments Due: Tuesday Nov 8, 2016 Tuesday – Career and Personal Goals DUE – will be placed in portfolio WED/THU - Tutorial Forms due AVID Field Trip – Friday, Nov 18th Next Binder Check – WITH SIGNED MENTOR LOG DUE BY WEDNESDAY, November 23 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Pass out Field Trip forms Finish Cornell Notes from Habit 3 Prioritizing your Day Worksheet Essential Question: What does it mean to put first things first? Objective: I will learn how to prioritize the time in my day.

28 Field Trip forms Must be signed by each teacher
Since it is an academic trip, you do not need to be passing all of your classes, but you still need their signatures Must be signed by a parent Due back to Mrs. Dyke by Tuesday, Nov 15 or you WILL NOT ATTEND THE FIELD TRIP We will be leaving CHS at 9:30 and returning by 1:30 Bring a lunch or $ for lunch Wear comfortable shoes, we will be doing a lot of walking

29 Prioritizing your Day – On your Own

30 Wednesday/ Thursday

31 Warm-Up Where do you spend most of your time? Explain and give an example.

32 Field Trip forms Must be signed by each teacher
Since it is an academic trip, you do not need to be passing all of your classes, but you still need their signatures Must be signed by a parent Due back to Mrs. Dyke by Tuesday, Nov 15 or you WILL NOT ATTEND THE FIELD TRIP We will be leaving CHS at 9:30 and returning by 1:30 Bring a lunch or $ for lunch Wear comfortable shoes, we will be doing a lot of walking

33 Welcome to 9th Grade AVID
WED/THU - Tutorial Forms due AVID Field Trip – Friday, Nov 18th Next Binder Check – WITH SIGNED MENTOR LOG DUE BY WEDNESDAY, November 23 Assignments Due: Wed/Thu Nov 9/10, 2016 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Field Trip Permission form reminder Tutorial groups Pass back graded papers Finish School Day handout Write Questions for and Summarize Cornell Notes Habit 3 Activity Cards (if time permits) Essential Question: How can I use collaborative inquiry to be more successful in my classes? Objective: I will actively participate in a tutorial.

34 Tutorial Reminders Tutor Scripts
If you did not get to present last week, you go first today!! Notes – Write the name of the person presenting on your paper as you are copying down their notes Off-task or on your phone without permission – points off for collaborative inquiry When your group is done: No moving No talking to other groups Work on homework or organize your binder/backpack

35 Pass back graded papers:
Add to your portfolio: Goals Mission Statement Career Goal Personal Goal Add to AVID section of your binder: 17) Tutorials 11/2-3 18) Epitaph/Eulogy 19) Roadmap for Life

36 Finish Cornell Notes and Prioritize Your Day Worksheet
Write a question for each topic/subtitle/idea you have in your notes Write a FIVE sentence summary Turn it in to the basket on the front table Prioritize Your Day: Make sure each time segment is labeled Use colored pencils to color your segments different colors Answer the reflection questions on the back

37 Activity Cards In your assigned groups you must complete the assigned tasks on each of the 12 cards Grab a copy of the text to use as a reference You will take turns writing your responses to the activity cards on the Response Handout/Chart - Do NOT have one person record all of the responses for the entire group. I should see THREE or FOUR different types of handwriting!! Please have a thoughtful group discussion for each card, and give your responses in complete and in-depth statements

38 Activity Cards

39 Friday

40 Welcome to 9th Grade AVID
Assignments Due: Friday Nov 11, 2016 Today’s Agenda: No School Essential Question: How can I effectively participate in a collaborative class discussion (Socratic seminar)? Objective: I will prepare questions and participate in a Socratic seminar.

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