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MAP Mmmm-Tuesday  What type of map is this?

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Presentation on theme: "MAP Mmmm-Tuesday  What type of map is this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAP Mmmm-Tuesday  What type of map is this?
What type of information can we use from this map? According to this map, what is the climate region for Northern Africa? How many total climate regions exist, according to this map? Keep landform packets/disasters!!!!

2 MAP Mmmm-Tuesday A climate region map
Where climate regions are located in the world Arid (Dry) 14

3 Climate

4 Climate Basics Climate is the name for the general conditions of temperature and precipitation for an area over a long period of time. Several factors affect climate Latitude Wind and Ocean currents Elevation Topography (landforms, size of land mass, etc.)

5 Climate Zones Latitude is the most important factor in determining climate The three major climate zones on the Earth are the polar, temperate, and tropical zones. 66° N 23 1/2 ° N 0 ° 23 1/2 ° S 66° S Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn Antarctic Circle

6 Polar (High Latitude) Zones
From the pole to about 66 degrees latitude Average yearly temperature is below freezing Tend to be dry with very little vegetation 66° N 23 1/2 ° N 0 ° 23 1/2 ° S 66° S

7 Temperate (Middle Latitude) Zones
Found between 66 degrees and 23 1/2 ° N & S Moderate temperature and year-round rain. 66° N 23 1/2 ° N 0 ° 23 1/2 ° S 66° S

8 Tropical (Low Latitude) Zones
Between 30 degrees north and south latitude Surround the equator High temperatures and high humidity. 66° N 23 1/2 ° N 0 ° 23 1/2 ° S 66° S

9 Wind and Ocean Currents
Hot air/currents flow towards the poles and cold toward the equator Wind Currents Convection: the transfer of heat in the atmosphere by upward motion of the air Ocean Currents Coriolis Effect- the rotation of the currents in the ocean

10 Topography/Elevation
Topography details what the physical area looks like Elevation, or altitude, is the distance above sea level As elevation increases, temperature decreases 3-5 degrees every 1000 ft

11 How does climate affect our lives?
Limits amount of Earth’s surface we can use Polar regions, deserts, rainforests Influences agriculture Tourism and recreation Water resources Disease and Illness

12 Activity Become an expert on your climate
Fill out your climate zone’s section of the chart. Create a mini-poster with all of the required information. Poster must include: Name of climate zone Description of climate Location of regions (absolute and relative) 3 countries that have this climate Picture of climate landscape Picture of climate vegetation Tomorrow you will get notes on all of the climates through presentations given by your classmates!

13 Talk About It Wednesday
You have 20 minutes to finish up your poster and prepare your mini-lesson. As other groups are presenting, you will be expected to fill out your chart with their information. On that note, please be sure that your presentation refers to all of the required information on the chart!

14 Climate Presentations
Fill out your climate chart as your classmates present. Tropical Temperate Polar

15 Learning Task Fill in any missing information on your climate chart.
Use the rest of class to prepare for the test tomorrow: Work on unit questions Gather all of your bell-ringers Finish any notes you need to (landforms)

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