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Discipleship. Anytime. Anywhere.

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1 Discipleship. Anytime. Anywhere.
Living the D-Life Discipleship. Anytime. Anywhere. D-Life Training Life Bible Study

2 Lesson 1 Let’s Talk About Living the D-Life

3 What is your purpose?

4 What is your purpose? According to Jesus, it is one main thing.

5 What is your purpose? According to Jesus, it is one main thing.
It is two words.

6 What is your purpose? According to Jesus, it is one main thing.
It is two words. Your purpose is to MAKE DISCIPLES.

7 A Couple of Concerns There is a common misconception about discipleship.

8 A Couple of Concerns There is a common misconception about discipleship. We need a process of multiplication for discipleship.

9 Living the D-Life means living a lifestyle of discipleship.
This is the purpose of D-Life. Living the D-Life means living a lifestyle of discipleship.

10 The Main Thought… Living the D-Life is not
a program; it’s a lifestyle.

11 Mark 3:13-15 And He went up on the mountain and called to Him those whom He desired, and they came to Him. And He appointed twelve (whom He also named apostles) so that they might be with Him and He might send them out to preach and have authority to cast out demons.

12 1. D-Life is your supreme purpose in life.

13 1. D-Life is your supreme purpose in life.
Making disciples is Christ-like.

14 1. D-Life is your supreme purpose in life.
Making disciples is Christ-like. Making disciples is commanded.

15 Matthew 4:19 And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

16 Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

17 The Great Commission is not a great suggestion.

18 2. D-Life has a simple plan to follow.
Jesus poured His life into His discipleship group of twelve men. In D-Life, we refer to a discipleship group as a “D-GROUP.”

19 The 6 Practices of D-Life
Fellowship Teaching Prayer Ministry Multiplication Accountability

20 John 13:15 For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.

21 3. D-Life has has the spiritual power to transform lives.
Powerful spiritual transformation can occur through the loving accountability of D-Groups.

22 John 14:12 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.

23 How can I live out my supreme purpose in life?

24 How can I live out my supreme purpose in life?
Believe you can live a life of making and multiplying disciples.

25 How can I live out my supreme purpose in life?
Believe you can live a life of making and multiplying disciples. Be equipped and empowered for a lifestyle of discipleship.

26 Takeaways… D-Life is not a program; it’s a lifestyle.
Living the D-Life involves living a lifestyle of discipleship. Living the D-Life is our supreme purpose in life. Discipleship can happen anytime and anywhere. Jesus radically changes lives through the six practices of D-Life.

27 The Bible and the D-Life Web App
Lesson 2 The Bible and the D-Life Web App

28 With the D-Life Web App you place at everyone’s fingertips the power to live a life of discipleship—anytime and anywhere.

29 The Main Thought… The Bible and the D-Life Web App are the only tools needed for living the D-Life.

30 The D-Life Web App includes brief content on each of the six practices of D- Life.

31 The D-Life Web App contains information on weekly note keeping.

32 The D-Life Web App contains the weekly study guides.

33 D-Life Study Guides come in both electronic and printable formats.

34 Sample Electronic Study Guide with Notes

35 Sample Printable Study Guide See Notebook Pages 7 & 8

36 The D-Life Web App includes a simple plan for sharing the Gospel.

37 The D-Life Web App includes the D-Life Blog.

38 Takeaways… The Bible and the D-Life Web App are the only tools one needs for living the D-Life. The D-Life Web App is a simple tool that will place at everyone’s fingertips the power to live a life of discipleship—anytime and anywhere.

39 Group Assignment A Mock D-Group Meeting for Men Sample 1 Study Guide (Page 7 in your Notebook)

40 The Fellowship of D-Life
Lesson 3 The Fellowship of D-Life

41 It is hard to overstate the importance of relationships in one’s life
It is hard to overstate the importance of relationships in one’s life. The Christian life is centered around relationships.

42 The Main Thought… Intimate fellowship with other believers is a main priority of living the D-Life.

43 Mark 3:16-19 He appointed the twelve: Simon (to whom He gave the name Peter); James the son of Zebedee and John the brother of James (to whom He gave the name Boanerges, that is, Sons of Thunder); Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him.

44 1. Choosing a D-Group must be intentional.
Jesus has called us to be “fishers of men.” This involves more than merely announcing you are starting a D-Group. You must go fishing.

45 1. Choosing a D-Group must be intentional.
Understand the importance of prayer.

46 1. Choosing a D-Group must be intentional.
Understand the importance of prayer. Understand the impact of hospitality. “hospitality” – is philozenia. From philos, meaning “affection” and zenos, meaning “stranger.” Hospitality in the Bible literally means, “to show kindness to a stranger” (Heb. 3:2a).

47 1. Choosing a D-Group must be intentional.
Understand the importance of prayer. Understand the impact of hospitality. Understand the initiative of leadership.

48 2. Connecting with a D-Group will be imperative.
Your D-Group should meet weekly for fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. You can meet anytime and anywhere.

49 3. Characteristics of a D-Group will be important.

50 3. Characteristics of a D-Group will be important.
You want a diverse group. Mature Believers New Believers Unbelievers Multi-Generational Believers

51 3. Characteristics of a D-Group will be important.
You want a diverse group. You want a defective group.

52 3. Characteristics of a D-Group will be important.
You want a diverse group. You want a defective group. You want a dedicated group.

53 Takeaways… Intimate fellowship with other believers is a main priority. You must pray about who the Lord wants you to ask. Practicing hospitality is critical. You must take the initiative to call people to join your group. You want to have as much diversity as possible. You must be dedicated to living the D-Life.

54 Group Assignment Where are your current “fishing holes?” Where could you create some new fishing holes?

55 Lesson 4 The Teaching of D-Life

56 A key word related to the teaching of D-Life is the word “simple.”

57 The Main Thought… Storytelling and group discussion are the main teaching techniques in living the D-Life.

58 Mark 4:1-2a, 10 Again He began to teach beside the sea. And a very large crowd gathered about Him, so that He got into a boat and sat in it on the sea, and the whole crowd was beside the sea on the land. And He was teaching them many things in parables….And when He was alone, those around Him with the twelve asked Him about the parables.

59 1. Teaching in D-Life involves storytelling.
Any committed believer can “teach” like Jesus by using stories.

60 2. Teaching in D-Life involves simple techniques.

61 2. Teaching in D-Life involves simple techniques.
The simple technique of daily Bible reading.

62 2. Teaching in D-Life involves simple techniques.
The simple technique of daily Bible reading. The simple technique of finding personal applications from the Bible.

63 Application Questions
Is there a… Sin to confess? Promise to claim? Attitude to change? Command to obey? Example to follow?

64 Find a personal application from Matthew 5:1-16
Group Assignment Find a personal application from Matthew 5:1-16 Matthew [Circle One: S P A C E ] Personal Study Notes: ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sin to Confess / Promise to Claim / Attitude to Change / Command to Obey / Example to Follow.

65 3. Teaching in D-Life involves sharing in guided group discussions.
When Jesus was alone with His disciples, they shared in group discussions where they would unwrap the meanings of His stories and teachings.

66 4 Weekly Assignments: 1) Pray, 2) Tell, 3) Read, 4) Facilitate
D-Group Weekly Agenda 4 Weekly Assignments: 1) Pray, 2) Tell, 3) Read, 4) Facilitate Fellowship Time Prayer Time Accountability Time Story Time Bible Reading Bible Study Ministry Planning Weekly Assignments Closing Prayer

67 Facilitating the Bible Study
Ask the study guide questions with intention. Lead the discussion purposefully. Push the pause button Get everyone in the group involved.

68 Facilitating the Bible Study
Stop someone from dominating the discussion. Keep the discussion on point. Be truthful, positive, and transparent. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

69 Takeaways… Teaching in D-Life revolves around storytelling.
Personal Bible reading and note keeping is required of D- Groups. It is very important to keep D-Life teaching techniques simple and reproducible. D-Group Bible study leaders are not teachers; they are facilitators.

70 Lesson 5 The Prayer of D-Life

71 Few things in life are more needed but more neglected than the power of fervent prayer.

72 The Main Thought… Living the D-Life involves praying with others and practicing the discipline of prayer in our daily lives.

73 Matthew 6:9-13 Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

74 1. Through D-Life we must teach the priority of prayer.
Prayer is a great privilege. We must not neglect it. In every D-Group we must teach and model the priority of fervent prayer.

75 2. Through D-Life we must model the practice of prayer.
As we pray together in our D-Groups, we learn the practice of prayer from one another.

76 A Model for Fervent Prayer
Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication

77 3. Through D-Life we must nurture faith in the power of prayer.
One thing all D-Groups MUST do every time they meet is to pray for revival and the spiritual healing of our land.

78 2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

79 Takeaways… D-Groups must commit to the daily spiritual discipline of personal prayer. D-Groups must pray together weekly and keep notes on prayer requests. D-Groups must pray every week for revival and for the spiritual healing of our land.

80 Group Assignment (Before the Break)
A Mock D-Group Meeting for Men Sample 1 Study Guide (Page 7 in your Notebook) If this was already done after Lesson 2, join together with a small group for a few moments of prayer for revival.

81 Group Assignment (After the Break)
A Mock D-Group Meeting for Ladies Sample 2 Study Guide (Page 8 in your Notebook)

82 Lesson 6 The Ministry of D-Life

83 True discipleship does not occur apart from the three remaining practices of D-Life.

84 The Main Thought… Living the D-Life involves doing the work of ministry and evangelism outside the walls of the church.

85 Mark 6:7 And He called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.

86 1. D-Groups must obey the call to ministry and evangelism.
Jesus called His disciples to do the work of ministry and evangelism that they had observed Him doing.

87 2. D-Groups must share a commitment to ministry and evangelism
THE MINIMUM GOAL OF EVERY D-GROUP is to work together on one community ministry and evangelism project every two months.

88 An Effective Approach to Ministry Evangelism
Love Listen Discern Respond “Is there anything we can pray for you about?” Kyle Martin TIME TO REVIVE

89 Effective Evangelism Tools
Time to Revive Bible

90 Effective Evangelism Tools
The Gospel on the D-Life Web App

91 3. D-Groups join in celebration of ministry and evangelism.
Times of celebration and reflection after each ministry project are valuable opportunities for personal discipleship.

92 Takeaways… Living the D-Life requires a commitment to the work of ministry and evangelism. Living the D-Life involves on the job training in the work of ministry and evangelism. Living the D-Life demands that we do the work of ministry and evangelism outside the walls of the church.

93 Group Assignment Join together in small groups and brainstorm ideas for ministry and evangelism.

94 The Multiplication of D-Life
Lesson 7 The Multiplication of D-Life

95 The Kingdom principle of multiplying disciples is one of the most necessary and neglected practices of discipleship.

96 The Main Thought… Living the D-Life requires the multiplication of disciples; apart from multiplication there is no real discipleship.

97 2 Timothy 2:1-2 You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

98 1. The multiplication of D-Life is empowered.
We can be filled with dynamite-like power for the purpose of multiplying disciples.

99 2. The multiplication of D-Life is explained.
Multiplication is God’s secret principle of how the kingdom is to grow.

100 The Multiplication of D-Life
The Simple Plan Every D-Group multiplies yearly. Every D-Group has at least three disciples.

101 The Remarkable Results
Y1 = 1 D-Group / 3 Others Y2 = 2 D-Groups / 6 Others Y3 = 4 D-Groups / 12 Others Y4 = 8 D-Groups / 24 Others

102 The Remarkable Results
Y5 = 16 D-Groups / 48 Others Y10 = 512 D-Groups / 1,536 Others Y20 = 524,228 D-Groups / 1,572,864 Others Y30 = Over 500M D-Groups / Over 1.5B Others

103 3. The multiplication of D-Life is expected.

104 3. The multiplication of D-Life is expected.
We must have the dedication of a soldier.

105 3. The multiplication of D-Life is expected.
We must have the dedication of a soldier. We must have the discipline of an athlete.

106 3. The multiplication of D-Life is expected.
We must have the dedication of a soldier. We must have the discipline of an athlete. We must have the diligence of a farmer.

107 The greatest reward of disciple making is multiplication.
D-LIFE BOOT CAMP TRAINING Be intentional. Prepare your D-Group for multiplication. Enlist new leaders for the next D-Life Boot Camp Training.

108 4. The multiplication of D-Life is exciting.
A lifetime lifestyle of making and multiplying disciples is the ultimate D-Life commitment.

109 Takeaways… Multiplying disciples is what God has called you to do.
Multiplying disciples is what God will empower you to do. Multiplying disciples is what God will reward you to do. Multiplying disciples will result in the exponential growth of God’s kingdom.

110 The Accountability of D-Life
Lesson 8 The Accountability of D-Life

111 Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people to feel they are not up to the task for living a life of discipleship.

112 The Main Thought… Living the D-Life involves loving spiritual accountability in the context of a caring relational environment.

113 Luke 22:31-34 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Peter said to him, “Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death.” Jesus said, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you deny three times that you know me.”

114 1. Lives are changed by living the D-Life.

115 1. Lives are changed by living the D-Life.
Commitment to the Word of God.

116 1. Lives are changed by living the D-Life.
Commitment to the Word of God. Commitment to our walk with God.

117 1. Lives are changed by living the D-Life.
Commitment to the Word of God. Commitment to our walk with God. Commitment to our work and witness for God.

118 2. Leaders are called to live the D-Life.
In spite of our failures, insecurities, inadequacies, and shortcomings, we are called to live the D-Life.

119 3. Let us commit to living the D-Life.

120 3. Let us commit to living the D-Life.
Living the D-Life is a priority commitment.

121 3. Let us commit to living the D-Life.
Living the D-Life is a priority commitment. Living the D-Life is a personal commitment.

122 Takeaways… Jesus has called you to live the D-Life.
You are empowered to live the D-Life. Will you commit to live the D-Life?

123 I pray that you will make a lifetime commitment to living the D-Life.

124 Fill Out the D-Life Commitment Card
Group Assignment Fill Out the D-Life Commitment Card I would like to lead a D-Group. I would like to help lead a D-Group. I would like to be in a D-Group.

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